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Academia Iluministă (97)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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Jiren Gray a adăugat 7 fotografii în albumul Wolf or Dog?


Wolf or Dog? by Adam Weishaupt:

The Anti-Elite Series – Book 4/7:


There are two types of human being – “wolves” (aggressive, assertive dominants who are determined to get what they want), and “dogs” (timid, domesticated, submissives, continually at the mercy of the wolves). Capitalism is a wolf ideology. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are dog religions – intent on forcing you onto your knees and making you obey endless commandments. Capitalism and Christianity work perfectly together. The capitalist wolves can prey on the Christian dogs who simply “turn the other cheek.”

Democracy is another perfect vehicle for wolves. The people – the dogs – are given the illusion that they are in control, yet all democracies are just oligarchies and plutocracies. The ruling elite are never evicted by democracy. The wolves decide the political agenda and the candidates. The people merely choose which wolf will feed on them.

All aspects of existence can be analysed according to the wolf-dog theory. Why has feminism largely failed – is it because women were “bred” to be domesticated and submissive by dominant “wolves”? Are Jewish and African American histories a function of their being prey to “white wolves”? Is gang culture the rawest expression of the wolf culture? Is the movie “Scarface” a case study of an archetypal wolf? Is Nietzsche’s characterisation of Cesare Borgia a perfect summation of wolf doctrines? Nietzsche was the philosopher of the ultimate wolverine concept of Will to Power.

How did the Spartans go about killing the wolves amongst the slave population they controlled (to ensure the rest stayed as timid dogs)? Do the chemicals testosterone, oestrogen and oxytocin determine whether you are a wolf or dog?

Is meritocracy the only political system that can free the dogs from the rule of the wolves?

So, what are you – wolf or dog?

This is a book by the Pythagorean Illuminati, and its aim is to re-train the dogs to understand the wolves and stand up to them. If you want the best things in life, you cannot allow yourself to be preyed upon by the Power Elite.


A Book Review:

“An excellent book from a series of excellent books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. The Illuminati take many interesting and challenging subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, psychology, religion, politics, economics and science and integrate them into nothing less then a grand unified theory of everything. All of these books are very well written and the authors make the challenging information as easy as possible for everyone to understand. If you have any interest at all in life’s greatest mysteries you need to read all of the books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. You should also check out the Illuminati’s websitewww.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook page/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati andwww.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

Just like all of the books by the true Illuminati this book tackles many controversial issues head on. The Illuminati aren’t afraid to face any issue whether it is “politically incorrect” or not and I believe that is something everyone needs to get the courage to do. Nothing is going to get done unless tolerant people aren’t afraid to upset and fight intolerant people. One of my favorite lines by the Illuminati is: “Tolerant people can tolerate all things bar one-intolerance.” Another one of my favorites is: “Any society that permits intolerant views to prosper is thereby intolerant, and should be overthrown by all good, tolerant people.” This is the attitude we need to develop as soon as possible. We need to stop being so weak and begin to act like Heroines and Heroes.

In this book the Illuminati use wolves and dogs to make several crucial points about humanity and human society. The Illuminati show how humans selectively bred wolves for certain submissive traits and came up with dogs. The book raises the question, Has the same selective breeding been done with humans and if so could it be reversed? The book takes a look at how women in society are taught to behave. It shows that feminism needs to continue to drive forward and smash this cultures stereotypes of women if any positive change is going to be possible in society. I for one think women need to be in charge of the major aspects of society, men have had their chance and look at where they have gotten us.

This book shows how a few dominant people (wolves) control the vast majority of submissive people (dogs) and the only thing that is going to stop the wolves are awakened, strong, healthy, heroic human beings. Submissive dogs will continue to do nothing. We need to wake up and realize what we truly are before it’s too late.” –BG



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