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Revolution Calling

Giugno 6th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

‘Meritocracy is designed to be as fair as possible to everyone and it achieves that by ruthlessly preventing the transmission of extreme wealth between private individuals (usually from parents to their children). If your greatest desire is to inherit money earned by someone else rather than making it yourself through your own sweat and talent then you are no meritocrat. You’re a parasite, and meritocracy has nothing to offer deadbeats and freeloaders like you.

All people who accept inheritances are moochers, looters and deadheads. They know they could never succeed through their own efforts. They always need a leg up from others. These people are a joke. They would be sad losers if they weren’t propped up by their rich parents. They are spineless and worthless, the refuse and garbage of the Earth. All of these “inheritors” are terrified of a fair fight, of being deprived of an artificial advantage and genuinely having to be the best to win. They are cowards. In a fair race, they would be humiliated – and they know it!

Just as a nation would wish to have its best, most meritorious generals become the leaders of its military, so a meritocratic nation seeks to get the best economists in charge of its economy. Just as generals are public servants charged with winning military victories at minimum cost to their own side, so meritocratic economic generals will be public servants and their task is to create the greatest economic victories for the people with the fewest casualties (unlike capitalism). Being public servants, they are required to operate in the public good. The capitalist elite, by contrast, always operate in the private good (i.e. their own good).

With meritocratic capitalism, there could be no such phenomenon as “globalism” whereby rich capitalists go anywhere in the world where the best profits for themselves are to be had, and show zero loyalty to their nations of birth. Any capitalist who took his money out of his country to use it elsewhere would be deemed the equivalent of a general who started using his army for his own interests or even that of a foreign power, i.e. he would be deemed an outright traitor and be immediately arrested.

You either sign up with the anarcho-capitalist libertarians and let the rich elites explicitly rule everything and replace government wholesale, or you sign up with the meritocrats, and meritocratic government will replace market power and rich elites wholesale.
Rich dynastic elites will cease to exist in a meritocracy since it will be illegal for anyone to transfer significant assets to any other private individual. Only wealth transfers to the public (the Commonwealth) will be possible. In a meritocracy, the dead have no rights over the living and are prevented from selectively passing on their assets to their chosen ones. All the assets of the dead are transferred to the Commonwealth and meritocratically distributed in the cause of equal opportunities. No one will ever again find the game of life rigged against them by private transactions designed to favour a special few over everyone else.

Well, then, what shall you choose? Should the rich, private elites be permanently in charge, or should the people rule via meritocracy?

The rich elites have always been terrified of the Illuminati. They know that if we succeed, they will be out of business for good and all of their wealth will be reclaimed at death for the Commonwealth via 100% inheritance tax. It’s precisely because they fear us so much that they have gone to such lengths to demonize us through their puppets, stooges and shills such as Alex Jones, Henry Makow, Benjamin Fulford and David Icke. Icke even goes as far as to describe the Illuminati as shape-shifting lizards from another dimension. If you believe him, you’re in as much need of psychiatric help as he is. Bizarrely, the Illuminati have been branded as “the elite”, thus taking the heat away from the actual elite who are right in front of your face – all the capitalist billionaires who run the world.
The game couldn’t be simpler. Either we let the rich elite rule, or we remove their power and wealth and the people will rule … for the first time in history.

Power is very straightforward. To know who’s in charge, you need do only one thing … follow the money. Only when the people control the money and the money trail leads back to the people themselves will the people be in charge.
If you want the people to be in power, you must remove the wealth of the elite. It’s as blunt, basic and primordial as that. Are you for the rich elite or against them? Are you for equal opportunities or against them? You can have equal opportunities only if all economic, political and social systems of privilege, inheritance and heredity are crushed forever. 100% inheritance tax is the means by which everyone becomes their own master, dependent only on themselves. You should have zero expectation of anyone giving you hand-outs. Rich people condemn the State for providing welfare hand-outs to the poor while they themselves give hand-outs to their own children and cronies via trust funds and inheritance. You are pathetic if you accept welfare either from the State or from your parents, and meritocracy is designed to get rid of State and parental welfare by making everyone stand on their own two feet and control their own destiny.

Are you with us or against us? If you support what we stand for, join the Movement. Bring about a New World Order, a New Model Society, where the people are in charge and rich elites are dismantled permanently.

We seek only activists – those with true hero potential. If you don’t have it in you, don’t delude yourself. Stay at home and play your video games.

Remember, we’re not a debating society. This is about activism only. If you are not willing to get involved in doing things, stay away. The world will change because talented people will come forward and change it. These people will write, create, preach, convert, inspire, act, perform wonders, and through the sheer force of their will and talent, the world will bend before them.
Meritocrats are achievers. That’s what defines them. So, if you can achieve something glorious, welcome on board. Given that we are meritocrats and revere talent and achievement above all things, we will give you the chance to demonstrate your merit. We will monitor social media, and highlight on this page the efforts of anyone who is committed to genuine activism and is getting the Movement’s message out there. It’s not about us, it’s about you. It always has been.

What is the purpose of our activism? It’s to wake up the sleeping, sedated masses by exposing the fraud of democracy. It’s to end the spell of false consciousness that the rich elite have cast over the masses. It’s to bring an end to predatory, rapacious capitalism, capitalist globalism and international finance. These will be replaced by productive capitalism run by publicly elected and accountable experts working for the public good. Large-scale global capital will end. There will be no multinational, global corporate leviathans dictating to nation States and avoiding paying tax. Capitalism will be small-scale (think “Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered” by E. F. Schumacher), and never greater than the nation State, whose interests it must serve rather than the private interests of super rich capitalists.

Everyone in the world must decide where they stand. Do you support the public or private good? Are you for or against inheritance? Are you for or against privilege (the opportunity afforded to the rich to buy competitive advantages over everyone else, particularly in respect of an elite private education for their children)? Are you a meritocrat or democrat? Are you for predatory capitalism (free-market capitalism) or productive capitalism (controlled by the nation State)? Are you for capitalist globalism or for the right of governments to be in charge rather than markets? Are you for positive or negative liberty? Are you for the General Will of the people or the particular will of the individual? Are you for nations being genuinely run by their people or by rich, unelected, unaccountable private elites? Do you admire the rich elites or despise them? Do you think that the rich and powerful should be in charge and that they are great Randian heroes? Do you support extreme private wealth and having a small group of super rich people owning the bulk of our world? Should Wall Street run the world or Main Street? Should the 1% rule or the 99%? Are you a libertarian? Are you an anarchist? Are you a communist? Are you a fascist? Make up your mind. Choose your side. Take action.

Why do most movements for change fail? It’s because their participants have no clear idea of what they stand for and what they really want. Enormous numbers of people with different agendas come together and then of course are unable to formulate a common way forward. They squabble and bicker and find that they have only one thing in common – the desire for something “better” than they have now. Yet they have no united vision of what this better thing will be, so each movement collapses under its own contradictions and internal tensions. And the rich elites just laugh and keep getting richer. They know they are invulnerable as long as the masses cannot agree, and they have taken great care to divide the masses as much as possible.
There’s only one real game in town – the rich elites versus the people. Who should rule? We have presented our vision of what should replace rule by the rich elites – meritocratic rule by the people. You will be either for us or against us. In your heart of hearts, you will be either a supporter of the rich elites (as Ayn Rand’s libertarians are), or want them removed from our world forever and power entrusted to the people, a principle that will be enshrined in the Constitution itself.

One measure crystallizes the entire debate – 100% inheritance tax (including the prevention of any attempts to evade this tax through trust funds or anything else). 100% inheritance tax reboots the world by destroying the wealth of dynastic families. The mentality of the world will change beyond recognition when people realize that they will never inherit a single cent from anyone else and that their success in life is their own business and no one else’s. At the moment, everyone who doesn’t have an effective network of nepotism and cronyism has no chance in life. Only when nepotism and cronyism are destroyed will the people of the highest merit – from any background – succeed.
So, above all else, the Movement must campaign for 100% inheritance tax. As a transitional measure, it might be tactically advantageous to apply 100% inheritance tax only to estates over, say, half a million dollars. But, in the end, meritocracy is defined by 100% inheritance tax across the board. That’s the only way to guarantee equal opportunities for all. The rich are welcome to spend all of their money on luxuries for themselves. Anything not spent by the time of death goes to the Commonwealth to be invested in the public good. What could be simpler, nobler, fairer or more moral?

We already know that many, many people despise 100% inheritance tax. To all those people, we say this … whether you think so or not, you are opposed to the public good, you are for the private elites, you support nepotism and cronyism, you are against equal opportunities and meritocracy. So, why don’t you man up and take responsibility for your pernicious beliefs? Declare yourself anti-meritocratic. Say that you agree that deadbeats like Paris Hilton should be allowed to inherit vast fortunes despite having done nothing to earn them. Say that you revere bloodlines over justice, fairness and merit. Say you support privilege. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Don’t live in bad faith. Don’t pretend to be moral and interested in the good of others. Confess that you are a libertarian egoist. Admit that you hate government in principle and resent even one cent of taxation. Grow a spine and tell the world that you hate it and all your love is directed towards yourself, your family, your cronies and your God … and everyone else can go screw themselves.

Know thyself, said the ancient Greeks. So, know who you are and what you really stand for, not what you fondly imagine you stand for. Choose your sides. 100% inheritance tax is the single tax that defines what side you’re truly on. You can’t fake support for this tax. You either agree with it or you don’t. You either want the meritocratic people to be in charge or the privileged elites that will use their money at every turn to anti-meritocratically buy competitive advantages for them and theirs. Inheritance is never anything other than an unearned competitive advantage. That’s all it can ever be. If you’re for inheritance, you’re for privilege and against merit. That’s the inescapable bottom line. There’s no conceivable meritocratic defence for inheritance.

It’s obscene that a nation such as America that worships inheritance and privilege should imagine that it is in any way meritocratic. America is a shameless, anti-meritocratic plutocracy where you have close to zero chance of succeeding in life if you don’t come from a privileged family and no competitive advantage has been purchased for you by your parents. The “great American novel” – The Great Gatsby – is all about how an outsider, no matter how ostensibly successful, will never be accepted by the elite and will always be destroyed by the elite.

The world divides into two types of people – those who support the public good and those who support the private good. The former have a positive attitude towards the concept of community, society, government and the State. If government is failing disastrously, it’s not because there’s an inherent problem with government but rather with those who typically form the government – who are usually advocates of the private good and out to feather their own nests.

Those who support the private good are opposed to community, society, government and the State. The monstrous UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher (who proclaimed, “There is no such thing as society.”) was someone who hated the State and wanted to destroy it. The British rich prospered to an astonishing degree under her rule. Plainly, a government led by someone such as Thatcher is not advancing the public good one iota. For Thatcher and all supporters of the private good, there are only individuals and families, and government should stay out of their lives as much as possible. Minimal state intervention is known as “negative liberty” while significant State intervention is known as “positive liberty”. Meritocracy is a positive liberty system since it actively seeks to destroy the power of private elites and dynastic families that promote nepotism and cronyism. People such as anarchists, libertarians, conservatives and free-market capitalists are advocates of the private good over the public good and are proponents of negative liberty.

In short, all authentic left wingers support the public good and all right wingers the private good (hence rule by rich private elites and dynastic families). Centrists are clueless compromisers.
All democratic nations have at least two main political parties, one broadly left wing and one broadly right wing. In America, the Democrats are nominally on the left (but are actually centrists), the Republicans are on the right and the libertarians on the far right. America has barely had any meaningful contact with true left wing politics. That might have been very different had the great Illuminatus Thomas Jefferson – a radical Jacobin – enjoyed unchallenged power in America. America would now be a left wing meritocracy devoted to the public good and reflecting the values of Plato’s Republic and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Social Contract. Tragically, Jefferson’s time as President went to waste as America chose instead to deify the private good and particular will over the public good and General Will. America has been ruled by a rich elite ever since, and it makes not one jot of a difference if the Democrats or Republicans are in power.
America, instinctively, is extremely right wing, libertarian and religiously fundamentalist. It’s full of rampant egoism, narcissism and the cult of the individual who fears only his “God”. America is the champion of unfettered capitalism and capitalism is the economic system of the private good (rule by rich elites). No country on Earth is more in need of a revolution than America. It has the greatest degree of false consciousness to be found anywhere. It’s even worse than Islamic countries! The “American Dream” is one of the most insidious delusions of all time.
America is a WASP plutocracy being ruled from Washington D.C., the heart of WASP power. America is a Judaeo-Masonic unholy alliance of Washington D.C. political power and Wall Street financial power. The Wall Street Jews and the WASP Freemasons of Washington D.C. are the true axis of evil in our world. From them came the gospel of capitalist globalization that is ruining all of our lives, and ensuring that only the rich can have power.

The WASPs and the Jews are united in their slavish devotion to the family, to nepotism, cronyism and privilege. They are religious fanatics. The Jews are extremist Zionists who believe they are the “Chosen People”, and the WASP Masons are extremist Protestants who believe themselves the elect and the saved. They think they have a divine right to rule and that civilization would collapse without them.

It’s up to the rest of us to show them that we – pagans and heathens – are the divine ones and to cast down their false Gods and idols, their Abrahamic devils and demons. Jesus and Zion must fall.’


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