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Academia Iluministă (89)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
Jiren Gray a adăugat 8 fotografii în albumul Voices of the Movement.

by Adam Weishaupt – Book 2/7

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Voices of the Movement by Adam Weishaupt:

The Anti-Elite Series – Book 2/7:


The Movement is a new, meritocratic, grassroots force that seeks to topple the privileged elite.

The basic income debate is featured in this book, and the Pythagorean Illuminati provide an analysis of the profound issues raised.

What is the problem with contemporary capitalism? Simple: the capitalist elite. Without them, and with a much wider and more equitable distribution of capital, capitalism could be reformed and become an authentic force for good.

We call this new and improved form of capitalism “social”, “public” or “meritocratic” capitalism.

It’s time to get politically engaged, to get mad, to get real, to get radical.

Do not read this book if you are a closed-minded Abrahamist, a conspiracy theorist or a member of the privileged elite. The material provided by the Pythagorean Illuminati is not for petty, cheap, narrow-minded religious fanatics, those who believe in Reptilians and those who worship Mammon.


A Book Review:

“This is another great book written by the Pythagorean Illuminati. This book is one out of a series of books the Illuminati have written and they are all excellent. If you have any interest at all in learning the answers to life’s greatest mysteries you need to read all of the Illuminati’s books. You should also check out the Illuminati’s websitewww.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk (main) and their facebook pages/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati andwww.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

The Illuminati take many interesting and challenging subjects such as mathematics, psychology, science, philosophy, politics and religion and bring them together into what scientists have always been trying to discover; a Grand Unified Theory of Everything. The purpose of the Illuminati’s books are to give interested people most of the knowledge that a 6th degree Illuminatus would have. All the books are written very well and the writing is easy to read and filled with humor.

Just like all the Illuminati’s books “Voices of the Movement” is packed with knowledge. There are only 6,000 members of the Illuminati in the whole world. That is fewer then one in a million. The Pythagorean Illuminati is not an organization that people can just sign up for. The Movement is the branch of the Illuminati that any meritocratic person can join and contribute to changing the world into a more just and equal place.

My personal favorite part and the core of the book was the debate between two members of the movement over whether or not people in a Meritocracy will receive a basic income for being part of that society. I believe the eventual goal should be as close to a money free society as we can possibly get. Something like the resource based economy that Jacque Fresco has designed would be amazing. I understand that getting from a cut throat capitalist society to a community oriented, resource based society is going to take a period of transition. The economy of this transitional period will be called social capitalism; it will be based on a much more even distribution of wealth and equal opportunities. You can learn all about social capitalism by reading the Illuminati’s books. During this period of social capitalism money is still going to be used and circulated around society. Of course anytime money is used to purchase the basic necessities of life we are going to have a chance that some people won’t have enough money to purchase what they need to survive. This is unacceptable in an enlightened, rational meritocracy and it is where the basic income plan comes into play. The two members of the movement both have very good points and reading what they say will make you think about how you would want your society structured. Getting people to think is exactly what the Illuminati are trying to accomplish.

For what it’s worth I personally have always wanted to see something similar to a basic income but it doesn’t involve directly giving people money. The socialist in me (and there is quite a bit) has always wanted everyone to have free access to the basic necessities of life. I would like society to work on providing everyone with enough healthy food and clean water, warm clothes, health care, education, and a reasonable shelter. I believe providing people with the things that we all need to survive will eliminate a massive amount of fear and anxiety in the world. People could finally take a much needed breath and figure out how they can best contribute to their society. Is it possible to provide all of this? I hope so. Nobody really knows what we could accomplish if we spent as much money on building a strong, healthy society as we do on destroying life.

Speculating about a better society and how you would want it is needed and mentally stimulating; I can’t stop thinking about these kinds of things. It is useless though if we don’t take action and make our speculative fiction a reality.” –BG


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