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The True Nature of Nothing

Luglio 16th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

The True Nature of Nothing

In the 18th century, Laplace stated the Principle of Determinism: “If at one time, we knew the positions and motion of all the particles in the universe, then we could calculate their behaviour at any other time, in the past of future.” This is the basis of classical physics. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of quantum physics destroyed Laplace’s aspiration since it tells us that we cannot simultaneously know the precise position and momentum of even one particle never mind all the particles in the universe. This isn’t an experimental limitation, but a fundamental aspect of the quantum world. It accords with Max Born’s insight that in the quantum world there are no exact answers, only probabilities.

If a particle has no definite position and momentum and can be described only probabilistically then it simply doesn’t exist as “something” in the classical sense. The world we live in on a day-to-day basis may seem solid, predictable and full of “somethings”, but it is underpinned by a weird, shadowy foundation that gives way as soon as we touch it. There is simply nothing tangible there. Does that not sound like the strange synthesis of something and nothing that we have been discussing?

The Superposition Principle of quantum theory tells us that quantum particles can exist in a probabilistic cloud of different states that in classical terms would be mutually exclusive of each other. Only if and when the “wavefunction collapses” (to use the jargon) is one of the potential states definitely selected. Physicists have no idea what causes the collapse in favour of one state over the others. We will explain in a subsequent article the answer to this conundrum.

An atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. The nucleus is tiny and carries a positive charge. The domain of the negatively charged electrons is vast in comparison (about a billion times larger than that of the nucleus). In other words, between the nucleus and the surrounding electrons is an enormous space that is neither something nor nothing – but a strange probabilistic cloud, a superposition of all the different states that the electron can possess.

The reason that human beings do not get pushed into the ground by gravity is that the negatively charged electron “cloud” surrounding the nuclei of the atoms of the ground repels the negatively charged electron clouds surrounding the nuclei of human feet (or those of shoes), and this effect is much more powerful than gravity. In other words, our way of life is dependent on the strange clouds of electron probability surrounding nuclei. The solidity of atoms, of matter in general, is an illusion.

Atoms are not things – they are becomings. And humans, composed of atoms, are becomings too. The apparent solidity of our human lives would vanish if we could delve more deeply into ourselves. With every instant that passes we change. As the ancient Illuminist Heraclitus said, “There is nothing permanent except change.” He also said that we cannot step into the same river twice. With every passing second, cells in our body are dying. Some are being replaced, some are being repaired, some are vanishing for good. Our bodies are changing, our minds and memories are changing. We are continually becoming something new and different. Is the old man looking at a picture of himself as a newborn baby the same being as that baby? Or has he been on a path of becoming between those two points of his life?

In scientific terms, human beings are made of the food and drink that they consume during their lives – nothing else. As an Illuminist said ironically, “A human being is a means of getting food and drink to talk.” Every day what we take in through our mouths becomes us. We are mostly water. How can such a creature be considered a being?

Not Nothing. Not Something. Not Being. Becoming.

The Universe of Matter

Illumination denies that pure “nothing” has ever existed. It also denies that pure “being” has ever existed. Always, the universe is becoming. It is an eternal mixture of being and nothingness. It is about cycles of birth, death, rebirth: of creation, destruction, new creation. Nothing endures in the same form forever. The universe is in permanent flux; an infinite, seething ocean of activity. Quantum mechanics, with its emphasis on probability rather than determinism, is entirely consistent with what the ancient Illuminists regarded as the fundamental truth of the universe.

When physicists talk about vacuums – the closest we can get to nothingness – they refer to a turbulent quantum foam of virtual particles. “Bubbles are the seed of everything,” the great Illuminist Leibniz declared. The quantum foam underlies all things. The religions of Being – Christianity, Judaism and Islam – have no response to the discoveries of quantum physics other than silence. Only a religion of Becoming is compatible with the observed effects of quantum reality. Science and religion are not incompatible. Science should simply be discovering what religion has already declared to be true, but when religious fanatics declare a genius like Galileo to be a heretic because he observed that the earth orbited the sun rather than vice versa then it is religion that is refuted, not science. “Faith” is the refuge of those who refuse to accept science. Science has never made a single discovery that has challenged the teachings of Illumination, yet virtually all of modern scientific knowledge contradicts the sacred texts of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. “Virtual” is an adjective favoured by the ancient Illuminists. The Sea of Becoming is virtual.

Nothing, at its core, is quite real and quite solid. Only from the virtual can the real appear. Virtual existence is the inevitable precursor of actual existence. Reality is what appears when the virtual endures beyond its normal fleeting existence. As to why the virtual should have the tendency to become real, that is the essence of Becoming. Things are at all times competing to become more, to actualise, to realise everything that their potential permits. This is the Law of Becoming. Becoming might be considered as a force that acts on everything, transforming the simple into more complex forms, maximising their latent potentialities and possibilities. It is the dialectic, it is alchemy, it is evolution. The Law of Being, on the other hand, denies virtual existence. It states that Being – real, solid, and measurable – exists, has always existed and could never not exist. Otherwise Being must have spontaneously and perfectly emerged from Nothing, and that is impossible. Although simple forms always precede complex forms, never the other way around, believers in Being invariably make “God” – the most complex being conceivable – their starting point. The God of Being stands in direct opposition to the Theory of Evolution. No one can believe in both.

Illumination teaches that God is not the creator of the universe. The opposite is true. The universe is creating God. God is the telos – the object, the purpose – of the evolving, Becoming universe. All of the astonishing conclusions of Illumination flow from this single truth. As the universal dialectic unfolds, God is becoming purer and purer, more and more refined. In alchemical terms, God is turning into the purest gold. But this revelation has the most profound consequences. The outcome of the universe is not settled. There is no predestination. We are all free and we are all contributing to the dialectic, and what each and every one of us does alters how the dialectic unfolds. We ourselves are helping to shape God…or, rather, what we do determines God’s attitude towards us. Our fate is in his hands and yet, just as truly, his is in ours.

Illumination – ultimate gnosis – reveals the true nature of the True God and explains the precise nature of the test he has set for us all. This test is not of the ridiculous type preached by the false prophets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The last thing the True God wishes is for us to be his abject slaves. He does not wish us to “love, serve and obey him” – the mantra of all megalomaniacs and dictators – he wishes us to join him, to partake of “Godness”.

The True God is seeking those amongst us who are capable of becoming gods too. He wants allies, companions, equals. The last people of interest to the True God are those who would never look him in the eye, those who embrace slavery because some bearded “holy” man went up a mountain and came down waving a “holy” text that told them that God was a monster of egotism who wanted nothing but countless hordes to worship him. The God of egotism, the God who wants slavish worship, the God who stands behind the grotesque, nauseating religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam where human beings are stripped of all dignity so that the ultimate dictator can tower above them for eternity is the anti-God: Satan.

Christians, Jews and Muslims are Devil worshippers.

One of the truths of Illumination is that no God who demands worship can be God. God is not a tyrant. God is a mentor, a guide, a friend. God wants us to be the best we can be. The last thing he would wish for us is that we should spend our entire lives learning nothing but how to glorify him. Rather, he wishes us to glorify ourselves by transforming ourselves into alchemical gold.

Excerpted, page 146

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

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