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Posts Tagged ‘Academia Iluministă’
Academia Iluministă (52)
The Midas Gang:
There are 1,200 billionaires in the world (as of beginning of 2011). Why does anyone need to be a billionaire? How much money does someone need in order to live well? Should it be up to super rich individuals to decide, or is it actually something that is relevant to a whole community and hence should be decided by the community? When it comes to a State that has no say over how much private individuals are allowed to earn, cui bono? Is it the State or the super rich individuals who benefit?
A world has been constructed where a tiny number of individuals dictate to governments. They always get their own way. Politics and economic systems are designed to suit them. WHY?!
If the State cannot tell greedy individuals to take a running jump then the State has no power at all and we are all living in a plutocracy where our lives are shaped by the whims of extraordinarily rich individuals. What sane, rational person would wish to be the slave of the rich? The State, in the name of the people, must wrest control from the rich, and it can only do that by explicitly controlling their wealth. Why should the richest person on earth have more than say 100 million dollars? Would he be able to claim that he was being hard done by and forced to live in penury, or would he in fact still be able to enjoy an inconceivably luxurious life that others can only dream of? When is enough enough? We must derail the gravy train. We must stop the Greed Machine. If we don’t, we deserve all we get.
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity is but swindling futurity on a large scale…The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” –Thomas Jefferson
What Price?:
“Hollywood is a place that pays a $1,000 for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul.” –Marilyn Monroe
We live in a Price Tag society where we know the price of everything and the value of nothing. We inhabit a Sisyphean world where we toil during the day at some soul-destroying, alienating occupation. At night and weekends, when we are “free”, we consume junk TV, go shopping for junk, watch Hollywood junk, drink and take drugs to numb the pain, get out our iPhones, iPods and iPads to distract ourselves. And then the cycle begins all over again, day after day, week after week, year after year – until we die. Like Sisyphus, we never finish pushing the boulder. The task always wins in the end. It doesn’t die, we do! Isn’t it time we smashed the Sisyphean boulder? Who is making us push it? – the super rich capitalist ownership class, that’s who. They have chained us to it by piling debt on us: debt to them.
Decades ago, futurologists spoke of a coming “leisure society”. The idea was that technological innovations would eliminate countless dreary jobs while maintaining, and even increasing, productivity. People would still enjoy the same quality of life but would have to spend far fewer hours at the workplace. So the question was how they would spend all of their extra leisure time.
Why didn’t the leisure society ever materialize? People have worse jobs than ever. Imagine working in a call centre like a lab rat on a treadmill, robotically reading out a script to try to sell some junk product to reluctant customers.
The reason is that all the time we saved was re-directed into bringing out new product ranges faster and faster. Our masters created a world of hyper consumerism in which they sell to us round the clock. What is the internet? – a 24/7 shop-front. There isn’t a single moment when you are denied the opportunity to buy.
Rather than enjoying a leisure society, we have been manipulated into accepting a ferociously paced consumption fest which creates bigger profits than ever for the ownership class. Why don’t we step off the treadmill? We are free to do so whenever we want.
One of the most autonomous individuals in history was Diogenes the Cynic, who lived as a beggar in a barrel in the streets of Athens. He refused to let anyone be his master. The Illuminati have a “Diogenes Division” – these are members who have agreed to dedicate two years of their lives exclusively to Illuminati undertakings for the equivalent of a minimum wage. All members of the Illuminati must serve in the Diogenes Division at some stage, and it is deemed highly beneficial for the soul to endure a period of near poverty.
What are we?:
First of all: what we are not. We are not anarchists nor socialists nor libertarians nor ultra-capitalists nor communists nor democrats nor advocates of negative liberty.
We are MERITOCRATS. That is what defines us. We advocate strong government by the most meritorious men and women. We don’t want unmeritorious people in charge, nor greedy people out for themselves, and nor do we want no one in charge (as anarchists, libertarians and ultra-communists advocate – a position of so-called negative liberty).
We are advocates of positive liberty. By that we mean that we have an extremely powerful vision of what humanity ought to be and we want humanity to dedicate itself to reaching its omega point of dialectical perfection. We refer to that final state as the Community of Gods and the Society of the Divine. It logically follows that if we wish to attain that goal, the most meritorious amongst us are those most likely to get us there. We won’t succeed via the greedy or unmeritorious or those who have no vision of what humanity ought to be.
So, no we don’t advocate making common cause with any type of anarchist, libertarian or democrat – except as a short-term expedient to get rid of a common enemy. But the anarchists, libertarians and democrats would themselves become the enemies of our cause in due course since they would object to strong, directed government that actively promoted the pursuit of the perfection of humanity. What anarchists and libertarians oppose is all government. They oppose authority per se regardless of whether it is good or bad. We are enemies of wrongful authority but not of the authority of those whose talents qualify them to be in charge. The Illuminati is full of smart, creative people but we all acknowledge that the Grand Master and the Ruling Council are those best able to lead us to where we want to go.
Only a fool would ideologically oppose the principle of the wisest people being allowed to lead. If you require brain surgery, you want the best brain surgeon to perform the operation. You don’t choose the worst brain surgeon because you are opposed to “fascist” hierarchies of brain surgeons. Similarly, if you want the best society you seek the means of identifying those best qualified to deliver it. You don’t arrogantly decide that you are as well qualified as anyone else. Anyone who adopts that attitude is opposing the whole concept of merit and expertise. Anarchists and libertarians are invariably those who think that they are so great that no one could possibly be in a position to have better ideas and ways of doing things than they. They are deluded fools, with a massively inflated sense of their own abilities. The world would fall apart under anarchy or libertarianism. We would succumb to the grimmest Hobbesian war, everyone fighting with everyone else, and soon enough a Leviathan – a dictator – would rise up to impose order, and would be eagerly embraced by the masses. Anarchism and libertarianism are a complete joke. They have no vision of optimised human beings – in fact they would regard that aspiration as some sort of fascist dream.
We love Nietzsche’s concept of the Superman. We see the Superman as the necessary precursor of the Divine Human. If you are not enthralled by the idea of attaining perfection – of all human beings attaining perfection – then you are no ally of ours. Anarchists and libertarians despise the Superman. They just want to be left alone to pass the time as they see fit. Their vision of humanity is as dismal as capitalist consumerism.
We hope we have made our position crystal clear, and the scope of our ambition. If you prefer anarchism or libertarianism then you should join one of the vehicles for those ideologies. You certainly won’t be of any use to our mission.
Our key words are meritocracy, the transformation of quantity into quality, the pursuit of excellence, the alchemical project of turning base metal into gold, and the desire for perfection. If you don’t want to be perfect, go somewhere else. Our ideas are not for you. If you think you are already perfect and know the answers to everything – which is what the anarchists and libertarians effectively believe of themselves (they think they need no help from experts and the wise) – then, again, our ideas are not for you.
Everyone must approach knowledge with humility. There are those who know more than we do and we would be fools not to attempt to seek them out and gain their knowledge. Every member of the Illuminati understands that we can achieve remarkable things if we are part of a united society dedicated to the furtherance of knowledge and if we allow ourselves to be guided by those who are further along the path to enlightenment. Every member aspires to be Grand Master one day, but only if we deserve it because we have become the best, because we are the member of the Illuminati with the most merit. And then it is our sacred duty to lead the Illuminati ever closer to its omega point. The Grand Master is the servant of the Illuminati, not its dictator. To desire to be of service to others is to attain true wisdom. To be obsessed with serving yourself – like all of the present leaders of our society – is to prove that you are completely unfit to be a leader.
Society must protect itself from the types of people who are currently in charge. The easiest way is to ensure, by law, that the leaders are not super rich and can never become super rich. Any rich person who seeks to lead should first of all be compelled to surrender most of their wealth. If they refuse then they have proved that they are unworthy. They have demonstrated what their motivation is, and it’s obviously not public service.
Media Manipulation:
The media, said Noam Chomsky, is “a machine for manufacturing consent.” That’s not quite right. It creates the illusion of consent by the simple expedient of only allowing certain voices to be heard. It doesn’t so much make consent as pretend that it already exists. People are never given the opportunity to realize how little consent there actually is.
Social Capitalism:
The system we advocate may be called public or social capitalism. Its central idea is that rather than capital being concentrated in the hands of a tiny number of super rich, it is relatively evenly distributed across society. Profits do not go exclusively to the privileged elite but instead to everyone – or at least everyone who’s willing to work hard.
The banking system will be under public control but will nevertheless have capitalist features. Competition is one of the essential drivers of capitalism, and meritocracy will seek to identify the optimal ways of harnessing competition (in current capitalism there’s some healthy competition but also a great deal of wasteful competition and inefficient replication). The new banking system will be based on a large number of competing banks, all of which will have the opportunity to adopt different banking strategies. No bank will be allowed to be “too big to fail”, but each bank will have significant autonomy and the employees of the more successful banks will make more money than those of the less successful.
Similarly, the corporations of present-day capitalism – where the ownership class earn inordinate amounts of money – will no longer exist. Corporate ownership, like capital, will be much more evenly distributed.
We have said all along that the system we advocate is a synthesis of socialist and capitalist elements, and it should absolutely never be characterised as purely socialist. No socialist would recognise our system as belonging to their ideology. We are essentially capitalists who assert that the State should dictate to private capital rather than private capital to the State.
In the UK, the banking leviathan HSBC has threatened to relocate its headquarters from London to Hong Kong because it disapproves of what it sees as anti-banking measures being taken by the government. It is utterly unacceptable for any private institution to blackmail the State and demand preferential treatment. Our version of capitalism would kill off arrogant institutions like HSBC and replace them with capitalist institutions that owe their existence and loyalty to the State rather to the paradigm of “stateless Globalism”.
Contemporary capitalist multinational corporations have become extra-national i.e. they operate beyond the reach of any State. This means that the OWO – the super rich elite – can tell States all over the world what to do. This cannot be tolerated. Groups of private individuals cannot be allowed to favour their particular will over the General Will of the people. Our “State” version of capitalism reins in capitalism and re-establishes who’s in charge – the People, not small, privileged elites. Public capitalism recognises its obligations to the State. It does not immediately relocate to another part of the world if it fails to get its own way. Public capitalism is about ensuring that the citizens own the means of production. So, if American citizens are the owners of their own companies, they won’t be relocating to Mexico or China any time soon, will they?
A rich capitalist couldn’t care less in what nation he chooses to locate his sweatshop factories. He simply wants to maximise his profits and screw everyone else. He has no commitment to his fellow citizens whatsoever. We seek to eliminate that kind of international capitalism and replace it with national capitalism, based on a nation’s capital residing with its people and not with an itinerant elite who have no national loyalty. German capital should remain in Germany, British in Britain, American in America, Finnish in Finland, and so on. We don’t want any international playboys moving their money around at will to maximise their personal profits regardless of the interests of their home nations.
Our project is about reforming capitalism by removing the bulk of the capital and power from a tiny elite and redistributing it amongst the people. To do so, we need to introduce socialist elements, but these are simply to allow the State to regain control of the economy from private individuals, not to start nationalizing everything in sight and creating huge, inefficient, uncompetitive State monopolies and bureaucracies that ignore markets. Given that we support all of the essential features of capitalism other than that private individuals should dictate to the State (as they do in contemporary capitalism), no one could validly accuse us of being socialists.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.” What he ought to have said was: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I will make her laws.” In other words, the people with the money are the power behind the throne: the secret lawmakers who make the world dance to their tune. But why do people let them? It’s not as if stopping them is hard – you simply prevent private individuals from controlling the banks, hence the money. You put the banks and the economy under the control of elected, accountable officials. What could be easier?
We are the advocates of the truest form of capitalism – the version that operates according to the General Will of the people and not the particular will of the elite. Public capitalism is the only acceptable form of capitalism.
“In other walks of life, people can take pride in their world without expecting to earn huge salaries. They feel good about themselves because of what they do, not what they are paid. And they take satisfaction from contributing to the public good as well as their employers’ profits. None of that applies in banking, which has been reduced to a narrow calculus of profit and bonus. It is this blinkered view of the world that has made bankers unable to understand why they have to change. They live in a parallel, self-perpetuating universe in which they meet very few people outside their tiny circle. They work so hard that they rarely have time to socialise, and, when they do, it is with other stratospherically rich bankers and lawyers. Their views all reinforce each other’s. And the few outsiders they do encounter, they tend to disdain – usually because they have less money. Bankers are used to getting their own way, because they can wield a chequebook, and collectively, because of the importance of their sector to the economy.” –Mary Ann Sieghart, The Independent
We cannot allow the elite to dictate to us. We will dictate to them. If they don’t like it, they can leave, but they will then be declared enemies of the State and never allowed back in. They will become pariahs. That’s exactly what they deserve and they have brought it on themselves.
There have been benevolent employers before – people like Robert Owen in Britain in the 19th century – but they manifestly failed to overcome the prevailing system. Why? Because if there are 99 malevolent employers to every benevolent one, decent employers don’t have a prayer. Evil cartels can put them out of business one way or another. How do you imagine the Old World Order came to power in the first place?
Robert Owen bought a chain of textile mills called “New Lanark”, near Glasgow. He created a village for his workers and provided a school, healthcare, childcare and so on. His employees loved him. He wanted his workers to receive all their needs as part of their working conditions, very much in the manner of the benevolent lord described in the thesis. Although he has been described as one of the founding fathers of socialism, he was really just a conscientious capitalist. As soon as he died, his worker communes collapsed. No one else supported his model.
The benevolent employers always lose to the more numerous evil ones. The only way to beat the bad guys is to make it impossible for them to exist, by taking control of the levers of wealth.
A correspondent stated: “Quite frankly, the masses don’t want to study the teachings of Nietzsche or Hegel or hear scientific theories about the nature of the universe. Instead, they want money. Money is their prime motivator, so we should concentrate our efforts on it. Imagine huge crowds holding up signs with the red M-logo in them and shouting time after time: ‘We want money! We want money!’ What an exciting vision! And it can be transformed into a reality. It has been truthfully said that the people can be bought, so let’s buy them.”
This is in danger of being the most cynical and mercenary statement ever made. The super rich have traditionally bought the people in one way or another. Now, our response is supposedly to offer money on a much wider scale than ever before.
WE WANT MONEY! WE WANT MONEY! That sounds like the slogan of Wall Street, not of any movement connected with meritocracy and the spiritual improvement of humanity. Instead of creating a society where people DO want to study Nietzsche, Hegel and science, we are simply to bribe the masses like the cheapest hustlers.
It is not our ambition to pander to what is lowest in people. There are plenty of others happy to do that. We are the party of excellence, of quality, of a higher type of humanity. Our cause is utterly lost if we reject the highest culture – as represented by the likes of Nietzsche, Hegel and science – and spend our time dumbing down to the lowest common denominator.
It’s true that the masses couldn’t care less about the truth of their lives, the world and the cosmos. It’s true that many people would rather shop, watch TV and gossip about celebrities than contemplate the fundamental nature of existence. It’s true that the masses are sheeple, not people.
Nevertheless, it is not our place to join them in their desperate race for the bottom. We are ascending to the top. We are not in freefall in the bottomless abyss of consumerism and celebrity culture. We are the people of the summits, of the highest heights. We are those who seek to see further than ever before. We look to the stars and beyond. And we look inside. Because there we will find God.
If you do not have values then you have nothing.
If we have to resort to distributing money to the masses to gain their support – if that is the sum and substance of our vision – then what’s the point?
We will appeal to the highest aspirations of people, not their basest instincts. We seek to make all people into Gods, no matter how retarded, deluded and dumb they may be at the moment. We will transform their consciousness. When we are finished, it won’t be Hegel and Nietzsche who are unknown amongst the masses, but the vacuous celebrities.
There will come a day when statues of Hegel and Nietzsche are in the centre of every town and city, and there will be no celebrities and no super rich. In that sign we shall triumph, or victory is not worth achieving.
The Robin Hood Tax:
The correspondent further stated: “Most people reject outright concepts such as 100% inheritance tax and the nationalization of all privately owned businesses because they don’t see how these things would benefit them at all. They suspect that this would mean a dictatorship of some sorts.”
If you were in a bar discussing 100% inheritance tax with a stranger and you said that it was about taking all of his hard-earned money away from him at his death and preventing him from leaving it to anyone of his choice, he would indeed think you were a totalitarian nutcase.
You NEVER try to persuade anyone of anything by highlighting what they may lose. You always emphasize how they will gain. It has been said that everyone gains from basic income, but since this income is far below what most people are already earning, they would not perceive it as any kind of gain, and, rightly or wrongly, they would invariably associate it with freeloaders and scroungers – no average member of society wants to perceive themselves in that light. People on welfare are generally held in contempt. And those on welfare often try to take as much as they can from the State without thinking for a second of how to give anything back. It becomes a way of life for them and, since it’s reasonably tolerable, there’s no incentive for them to change anything, especially since they know they lack the qualities that conventional society requires. The “consciousness” becomes that of the lazy scrounger, and they even start to take a defiant pride in it, and are always talking about their “entitlements”, never about their duties and responsibilities. The UK has a huge underclass of people who have spent their entire lives on benefits and never contributed anything to society. NOTHING AT ALL! Would basic income be music to their ears? You bet it would. They would vote for it in a flash. And everyone who hates them and regards them as parasites would vote against basic income. It would be dead in the water.
As for 100% inheritance tax, it has to be sold as a benefit, not a loss, and it has to be sold as a moral and righteous measure that any good and decent person would support and any evil person oppose.
Start the debate with the stranger in the bar by discussing Robin Hood (a person loathed by Ayn Rand, the supreme apologist for the super rich). Ask the stranger if he would have supported Robin Hood’s campaign to take the wealth of the rapacious, greedy, cruel and unjust king, nobles and barons and give it to the needy sick and the hardworking ordinary people. If he says he’s on Robin Hood’s side then you’re in business. If he says he’s not then call him an evil, greedy bastard to his face and walk away.
Ask the stranger whether he’s on the side of the Wall Street fat cats or the ordinary people of Main Street. Who should be running the country – the people or the bankers? Ask the stranger whether or not he supports a two-tier society with two classes of citizens – the privileged elite on top and everyone else permanently beneath them.
Ask the stranger if he would like his children to have a fair chance in life, and not to have to compete in a system rigged against them. Ask the stranger if he supports the obvious fact that the rich keep getting richer and many of the poor keep getting poorer. Does he think that leads to a healthy, fair, meritocratic society?
Ask the stranger if he supports people getting something for nothing – welfare. When he says, “No”, ask him what the difference is between those who inherit wealth from others without doing any work themselves and those who take money from the State without doing any work themselves. Aren’t they morally equivalent? They both want and expect something for nothing.
You should then say to the stranger that you have a way to ensure that no one who does no work will get something for nothing, and moreover your innovation will release all of the money of the super rich to the hardworking ordinary people. It will transfer the money of the Wall Street fat cats to Main Street.
It is 100% inheritance tax, the bedrock of meritocracy. It ensures that privileged, spoiled kids don’t get to inherit lives of luxury just because they are related to people who made lots of money (and by the same token that decent kids are not forced to live in poverty because their parents didn’t manage to make any money).
It creates an even playing field. It ensures that everyone sets out from the same starting line. It brings to an end the rule of the dynastic elites that have always ruled the world. For the first time ever, it gives everyone an equal chance to go as far as their merit will carry them.
Everyone benefits other than the super rich and their parasitical offspring. Everyone gains. It is morally, economically and socially right. It is the Robin Hood tax that redistributes the wealth of the fat cats to the decent people.
The wealthy can enjoy their riches during their lifetime. It is taken from them only when they have no further need of it because they are dead. It is not any sort of attack on people earning a good living. In fact, it’s designed to give everyone a good living.
There will be far more wealth in circulation because there will be no reason for the super rich to hoard their wealth. They will spend, spend, spend. And soon, 100% tax will be irrelevant because everyone will make sure they have spent all of their money before they die.
Everyone will enjoy a much higher standard of living thanks to all of the extra money available. Inflation won’t take off because there’s no reason any longer for the elite ownership class to always be seeking to increase their profits by raising prices. The vast majority of people will join the ownership class.
100% inheritance tax unlocks the Bank of the Super Rich and lets the ordinary people enjoy its benefits.
100% inheritance tax is on the side of nature since it restores the law of the regression to the mean. In ultra capitalism, the rich keep getting richer in defiance of the law of regression to the mean, and contrary to nature. Super wealth is an unnatural phenomenon, a kind of disease that attacks the whole of society. 100% inheritance tax is the natural remedy.
Andrew Carnegie, once the richest man on earth, declared, “The man who dies rich dies disgraced.” That’s absolutely right!
So, 100% inheritance tax is the Robin Hood tax, the Carnegie Tax, the Tax for taking from Wall Street and giving to Main Street, the Tax that restores nature via regression to the mean, the Tax that stops scroungers getting something for nothing, the moral and egalitarian Tax that allows everyone to set out from the same starting line.
Only the greedy, the immoral, the lazy, the mad, the stupid and the anti-meritocrats would oppose the Robin Hood Tax.
“So,” you say straight to the stranger, “Are you for or against 100% inheritance tax – are you moral or immoral?”
Rationally, the 100% inheritance tax cannot be contested. It is EASY to force any enemy of this tax into a corner where they look like an immoral monster. If you can’t walk into a bar and persuade any stranger of its merits then you don’t understand it or you yourself are immoral. You are taking next to nothing from them and giving them EVERYTHING.
Far from being a hard sell, it should be the easiest sell imaginable. No member of the Illuminati has ever voiced any opposition to it. We pride ourselves on being rational, moral and meritocratic. The people who don’t “get it” are the irrational, the super rich, the privileged, the anarchists and libertarians.
We understand that we are trying to overcome centuries of indoctrination, of people with a false consciousness who live in bad faith. But we know for a fact that any rational person who hears about the Robin Hood Tax immediately becomes a fervent advocate of it.
It addresses the fundamental problem of how to redistribute the excessive wealth of the greedy elite without resorting to communism. The Robin Hood tax is the ONLY means for achieving non-socialist redistribution of wealth, hence the only means of achieving a fairer, reformed version of capitalism that gives everyone a realistic chance in life and allows the merit of the people to flourish in an unprecedented way.
We completely endorse the statement of another correspondent, who wrote: “Meritocracy is not a pass-fail system, but rather a system that allows each person to find their own highest attainment. There is no shame in being less than first in a particular field or endeavour – it is simply that the other person had more skills suited for that particular event.”
Meritocracy gives everyone the best possible chance. It doesn’t promise victory for everyone. Only the very best will win.
From the perspective of dialectical meritocracy, we are in some sense committed to being neutral in the basic income debate. Both sides have points for and against, and the whole essence of the dialectic is not to reach any dogmatic stance one way or another (there is no a priori means of showing one view to be wholly wrong), but to test both scenarios in real life and compare and contrast the data that is subsequently collected. If one method is clearly better than the other then we drop the loser. If both are comparable but one is cheaper then we would adopt the cheaper.
Dialectical meritocracy should avoid dogmatism and should not commit itself to any particular policy stances other than those that relate fundamentally to meritocracy. The two contestants in this debate have both done what dialectical meritocracy demands: they have presented their cases articulately and eloquently and demonstrated that there is a substantive issue here that demands resolution. Both reflect radically different views of human nature, so it’s imperative that we reach a resolution of the debate. It cannot be achieved rhetorically or theoretically. Only real-life evidence from a controlled experiment would definitively decide the matter.
So, the meritocracy movement should not declare itself for or against basic income. It can have the best of both worlds and say that this is the sort of idea that would be tested out. We in the meritocracy movement will be bold and daring and give all plausible ideas the fairest of hearings. But, equally, we will give the counter case the same respect and same opportunities.
We are committed to dialectical progress, not to any ideological stances. We have no a priori certainty as to what will prove to be the best outcome. What we have is the METHOD for resolving the impasse. The method is what we are promoting as the greatest good, not the particular policies. We are emulating the scientific method. At its strictest and best, science couldn’t care less what hypotheses are put forward since they are all dealt with in exactly the same way: they are subjected to tests and they prove either successful or unsuccessful in their ability to account for the data.
Nor do we care. Any and all policy initiatives are welcome. The dialectical method will sort the wheat from the chaff.
The only elements of meritocratic implementation that are not up for grabs are those that concern the defining principles of meritocracy, and there are only five of these, all of which are closely related.
1) Everyone must be judged on their own merits and not on those of others such as family, friends or colleagues.
2) No one should inherit wealth that their parents or relatives generated since that is a fundamental contradiction of the first rule of meritocracy.
3) All means of intentionally rigging the system to give some people an inbuilt advantage over others are unacceptable.
4) Money and power can never be used as weapons to secure the advantage of “chosen ones” at the expense of everyone else.
5) All forms of privilege as a means of creating a two-tier society of the privileged and the non-privileged are anathema. By “privilege”, we mean an active programme for attempting to secure the permanent advantage of “chosen ones” at the expense of the non-chosen; in particular to buy a superior education unavailable to others, to buy influence, to create networks of “top jobs” that will be allocated only to the privileged elite, to create systems of signs based on status and snobbery that are favourable to one group but not to others. We will identify, expose and punish all people who attempt to subvert the meritocratic model through the use of privilege.
Basic income is not a core meritocratic principle. It would be possible to argue that it is both for and against meritocracy. It is for meritocracy insofar as it provides an equal financial starting line for everyone. It is against meritocracy insofar as it allows scope for people who do nothing to parasitically live off the efforts of others. Even though we might have our suspicions one way or the other, it is impossible to say definitively in advance whether the anti-meritocratic ingredient would outweigh the pro-meritocratic ingredient.
Society will be utterly transformed under a meritocratic government and education system. The sorts of problematic behaviours that are in evidence in liberal democracies may vanish completely once people are educated, raised and treated properly and respectfully, and are given full encouragement and support to be all they can be.
If the proponent of basic income can find enough supporters to implement his proposal then it’s his and their right to give it their best shot…but it’s up to them to make it work. They, collectively, will be the State. Those who consider it unworkable would sign up to a different Social Contract.
It’s vital that everyone should be passionate about the State they choose. The supporters of basic income might create a paradise if they all commit themselves to it with the same passion as the proponent for the case. But they cannot be allowed to impose their passions on those who don’t share their enthusiasm. That would be tyranny, and that’s what we’re trying to escape from.
In some ways, the basic income debate is misconceived. The ultimate aim of meritocracy is to deliver a resource-based, technology-driven economy that has no need of money – so the concept of basic income would be rendered redundant. All of the aims of the basic income advocates would be met in a moneyless society.
Also, the arguments put forward are essentially a critique of contemporary capitalism, but in a meritocratic society, none of those features would be present.
In our article about the New World Order, we described an entirely new education system, the entire point of which is to identify what makes each person tick and give them the best possible education in the areas in which they will shine and be most fulfilled. The concept of people wanting a basic income so that they don’t have to be wage slaves in an oppressive capitalist system would not apply.
In a rational, meritocratic society, we would expect to eliminate virtually every ill to which basic income is proposed as the solution. Basic income is the answer to TODAY’s miseries, but these won’t exist in the meritocratic world of tomorrow.
The whole point of the New World Order is to give everyone the chance to optimise themselves. If that results in anyone at all being keen to accept a basic income from the State then the project has failed. No “optimised” person should be doing anything other than productive work and making a full contribution to the State. In a meritocratic State, there will be zero unemployment. The idea of anyone not doing productive work is anathema. In fact, the idea is that people should find such fulfilment and self-respect through their work that we can practically abolish the idea of retirement. Many authors never retire. Why not? Because they are doing what they love – expressing themselves. When you are in the right job, you wouldn’t want to retire.
Everyone in the State will have to explicitly sign a Social Contract, which is, of course, a two-way agreement. The State has duties and responsibilities and so does each citizen. The idea that anyone could be paid for simply being a citizen without offering anything at all in return would be incompatible with any sensible Social Contract.
Being a citizen is not a job; it is a contractual status. Who would expect a State to survive if it had unilateral obligations, but no guarantee of anything in return?
The basic income proposal often looks dangerously like a communist policy: “From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs”. What you have in Marxism is a flow of resources from the able to the needy – in what way is that different from basic income? And we all know how Soviet communism turned out. No able person wants to be breaking his back supporting other able-bodied people who simply choose not to work because they don’t find any job satisfying. The able bodied would quickly leave that society, and who could blame them? Then what will the others do?
Tags: Academia Iluministă
Academia Iluministă (51)
The Multi Social Contract:
A State could offer a selection of social contracts outlining the duties of the citizen and the responsibilities of the State. There could be an anarchist-friendly social contract whereby the State offers little and demands little; there could be a libertarian social contract where, again, the state adopts a minimal profile. In other cases, the State could offer a social contract based on basic income, or one that offers no such safety net, and so on.
Of course, there are all manner of practical difficulties regarding the implementation of the Multi Social Contract, but since it offers everyone what they want then it would be best possible political system if it could be engineered correctly.
The relative effectiveness of the different social contracts would become evident over time, and they might finally converge on just a couple of the most viable social contracts.
By offering a multi social contract theory of politics, we can appeal to everyone, even those with whom we have no sympathy. Let everyone go to hell in their own way! We would avoid looking like totalitarians. We would be able to emphasize freedom and choice, and catering for different lifestyles and belief-systems.
Wouldn’t everyone like to say: “This is who I am and this is the sort of society I want to live in.” And then actually get what they want! How many people right now get the system they desire? – virtually no one. The whole thing is a one-size-fits-all botched and bungled compromise that satisfies only one group – the privileged elite at the top.
The optimal state should be based on a choice of social contracts. Everyone should personally choose a social contract to sign up to. At the moment, we are tacitly bound by a set of rules and laws we never agreed to, hence we are all slaves. You can be free only when you freely choose the laws by which you live. You are never free if they have been imposed on you. Imagine finally being free of the Old World Order, the Abrahamists and the ultra-capitalists!
Meritocracy has to sell itself as the true vehicle of freedom and choice. It can offer multiple social contracts to the citizens, all based on the central idea that each social contract will be tailor-made for groups of like-minded citizens. Everyone gets the social contract they want. Why would anyone who values freedom and choice oppose that?
If people don’t want freedom and choice and prefer things to stay as they are then that’s their choice. It’s time to put up or shut up. Radical change is on the agenda, or the same old crap. There’s no other possibility.
The meritocratic movement therefore has two strands:
1) Putting multi social contracts on the political agenda – splitting up nations into states or city-states, each expressing a particular ideology, just like ancient Athens, Sparta, Thebes and Corinth.
2) Establishing suitable policies for those states or city-states that choose to define themselves with regard to meritocratic thinking rather than other ideologies, always bearing in mind that any disputes over policy such as the one involving basic income can be resolved by invoking separate social contracts.
We do not need to commit ourselves to anything other than fundamental meritocratic rules such as ensuring that no dynastic, privileged elites can ever emerge. All other policies are “thought experiments” in a sense, and if they are at serious odds with each other then they can be moved into alternative social contracts.
In other words, meritocracy can express itself via several social contracts with many similar points, but also with significant policy differences in the detail i.e. we can be mature and sensible enough to allow meritocracy to come in several flavours. There’s no need for disagreement. If you have a serious problem with one type of meritocratic social contract you simply find another one more agreeable to you.
Our whole approach should be based on the avoidance of any type of one-size-fits-all “totalitarian” thinking and, instead, the offer of bespoke social contracts which can yield people as much as, say, 90% of what they’re looking for (there will always be a need for minor compromises).
Freedom, choice and flexibility must be our watchwords. We can appeal to everyone, even to non-meritocrats, by offering them the chance to create states or city-states based on the values important to them. If Muslim fanatics want a Sharia Law city-state, that’s their choice. But if their system fails (as it surely would!) and they then want to join the hyper-successful meritocratic states and city-states, they must abandon all of their old values. They will have to sign the meritocratic social contract and be bound by its terms.
We don’t need to get into arguments with any of our enemies. We can actually say we will work with them to give them exactly what they want, and they will of course have to give us exactly what we want too.
It’s the final political Revolution, the end of the Freedom Dialectic. How could you be any freer than in a state or city-state that you chose yourself because it reflected your core values and identity?
If Democracy is so good:
Hillary Clinton said, “History has shown that democracies tend to be more stable, more peaceful and more prosperous.”
If democracy is so good, why doesn’t it apply to the workplaces in which all of the supporters of democracy work? Why are the workers never allowed to elect the CEO or President of the company? Why are they never allowed to appoint the board members? Why are they never permitted a say in recruitment and promotion, or to sit on the remuneration board?
Companies are dictatorships: authoritarian, hierarchical structures where all decisions are taken at the top. It is through companies that we see the true face of what is happening in so-called democracies. The privileged elite at the apex of the companies take the decisions and the workers – the ordinary people – are never consulted, and their opinions are regarded as worthless.
If the elite actually believed in democracy, they would ensure that all aspects of society were democratic, wouldn’t they? In fact, they make sure democracy gets nowhere near the workplace, thus betraying their real contempt for democracy and the people.
We advocate meritocratic democracy in the workplace whereby all positions in a company are subjected to democratic votes regarding who is the most meritorious person to assume a position. The decision-making is thus taken away from the management elite and given to the workers.
Rather than allowing the big bosses to decide their own remuneration and bonuses, it should be up to the workers to decide. Wouldn’t that constitute a genuine revolution? It would change EVERYTHING at a stroke.
Freedom and Choice:
We experience freedom when we are able to exercise meaningful choices. We have plenty of freedom when it comes to consumerism, and little or none anywhere else.
In elections, we are allowed to choose between those whose names have been placed on the ballot paper, but how many of us had any say in who got on the ballot paper in the first place? Overwhelmingly, we are alienated from politics.
We have no freedom and choice in the workplace. The dictators at the top of the pyramid issue the decrees that everyone must obey. Hence we are also alienated from our work.
We have no say over the banking system, hence the economy, and thus we are alienated from that too.
We are alienated from all aspects of our lives other than those that involve consumption (i.e. the activity that gives our money to the capitalist elite).
In a sense, meritocracy is about a war on the one-size-fits-all mentality and ideology.
In the State education system, you get one type of education for everyone, the assumption being that all pupils and students are somehow identical.
We have advocated treating the human race as being composed of 16 different tribes based on Myers-Briggs types, hence there should be 16 different education systems, each tailor-made for each tribe.
The State should guarantee us not just any old education, but a bespoke education that will give us the best chance in life. Such an education has to recognise that the 16 different tribes have radically different ways of learning; something that is never acknowledged by the powers-that-be.
A corollary is that these 16 different tribes all have different responses to religion, politics, philosophy, science etc. – so a one-size-fits all solution satisfies no one.
Why are there so many different religions and political ideologies in the world? It’s because each religion or political system makes sense to one tribe, but not to a different tribe, so that different tribe has to find something knew. Look at the difference between Abrahamists and Gnostics, between Abrahamists and atheists. The Abrahamists are advocates of “faith”, while Gnostics and atheists are preoccupied with knowledge. Gnostics and atheists are “rationals” while Abrahamists are “guardians”. Neither group understands the other.
The reason this is so important is that it goes to the heart of meritocracy. Who decides who is most meritorious? If every tribe has a different idea of merit then the concept is reduced to a shambles. It becomes bogged down in disputes and the most numerous tribe is likely to get its way.
In capitalist countries, merit is decided by how much money you have – a disastrous criterion. In Abrahamist societies, the most “meritorious” are the most fanatical followers of Abrahamism – another disastrous criterion. In sensation seeking societies, the most meritorious are those who take the biggest risks – “dangerous sports” addicts, the fastest drivers, the best sportspeople etc. In societies based on emotion, those who emote the best are the highest regarded – the Mother Theresas of the world and the Oprah Winfreys.
Intuitives revere those with the best ideas, the ideas offering the most possibilities for future growth and development. Thinkers esteem the most logical step-by-step thinkers, with scientists at the top of the tree.
So, unless only your tribe gets to decide on matters important to you, you are likely to have to endure other people’s idea of merit.
We have a hopelessly jumbled and muddled world – a global Babel – where everyone is talking not just different languages but different psychological languages too. None of the tribes can agree on anything. Everything is reduced to ineffectual and irrational compromises. No wonder so much of life is shambolic.
Jung spoke of the need for individuation, one of the central aspects of which is the process of differentiation of the four psychological functions of thinking, feeling, intuition and sensing. Each psychic component has to be analysed separately in order to be properly understood; otherwise you get an undifferentiated chaos of mental impressions and ideas over which you can exert no control. Our world is the equivalent of an undifferentiated Mind that has no self-understanding. By emphasizing the 16 different Myers-Briggs tribes we are effectively taking the first step towards the healthy individuation of humanity.
Some people advocate a policy of simply ensuring that the different types are given more of an education about the other types in order to better understand and deal with them. This is indeed an important step, but it doesn’t go far enough. It’s easy for a rational person to understand why so many people flock to Islam; it’s a brilliant brainwashing system for targeting credulous, superstitious, badly educated people desiring some Mythos framework for their lives. However, that in no way makes it acceptable to a rational person, or any easier to deal with. Any rational person in an Islamic society is in big trouble. Full stop. Rationality is not welcome there because it invariably undermines the authority of the irrational Koran. So, the best that can be done is to ensure that all rational people are given an easy escape route from Islam.
Imagine a world in which you had a genuine choice between different education systems, political systems, economic systems, philosophical systems, psychological systems and religions. Isn’t that the freest world you could have? What could be freer?
Being forced to abide by the hostile rules of other tribes constitutes slavery not freedom. All of the tribes are held back by the other tribes. None of them get what they want, so they are all miserable.
We drag each other down by trying to live in these one-size-fits-all systems and societies. We will never be free until we realise the truth of the human condition – that we are incompatible “species” that are guaranteed to be hostile towards one another.
Philosopher Thomas Hobbes had a vision of nature consisting of perpetual, brutal war that could only be stopped by a huge power – the Leviathan – that enforced its Will on all the warring factions.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau had a vision of human nature in which, left to their own devices, people would be cooperative and live in peace and harmony. It was “civilisation” itself, he maintained, that was the cause of conflict through introducing divisive ideas such as private property, status, hierarchies, political factions etc.
In fact, Hobbes and Rousseau are both right, and both wrong. Conflict is, as Hobbes recognised, inevitable. Why? Because there are 16 tribes, often with little in common and that quickly provoke and incur the enmity of their fellow tribes.
But Rousseau is also right because if people all belonged to the same tribe they would indeed cooperate and live in harmony because there would be little friction between them. They would all be on the same wavelength.
Isn’t it time we took the radical step necessary for final freedom and accepted that many of us will never get along because we are simply too different? Hence we should be separate. Race has traditionally been used to justify separating people – most notoriously in South Africa during the Apartheid regime – but that is a ridiculous criterion. How you perceive and conceptualise the world, how you think, feel, sense and intuit – these are the proper basis for separation. It’s not a question of anyone being morally better or worse than anyone else; it’s just a question of difference. We have to understand difference and know how best to deal with it to get the most out of everyone. We will never achieve that in the one-size-fits-all society where people dogmatically insist that all human beings are the same.
If you want a world in which you experience the maximum degree of freedom, you must be allowed to live in a society that is extremely well matched to your value system. You will never feel free if you are in continual conflict with others and continually forced to accept defeat or abide by hopeless compromises.
If we can freely choose between different consumer objects, why can’t we also freely choose between different education systems, religions, philosophies, economic systems and political systems – and get to live in exactly the type of society we dream of? With that manifesto, we can appeal to EVERYONE! Sure, there are all manner of complications and difficulties, but they can all be addressed in a smarter, happier, more efficient world.
If you’re in a political debate with non-meritocrats, you don’t have to argue against their crazy ideas. Instead, you can say that in a meritocracy they will get a city-state where they can live according to whatever laws they want.
Meritocracy is dependent upon being able to assess who is most meritorious, but different personality types have different ways of answering this question. If there are 16 different answers to the question then 16 types of meritocratic society are needed. Of course, those societies not based on reason and intuition may fail spectacularly because the types of merit they promote (such as being the best Abrahamist) are not conducive to creating a functioning, advanced society. Islam is proving how an irrational belief system can start dragging people back to the Dark Ages. The most “meritocratic” Muslims (i.e. the most zealous advocates of the Koran) are the opposite of those needed for a modern society.
In the long-term, one society will prove stunningly superior to all the others: the one based on reason and intuition. All others will have to succumb to that model in the end.
“NW” wrote to us to say: “I’d like to tell you that we need only one nation to become meritocratic. With your plan for the school system we will be cranking out experts. Even the lowliest man will be an expert in his class. Our production will surely skyrocket and our national wealth would be unfathomable. All the other countries must either replicate our education system or fall behind. Those who replicate it will soon find they have quite intelligent citizens who now want to rule themselves. The countries that don’t will quickly stagnate and become economically dead. Their people will look at their neighbors and say fuck this and revolution will follow. In a matter of 100 years, I can imagine a one world meritocratic utopia where man is better than ever before. We would be a true race of Gods.”
And NW is exactly right. We just need to get one perfect meritocratic society up and running, and it will soon be enormously more successful than all of its rivals.
Einstein and Socialism:
“The situation prevailing in an economy based on the private ownership of capital is characterized by two main principles: first, means of production (capital) are privately owned and the owners dispose of them as they see fit; second, the labour contract is free. Of course, there is no such thing as a pure capitalist society in this sense. In particular it should be noted that the workers, through long and bitter political struggles, have succeeded in securing a somewhat improved form of the ‘free labour contract’ for certain categories of workers. But taken as a whole, the present day economy does not differ much from ‘pure’ capitalism.
“Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an ‘army of unemployed’ always exists. The worker is always in fear of losing his job. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than easing the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor and to a crippling of the social consciousness of individuals.
“This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. I am convinced that there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented towards social goals.” –Einstein
In fact, Einstein is wrong about competition. The ideal model of endeavour to emulate is Einstein’s own speciality – science – which is ferociously competitive. Everyone wants to be the genius who makes the huge breakthrough, the person who gets the Nobel Prize, and, above all, understands the Mind of God.
Science is remarkable in many ways. It is simultaneously highly collaborative and highly individualistic. Einstein achieved his brilliant insights only by building on the work of many geniuses who preceded him. Without them, he would have got nowhere. He had friends who were able to help him with the mathematics he needed for relativity theory. Yet he spent most of the time on his own, pondering.
Scientists have tremendous respect for each other, yet also want to win. That is what meritocracy is seeking to replicate. The ideal society is one in which collaboration, cooperation and competition co-exist, in which everyone respects and admires each other but also wants to grab the glory of great and unique achievements.
The greatest scientists have never been motivated by money. Contrast them with the greedy clowns of Wall Street who contribute nothing to society or the greater good of humanity but are obsessed with money.
The Many Lives We Never Had:
The instant we are conceived by our parents, we are endowed with incredible potential. There is an enormous range of lives we are capable of leading. Yet as soon as we are born, almost all of that potential evaporates. Why? Because the particular environment we find ourselves in dictates the narrow, limited lives available to us. Our parents inflict a religion, not of our choosing, on us. We might find ourselves being genitally mutilated by circumcision then forced to wear certain clothes, to eat certain foods, to pray endlessly, to try to memorise a strange, ancient text, to avoid certain people because they are “infidels”, and so on. If we live in a crime-infested ghetto, that inevitably becomes the central preoccupation of our life. We are likely to end up in a gang. We will probably attend an under-achieving school that fails to give us a decent education.
The wealth of our parents has an overwhelming impact on us. If they are rich, they can place us on a golden path of freedom and privilege. If they are poor, we will have to struggle through life in the slow lane, as second-class citizens in a two-tier society. Astoundingly rapidly, our possibilities in life are blocked off. We are forced down grim, claustrophobic roads. Soon, there is no escape. We have deactualised our potential i.e. rather than becoming the best we can be, we frequently become the worst.
Why is life like this? Isn’t it time we did something about it? Meritocracy is all about delivering the society where our environment gives us the best possible chances in life rather than the worst.
Flowers versus Weeds:
In a sense, we are all both flowers and weeds. In terms of our own tribe, we are flowers, and we help each other to bloom. But the members of other tribes are like weeds that deprive us of resources, crowd us out, ruin all of our delicate patterns.
Imagine a rational person in Pakistan, surrounded by Muslim weeds. Anyone who expresses any criticism of Islam in Pakistan is guilty of blasphemy, for which the penalty is death. If the State doesn’t carry out the sentence, a Muslim vigilante nutcase will do it instead, to the acclaim of his compatriots. How could any non-Muslim possibly bloom in such a nation? It’s impossible. The weeds kill all the flowers.
In terms of other tribes, we ourselves are weeds. None of us can flourish properly because we are all ruinously interfering with each other.
The meritocratic society is about designing a landscape garden, where there are no weeds, just flowers in the locations where they grow best and bloom most vividly and colourfully.
The one-size-fits-all garden is a complete mess, full of choking weeds, where no flower grows properly.
Nothing is more important than the realisation that humanity is not an undifferentiated, homogeneous mass. Human beings are different and need to be treated differently depending on how their brains are wired.
Just as a gardener knows what particular conditions are needed for the cultivation of each of the different types of flowers he grows, so the “Society Gardener” needs to know what every type of human being needs to make them flourish.
In ancient Greece, the word pharmakon (from which we derive “pharmacy”) meant drug, medicine – or poison. All medicines can be regarded as toxic (they should be toxic to your illness, after all): it’s the dose that controls whether they kill or cure you.
Each human being is a pharmakon too. We always think of ourselves as being benevolent and on the side of good, but many of us are extremely toxic to others. Muslims are frequently toxic to non-Muslims, especially in Pakistan. But these Muslim murderers believe they are good and doing the right thing; that they are performing God’s work, no less.
Most of us don’t need or want the medicine others are offering. In fact it would kill us. None of the 16 Myers-Briggs tribes has the right to dictate to any or all of the others. The task is to find the means of maximising harmony between the tribes, minimising the weeds and the toxic effects. If the simplest way forward is to physically separate the tribes then let’s get on with it.
Two thirds of the Illuminati belong to the INTJ and INTP tribes. The remaining third are those who can work effectively with INTJs and INTPs. In other words, we practise what we preach. We have designed our own secret society according to psychological distinctions.
How many people in this world want to create William Blake’s Golgonooza, the wondrous City of the Imagination? Zeitgeist’s Venus Project is akin to Golgonooza. Most people couldn’t care less about Golgonooza, but many rationals and idealists crave it. We will never have it if we remain in the grip of those who do not care for intuition and the imagination. Therefore we must separate ourselves. Isn’t that the only logical way forward? Otherwise, we would have to dominate the others using our intelligence, and we would become just a new set of dictators, imposing our will on others.
No one should be coerced, explicitly or implicitly, to buy into someone else’s vision. We despise Wall Street yet we are forced to dance to the Wall Street tune. So how do we escape?
Nor do we want to trap within our system people who don’t like our vision of the world. They would be miserable and of no use to us. So, isn’t it best for the tribes of the world to go their separate ways? We must learn from history and surely that has proved beyond any question that humans are prone to savage conflict. But what underlies the conflict? One of the answers is that we dislike and fear people who are on a radically different wavelength. They make us uncomfortable and anxious. We don’t know what to expect from them. We don’t know how to anticipate their moves. We have neither empathy nor sympathy with them.
People become hostile and intolerant when they are surrounded by people they dislike. It’s the most natural response in the world. It’s your fight or flight mechanism kicking in. We are designed to flee from those who make us feel bad and stressed, or fight them.
In our present one-size-fits-all societies, we are constantly in fight or flight mode because we are surrounded by people from whom we are psychologically alienated. How can anyone in their right mind think that’s healthy? We have to create a new society where our fight or flight buttons are never pressed and we can get on with being happy and creative instead. That can only happen in a psychologically designed society. We have to bring together those who can live in harmony and cooperation, and separate them from those who will provoke disharmony and conflict. What could be more logical? We can achieve this through psychological profiling. Everyone can have a society where they genuinely love their neighbours because their neighbours behave just as they do.
Christians like to say, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Well, we want to actually deliver a new world based on just this rule – and it can only be done when you understand your neighbours and are all on the same wavelength.
It’s a sad but unavoidable fact of life that there are those who will never be our friends. They are just too different from us. It’s not that they’re wrong and we’re right, that they’re bad and we’re good – there’s no morality involved – it’s just that we’re not simpatico.
If we can’t be together then we must be apart. And thus we’ll create happy societies. We can visit other city-states as tourists, not as enemies. And they can visit us and be treated with the utmost hospitality for the duration of their stay.
Isn’t that what “civilisation” is all about?
One Generation:
Phantom wrote, “If we have ONE generation of children that is free from the brainwashing and putrefaction of the current state of society, the world will change utterly.”
That’s right. We’re just one generation from a new world, but getting the space to create that one golden generation is the biggest problem imaginable. The tragedy is that most parents believe it’s their sacred duty to indoctrinate their children with their own beliefs. They think they’re doing them a favour, doing the right thing. They couldn’t be more wrong, but how can you persuade them of their error when they in turn were brainwashed by their own parents?
People who are in the grip of superstition cannot be freed, unfortunately. They are superstitious because a) they have been the victims of brainwashing and b) they don’t have the sort of rational mind that allows them to free themselves from absurd beliefs.
If you say, “Fuck Jehovah, fuck Allah, fuck Jesus Christ!” – you are not placing your soul in any jeopardy. Frankly, the True God isn’t listening to what you are saying, and isn’t in the business of punishing anyone. The True God is a God of Knowledge, not of Crime and Punishment. What the True God offers us is the chance to gain the same knowledge he has.
Can any person seriously believe that God is watching every human being all the time, shaking his head in disapproval over any “transgressions” and getting ready to send someone to hell for eternity, or nodding in appreciation because some person has robotically obeyed every rule in an ancient book? What a sad, sad, sad vision of God these fools have.
Phantom wrote: “Today it hit me that Illumination is like an operating system custom-tailored to our own individual perception. It allows us to navigate the inner worlds with ease and incorporate art, science, mathematics and philosophy into its perspective – in fact, Illumination does it naturally, like a four-winged bird holding up its quintessential aspect, the spiritual, and vice versa the spiritual feeds into this quaternion. I have enjoyed my meditations the last few weeks; these inside worlds are beautiful beyond description but there is always more to see.”
Now, isn’t that a far superior vision to the one offered by Abrahamism? God is inside us, not outside. If we look deeply enough, we will all find God. Do you spend all of your time hoping and praying that your enemies will be punished forever in the most horrific ways for daring to oppose you? Haven’t you got better things to do with your time? By the same token, God has better things to do than contemplate the torture he will inflict on people for disobeying him. As above, so below.
If you are not a sick fuck who dreams of eternally punishing rule breakers then you can be sure God isn’t either. The sort of people who are obsessed with obeying rules and commandments are utterly alienated from God and have understood nothing of real religion. In truth, they are mentally ill, being guided by their unconscious shadow. They are full of hate, bitterness, rage and the desire for revenge. They project their own cruelty and bestiality onto the God they worship. They can’t imagine that he isn’t as obsessed with garbage and sadism as they are. They are pathetic, and they are the people to whom the label “evil” can be legitimately applied. Anyone who thinks God is a cosmic Torturer and Avenger, committed to inflicting endless pain on anyone who disobeys his books of petty rules about whether or not you should eat bacon sandwiches, turn on the light on a Saturday, or cut your hair in a certain way is MAD! There’s no other word for it.
As was said about Lord Byron, these people are: “Mad, bad and dangerous to know.”
Laughter and Superstition:
Only one type of animal has a sense of humour – human beings. And only one type of animal is superstitious – human beings. Superstition is an extraordinary phenomenon. It is defined as an irrational belief founded on ignorance or fear and characterised by obsessive reverence for omens, charms, rules, commandments and rituals.
Consider the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Jews couldn’t care less about the superstitions of Christians and Muslims, but they will compulsively obey all Jewish rules out of terror of the imagined consequences of disobeying them.
Christians couldn’t care less about not being circumcised while Jewish and Muslim men think they will go to hell if they aren’t circumcised. Imagine being sentenced to eternal hell for not having your foreskin chopped off. That, apparently, will be the fate of all of us who haven’t had the unkindest cut. We’re shaking in our shoes!! Muslims not only don’t regard Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and the only path to paradise, they think that anyone who says Jesus Christ is God is going to hell.
Jews regard the beliefs of Christians and Muslims as irrational and superstitious; Christians think it’s the Jews and Muslims who are crazy, and Muslims are certain all Jews and Christians are going to hell for rejecting Mohammed and the Koran.
Isn’t it amazing that people are able to see others’ beliefs and superstitions as ridiculous and irrational, yet can’t comprehend that their beliefs and superstitions are viewed exactly the same way by others? A Muslim has no fear of insulting Jesus Christ, yet believes he will jeopardise his immortal soul if he breathes a word against Mohammed. Christians believe that Mohammed is in hell – Dante even wrote about it in The Inferno – and have no fear at all about insulting him.
Why is one group seized by dread at the thought of insulting Mohammed while all other groups think that insulting Mohammed has no consequences at all for the afterlife?
Imagine a God who sends all non-Jews to hell, or all non-Christians or all non-Muslims.What kind of God is that? What rational person would want to have anything to do with such a God?
Why is that some of us who were raised as Abrahamists are able to break away from our childhood religion and not be remotely affected by superstition or fear, while many more are terrified and can’t escape? What is it that grips them so tightly? The answer of course is that those who reject their parents’ religion are invariably highly rational. Reason is the antidote to superstition. All Abrahamists who haven’t abandoned their religion are lacking in rationality, hence they are inherently extremely dangerous, as Muslims prove over and over again in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Superstition is fear that has been instilled in children in their earliest years, and continually reinforced ever since. Any child who does not have a rational mind is poisoned forever. Superstition relies on three things: irrationality, fear and submissiveness. If you think about it, all people who believe that some dominant person (Moses, Christ, Mohammed etc.) is the mouthpiece of God are submissives – slaves –waiting for their master to tell them what to do, and believing him to be infallible.
Submissives are those who can’t imagine that they themselves are, at core, God. Dominants have no such problem. Submissives are alienated from their inner godliness, and are extremely susceptible to instead projecting it onto someone else – any suitably dominant person. All prophets are dominants and all followers are submissives.
The Illuminati’s desired end-point – the Community of Gods; the Society of the Divine – is one in which there are no masters and slaves, no dominants and no submissives. Everyone has become God. Any healthy religion should be striving to release everyone’s inner God.
Look at the Muslims. Their religion is called “Submission” and they spend all of their time on their knees. Only submissives are attracted to Islam. It’s the essence of submissiveness. They believe that an illiterate tribesman, who was very friendly with Jews living in Arabia, went into a mountain cave and encountered the Angel Gabriel, who then proceeded to recite the Word of God – the Koran – to him. Now, to any dominant person, this is ludicrous beyond belief. But, to weak, pathetic submissives, searching for the guidance of a dominant, there is nothing odd about it. They WANT to believe. They want to be told in unambiguous black and white what to do. They want the master to tell them what’s halal (permitted) and what’s haram(forbidden). It all makes perfect sense to them. It’s emotionally satisfying.
And it’s not as if these morons could ever work out it for themselves. They need dictatorial “holy” books to fill the void in their brains. They have no initiative. They are robots waiting to be programmed. They have precious little free will. Anyone who wants to slavishly obey commandments in a book is barely human.
To any dominant person, Islam is a religion that makes them feel physically sick. It reeks of weakness, stupidity, irrationality and submissiveness. It is incomprehensible to any dominant person how anyone could take Islam seriously. It’s a joke religion, a bad imitation of Judaism, which is itself a pile of crap.
Why would any God worthy of the name send a person to hell, as Jews and Muslims believe, for not being circumcised (i.e. for remaining as nature intended!). In other words, God, the alleged designer of humanity, hates his own design and thinks that unless a male has his foreskin snipped off then he deserves eternal hellfire. So why didn’t he simply design males without foreskins and then he wouldn’t need to get upset about it? If God requires the removal of foreskins then he must have made a mistake to provide them in the first place. (By the way, did you realise that Jesus Christ’s divine foreskin may still exist, carefully preserved by his family? Will it have magic properties? Is it imbued with divinity? Will it be a stargate to heaven?)
The whole thing is actually laughable and yet it would cause WWIII if Jews and Muslims were prohibited by law from physically mutilating their male children.
Monarchists – such as the people of the UK – are another group of retarded submissives. What kind of person wants to be someone’s “subject”? – only a submissive. The UK has a nauseatingly submissive working class who revere their masters. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the UK are amongst the most privileged people on earth: the living, breathing Old World Order. The people who voted for them and who support the unelected, unaccountable head of state – the Queen – have neither dignity, intelligence nor self-respect. Monarchy is Leviathan: a monstrous tyranny. The British people have a false consciousness. They have completely swallowed the masters’ ideology.
We don’t live in a rational world. The vast majority of people aren’t rational. So how can a group such as the Illuminati hope to resolve the world’s problems via rational arguments? We’re in Catch 22. Humanity’s problem isn’t that no one knows what to do, but rather that irrational people will resist all rational plans to reform the world. They are creatures of superstition.
The War of the World is the war between the rational and the superstitious. No task is of greater importance than dealing with superstition. The rational thing to do is make it illegal for any child to be subjected to any irrational teaching that provokes terror, or division between different groups. That, of course, means making Abrahamism and karmic teachings illegal – and billions of humans wouldn’t tolerate that for a moment. Why not? Because they are brainwashed and superstitious! Catch 22 again.
What needs to be done, for rational reasons, can unfortunately never be done because of the irrationality of so many. So, there’s only one way forward – to separate the rational from the irrational and build a big wall. The rational people can then create a new world free of superstition. The simple truth is that they will never be able to do this while they are tethered to Abrahamists and karmists.
Malcolm X advocated separating blacks and whites and creating an independent country for blacks within America until such time as all African Americans could return to Africa. In many ways, this was a supremely rational proposal that even racist whites should have welcomed. In the UK, the far-right white parties advocate giving money to non-whites in exchange for those people returning to their ancestral homes. They would be ecstatic if a contemporary Malcolm X agreed with them.
Of course, it’s not race that’s the problem. The white racists are irrational. THEY are the problem. And there are plenty of irrational blacks, Asians, Hispanics etc too.
Rational people couldn’t care less about race. The only way to move forward is for ALL the rational people in the world to get together and create a rational society. It will be infinitely more successful than the societies run by the irrationals and the latter will be forced, eventually, superstition or no superstition, to accept all of the rules of reason. Any of the irrationals who insist on clinging to superstition will end up in the caves, like the Taliban.
The rationals must lead by example, but they will only get that chance if they cut themselves off from the irrational. Ayn Rand’s notorious book Atlas Shrugged actually proposes something of this kind, except it’s about rich rather than rational people. In Rand’s book, the super rich go on strike because they’re fed up being dictated to by Commies. They create an idyllic community in a hidden valley in Colorado and cut themselves off from everyone else. The rest of the country starts to fall apart and the Commies have to come begging for salvation. The super rich agree to return only if they will now be in total charge, and the Commies are only too happy to agree. Hence why this book is so revered by wealthy Americans.
Meritocrats can keep the same plot, but with the heroes changed from the rich to the rational. The point is that only a policy of separation can ever truly reveal who is right and who is wrong. The rational can prove the superiority of reason only if they are allowed the space to build a rational society, and that can happen only if they can free themselves of the irrational.
We need Apartheid (!) – rational rather than racist – if we are to have any hope of changing the world. People should be free to choose the society they want to live in. If, like the Taliban, you want to live in a superstitious hellhole – go for it. If you want to live in a rational society then you will be signing up for a world ruled by reason, and all superstitions will be consigned to the dustbin.
So, what will it be?
Tags: Academia Iluministă
Academia Iluministă (50)
Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions introduced a radically different way of looking at scientific progress. He contested the view that science is objective, dispassionate and follows a steady, linear upwards trajectory of progress. Instead, he said that science involved “paradigms”, which can be thought of as intellectual frameworks in which scientific theories are produced. While a certain paradigm reigns, all of the accepted theories belong to that paradigm, and any theories which disagree with it are rejected, marginalized and ridiculed. A scientific establishment upholds the paradigm. Funding is given to those scientists who are supportive of the paradigm and denied to anyone who isn’t. The paradigm becomes a kind of religion, with its high priests and sacred theories that must not be challenged. Heretics aren’t welcome.
The paradigm can link into non-scientific arenas such as the prevailing economic, religious and political systems. Western science is closely tied to capitalism, industry and business and was once under the direction of the Judaeo-Christian paradigm. If capitalism gives money to science then science does capitalism’s bidding. The paradigm reflects the dominant culture rather than purely scientific considerations. It invariably becomes compromised, corrupted and part of a whole system of thought and attitudes, ruled over ultimately by the super rich, like everything else. Look at how many top scientists have worked for the military-industrial complex.
Kuhn described “normal science” as the science that takes places while a particular paradigm reigns. Normal science tends to endure over long periods. The Newtonian paradigm lasted for over 200 years, with all of the science taking place within that time reflecting Newtonian thinking.
However, anomalies start to accumulate. Initially, these are conveniently ignored. As more and more appear, they put a growing strain on the paradigm, which gradually becomes less credible. Eventually it breaks down and revolution erupts. A new paradigm must be found that is better at dealing with the anomalies. Thus Newtonian physics gave way to relativity theory and quantum mechanics. Einstein was heavily involved in the formation of both of the new theories and yet even he couldn’t reconcile himself with the revolutionary implications of quantum mechanics and remained loyal to much of the Newtonian paradigm. By the time of his death, many scientists regarded him as a sad old man who couldn’t move with the times. What a fate for such an innovator!
The current paradigm of physics remains quantum mechanics and relativity theory, but it is already known that they are incompatible and thus a new paradigm is sought in which they will be reconciled. The best candidate for the reconciliation is said to be “M-Theory” based on “superstrings”.
Science proceeds by ways of long periods of normal science, followed by “revolutionary science” when the best new paradigm vies with and then takes over from its predecessor. Once the new paradigm is entrenched, normal science resumes and the new ideas become the establishment paradigm.
Kuhn pointed out that the new paradigm often doesn’t win over the supporters of the old paradigm, who remain wedded to their old ideas – just as Einstein remained wedded to the objective determinism of Newtonian physics rather than the observer-created, probabilistic world of quantum physics.
Often, the old paradigm literally dies out – when those who were brought up with it die, just as Max Planck remarked.
If Kuhn is right and rival paradigms can co-exist for a while, with the old paradigm gradually being killed off by the deaths of its supporters rather than being triumphantly replaced by the new paradigm, then it implies that science is partisan, non-objective, and not even particularly rational i.e. the evidence is not deemed sufficient to decide the matter. In other words, science is a belief system.
That’s particularly true in the case of Islamic “science”, which is fundamentally flawed because it invokes the concepts of haram (forbidden) and halal (praiseworthy) in relation to the Koran i.e. Islamic science is not allowed to contradict Mohammed’s “revelation”. If it does, it is wrong and must be rejected. Hence Islamic science is a joke that can make no conceivable progress.
C.P. Snow described the sciences on the one hand and arts and humanities on the other as “two cultures” that had ceased communicating with each other. We might say that they belong to two different paradigms. The gap has arisen because science is now so specialised and complex that it’s extremely hard for a non-scientist to get any real idea of what’s going on. Equally, scientists have no time to engage with the humanities since the demands science places on them are so onerous. Even worse, there is a fundamental difference in brain-wiring and psychological types between those who work in science and those in the humanities. Very few people can bridge the gap.
Scientists and technologists are overwhelmingly rationals, with a few idealists in the mix. Those in the humanities are overwhelmingly artisans with a few guardians in the mix.
Doesn’t the suspicion grow that different personality types have a strong tendency to drift apart and create separate worlds? It’s one of the most natural processes in the world. Shouldn’t we accept the reality of this and take it to its logical conclusions? i.e. rather than have a one-size-fits-all world where we all get thrown together in one gigantic melting point and have to blindly navigate our way around in a frequently hostile and incomprehensible environment, why don’t we create four worlds – one for rationals, one for idealists, one for artisans and one for guardians. Or perhaps only two are needed: one for sensers (the guardians and artisans who have sensing as either their primary or auxiliary function) and one for intuitives (the rationals and idealists who have intuition as their primary or auxiliary function).
In Zeitgeist 3 – Moving Forward, the Project Earth section shows a wonderful utopian city based on neat, perfectly designed concentric circles. When rationals and idealists see this, they think, “WOW!!! I want to live there.” When guardians and artisans look at it, they say, “What a load of crap. Only geeks, nerds and dorks could dream up something like that.” The sensers outnumber the intuitives by four to one. The Zeitgeist vision can never be realised while the sensers rule the world.
The ruling Western paradigm is: Judaeo-Christian Abrahamism, democracy, capitalism, “freedom”, liberalism, sensing, materialism and “negative liberty”. All mainstream thinking takes place within this paradigm. If you want to get on in the world, you had better play the game and obey this paradigm. Don’t dare challenge it and become a heretic.
The Illuminati’s heretical and revolutionary paradigm, the one with which we seek to replace the old paradigm, is: Illuminism, meritocracy, social capitalism, freedom, radicalism, intuition, idealism and “positive liberty” This will be the final paradigm shift, the one ordained by the dialectic of freedom. But the followers of the old paradigm will never fully embrace it. Only when they have all died off will the old paradigm finally vanish.
That’s why children are the key to the future. If all children are brought up and educated with the new paradigm, there’s nothing the parents can do, just as there was nothing the English Catholics could do as their children were inculcated with Protestantism in the time of Henry VIII and his successors. Within two generations, a Catholic country had become toxically anti-Catholic. The old paradigm was well and truly dead.brought up and educated with the new paradigm, there’s nothing the parents can do, just as there was nothing the English Catholics could do as their children were inculcated with Protestantism in the time of Henry VIII and his successors. Within two generations, a Catholic country had become toxically anti-Catholic. The old paradigm was well and truly dead.
That’s how the game works. The revolutionaries change the paradigm and then the children are brought up under the new regime and reflect the new paradigm. Their parents are powerless to prevent it.
At the moment, no one in any country has any choice about what paradigm they will live under. If we are free human beings then shouldn’t we be offered options?
As Kierkegaard wrote, “How did I get into the world? Why was I not asked about it and why was I not informed of the rules and regulations but just thrust into the ranks as if I had been bought by a peddling shanghaier of human beings? How did I get involved in this big enterprise called existence? Why should I be involved? Isn’t it a matter of choice? And if I am compelled to be involved, where is the manager—I have something to say about this. Is there no manager? To whom shall I make my complaint?”
Why should any of us have to accept a paradigm we didn’t choose? Why should we be subjects to its laws and ideology? Does that not make us slaves?
All of us MUST have a choice of which paradigm we live under. We have to escape the tyranny of one-size-fits-all systems that are there for the convenience of the privileged elite and allow them to exert maximum control over us.
It’s agony for idealists and rationals to suffer the dumbed-down materialism of the guardians and artisans. We can’t allow them to dictate to us. We are much smarter than they are. We have to act together and use our superior intelligence to create the Zeitgeist world. We will never be free unless we cooperate and combine our incredible strengths.
The world needs a minimum of two paradigms. That’s the basic level of choice. Four paradigms is probably the best number, giving us a broader but manageable set of choices. Wouldn’t you like to know that there was a part of the world specially designed for people like you where you can enjoy an optimised life?
Freedom is about choices, so where are our choices? Sure, we can choose what objects to buy, what things to consume, but we have no say at all about what type of paradigm we live under. All of us get just one – the paradigm of the ruling elite.
The dialectic of freedom demands free choices between different paradigms. Only then will we feel truly free.
We could go even further in the pursuit of choice and create an entirely new model of society based on the concept of the city-state, which was the model adopted by ancient Greece, the founder of Western civilisation. The achievements of the ancient Greeks were so astounding that even now it’s impossible to look upon them with anything other than awe. Was the city-state model fundamental to their success? If so, shouldn’t we be trying to resurrect it?
For example, could this model resolve the tensions building in the multiethnic, multicultural melting point of the modern UK? Unlike America, the UK does not expect its citizens to be British first and foremost. There are many people who physically live in Britain, but are not of Britain i.e. they openly proclaim their allegiance to foreign powers such as Pakistan.
The Ancient Greek Solution to Multiculturalism:
Contrary to the rhetoric of the politicians, the UK is not a shining example of multiculturalism, but a patchwork of sullen, mutually suspicious ghettoes. Perhaps the UK should look to history for remedies. The city-states of Ancient Greece, of Renaissance Italy, and Germany under the Holy Roman Empire were all highly successful and arguably set the intellectual agenda for the world. Does the citystate model provide the best way of handling Islamic fundamentalism?
Britons are constantly told of how much more tolerant they are than the French, Germans, Danes etc., and how they’ve handled the issue of immigration so much more successfully. Of course, it’s all spin. Britain is a seething cauldron of racial and cultural tension, and as soon as you talk to real people in real bars, you hear the bile pouring out.
Multicultural Britain is Ghetto Britain. The whole country is riven with unacknowledged apartheid. A BBC Panorama programme highlighted the case of Blackburn. This town has been split in two, into a white half (where “white” refers to the indigenous population of Britain) and a Muslim half (mostly immigrants from Pakistan). Panorama tracked the movements of two taxis – one driven by a white man and the other by a Muslim – and discovered that neither taxi ever ventured into the respective “wrong” side of town.
Blackburn is simply a more visible version of what has happened throughout the UK – “no-go” areas have popped up everywhere. The process is a familiar one. Immigrant families enter certain districts of a town, “white flight” soon becomes evident and immigrants gradually populate the whole district. The immigrant area relentlessly expands until it reaches some clearly defined barrier such as a river, a motorway, countryside etc.
Neither the immigrants nor the whites (and, of course, the immigrants are often white themselves these days, from Eastern Europe) are engaging in anything sinister. Immigrants like to be with those who share their culture, language, understand their problems, enjoy their cuisine and ways of doing thing etc. It’s only natural that they should congregate in the same places. By the same token, the indigenous population have, on the whole, no desire to end up surrounded by an imported culture alien to them, so as soon as the immigrant population reaches a certain critical mass in a particular area, the indigenous population departs. Some people might suspect underlying racism, but how can it be non-racist for immigrants to wish to stick together and then racist for the indigenous population to wish to do exactly the same?
We now live in patchwork Britain. Communities are developing separately from each other, with different standards of living, different cultural norms and alternative ways of perceiving the world. Resentment, suspicion and hostility between different communities are only to be expected. If this divided nation is the manifestation of the great triumph of multiculturalism, something has gone horribly wrong.
Are there examples from history that might provide genuinely successful models of multicultural development? One that leaps out is Ancient Greece. For obvious reasons, it can’t be considered an example of racial multiculturalism (everyone was of the same race), but the city-states that comprised Ancient Greece unquestionably promoted the coexistence of radically different cultures.
The two most notable Greek city-states were, famously, Athens and Sparta. Athens was a democracy (although women had no vote and neither did the huge slave population, nor freedmen, nor anyone not born in Athens), and produced famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, great tragic playwrights such as Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus, comic writers such as Aristophanes, beautiful architecture such as the Parthenon, wonderful sculptures, and great historians such as Herodotus and Thucydides. It also had a superb navy and became a great maritime and mercantile power.
Sparta, by contrast, operated a system of dual monarchy. It was a ferocious military power, and the ability of its soldiers became legendary. It deliberately didn’t build walls around the city to demonstrate that its soldiers were the only defence it required. The concentration on military affairs left no room for anything else. Sparta produced no significant architecture, philosophy, poetry or art: a sterile culture in almost every way. It maintained a reign of terror over a huge slave population (the helots), fearing the slaves were always on the point of revolt. Oddly, women were highly esteemed in Sparta and enjoyed far more privileges than other Greek women. Amongst other things, they were encouraged to train and exercise, thus becoming famed for their beautifully honed bodies: the predecessors of today’s Californian gym bunnies.
Thebes and Corinth were the other two most prominent Greek city-states, though there were scores of others, mostly in alliance with the major players. Competition was fierce between the city-states, sublimated in the form of great events such as the Olympics, but often expressed in savage wars.
Nevertheless, it was from these Greek city-states that practically the whole of modern European culture emanated. And it was again thanks to city-states that European culture emerged from a bleak period of stagnation in the Dark and Middle Ages. The Renaissance sprang from the Italian city-states of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: world-renowned cities such as Florence, Rome, Naples, Turin, Bologna, Sienna, Milan and Venice. Without this particular Italianate city-state structure, the Renaissance may never have happened. As in Ancient Greece, competition between city-states was bitter, and violent conflicts frequent. Nevertheless, art, science and culture in general flowered in this cut-throat environment. Great patrons of the arts such as the Medicis came to the fore. Culture, like war, was in a sense a continuation of politics by other means; another way of demonstrating a city-state’s power, status and superiority. Science and technology, as engines of progress in weapons’ design, were heavily supported. Political theorists such as Machiavelli also found themselves in vogue.
Germany, in the time of the Holy Roman Empire, was largely a collection of city-states, and in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it too became a powerhouse of advances in philosophy, science, maths, music and literature.
Scotland in the eighteenth century was in some sense a large citystate centred on Edinburgh, with a burning desire to distinguish itself following the Union with England in 1707. The Scottish Enlightenment gave us several figures of global importance including Adam Smith, the founder of economic science and first theoretician of free market capitalism, and David Hume in philosophy, perhaps the greatest sceptic of all, to whom all philosophers must pay due regard.
History has demonstrated over and over that city-states bring something extra to the party. The intense rivalry they engender often becomes associated with accelerated advances in science, technology, philosophy and art. City-states are a tried-and-tested antidote to stagnation and cultural stultification.
So, how could modern Britain make use of city-states to address the problem of multiculturalism? The key is not to be frightened by ghettoisation, but to take it much further and transform it into a positive virtue. We could have a Hindu city-state for the Indian community, a city-state for Orthodox Jews, one for Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc.
Muslims tend to be either liberal or fundamentalist. There could be a city-state for each type. The Islamic fundamentalist city-state should be allowed to apply its own local laws, which would no doubt involve Sharia Law.
Some might say that in this time of the War on Terror, it would be mad to allow fundamentalists to set up their own “safe haven” within Britain. However, this policy would actually enhance security. All those disaffected youths who spend their time loathing Britain and the West would now throw their energies into proving the “superiority” of their Islamic city-state. Their efforts would be constructively channelled and result in productive outcomes. Far from attacking Britain, they would become proud Muslims and ultimately proud Britons too, just as the Athenians and Spartans were proud of their city-states and proud of being Greeks. When the time came, they fought together against the common enemy, Persia.
Fundamentalist Muslim women could happily wear the hijab, niqab, the burqa without offending anyone. The Islamic city-state could send its children to its own Islamic schools without interference.
Of course, any Muslim who preferred not to live in a Muslim citystate wouldn’t have to, but they’d also have to leave behind the visible signs of their religion if they chose to go to a non-Muslim city-state. No veils; no ethnic wear; no mosques.
Let the white, racist British National Party have their own citystate, and let them expend their energies on trying to run it successfully. Handicapped and disabled people could have their own purpose-built, state-of-the-art city-state if they so desired, and the opportunity to run their own affairs without being discriminated against. Lesbians and gay men, swingers, the elderly, intellectuals, artists, loved-up smug couples, sexy singles, “nuclear” families, careerists – they could all have their own city-states where they could indulge their lifestyles and have them tailored for their specific needs, without aggravating others. Those who couldn’t care less about differences between people could have their own liberal city-states where anything goes. Meritocrats could run one city-state, royalists and supporters of privilege another. Animal lovers could have a city that revolved around their pets. People might choose to live with those of the same psychological type. The smartest and most creative people could live together. People would go only where they felt most comfortable, to the city-state that most met their needs. Everyone would freely choose. No one would be in any way compelled.
There could also be a city-state for all new immigrants. Any newcomer to the UK would have to stay in this city-state for at least a year before being allowed to move to a different city-state in the UK proper. Since their own quality of life would be adversely impacted by too much immigration, the immigrant community in this city-state would find it in their interests to restrict the number of new immigrants coming into the country. If this city-state is sealed off from the rest of the country then the quality of life of the immigrants who live there becomes directly dependent on whom they let in. It’s a counterintuitive solution to immigration, but perhaps exactly what’s needed. Having immigrants police themselves might prove the perfect method for controlling immigration.
Historically, city-states have proved disproportionately creative and rapidly adaptive to changing circumstances. Citizens tend to take greater pride in their city-state than they do in their nation as a whole. Their self-respect, self-confidence and self-pride are all higher. Separate communities can evolve without interference from disapproving opponents. Ghettoes can be transformed from minuses into pluses. Is this the perfect model for multicultural Britain?
Isn’t there anyone who dreams of the glories of Athens, Sparta, Thebes and Corinth being reborn in grey, dreary old Britain? Being broken into city-states could energise the whole country. In the old Ealing comedy Passport to Pimlico, a tiny part of London declared itself a separate state. Perhaps the film wasn’t so much fanciful as prophetic.
The world has run out of ideas. The old systems have reached the end of the road. They are unfit for purpose. New visions, new futures, new choices are demanded. We can have tailor-made education systems for everyone, and tailor-made city-states where they can live. Who but the enemies of freedom would oppose a new world based on genuine choice? The one-size-fits-all, sausage machine view of the world is long past its sell-by date. It hasn’t made us happy. We will be happy only when we live in environments that make sense to us, where we feel at home, surrounded by friends and allies on the same wavelength. Only then will we flourish and make the most of ourselves.
In the past, race, religion and culture have been used as the basis for separation, but psychology is the only truly rational, and indeed moral, basis for dividing people into groups. Division by skin colour is blind prejudice and utterly ridiculous. Division by Myers-Briggs types is about ensuring a rational world. Much of the world seems incomprehensible and in truth it really is – because it’s mostly the product of others types of mentality with which few of us have any sympathy or empathy. If you want the world to make sense you have to order it so that you are mostly surrounded by people on your wavelength.
To rationals in particular, the need for a rational world is paramount. The Zeitgeist movies present a rational new vision of the world. The trouble is that most people aren’t rational and are not seduced by Zeitgeist. How do you persuade the irrational of the rational way forward? They don’t know what you’re talking about.
The rationals and idealists – the intuitives – must act as one irresistible force. We have no choice if we want a better world. Otherwise we will be condemned to live forever under the tyranny of the irrational sensers.
The Rationals:
Most members of the Illuminati are INTJ and INTP.
INTJ (the Mastermind):
Dominant function: Introverted Intuition
Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking
Tertiary: Introverted Feeling
Inferior: Extraverted Sensing
INTP (the Architect):
Dominant: Introverted Thinking
Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition
Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
Inferior: Extraverted Feeling
Note how the INTPs are extraverted where the INTJs are introverted, and introverted where the INTJs are extraverted. They are an introversion/ extraversion mirror image. Many of the leadership of the Old World Order are ENTJ and ENTP:
ENTJ (the Fieldmarshal):
Dominant: Extraverted Thinking
Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing
Inferior: Introverted Feeling
ENTP (the Inventor):
Dominant: Extraverted Intuition
Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking
Tertiary: Extraverted Feeling
Inferior: Introverted Sensing
Note how similar ENTJ is to INTJ; the main difference being that INTJ has a dominant function of introverted intuition and auxiliary function of extraverted thinking, whereas ENTJ have a dominant function of extraverted thinking and auxiliary function of introverted intuition. They are a dominant/
The ENTPs and INTPs have a similar relationship. Where the INTP has a dominant function of introverted thinking, it is the auxiliary for the ENTP. Where the INTP has an auxiliary function of extraverted intuition, it is the dominant function for the ENTP.
If the ENTJs and ENTPs could unite with the INTJs and INTPs, it would be game over.
The Choice Paradigm:
Why did communism fail to overthrow capitalism in the West? A number of reasons have been advanced, such as the capitalist ruling class using their control of the media and education system to create a false consciousness amongst the people whereby they were subtly indoctrinated into supporting the ideology of the rulers, an ideology hostile to their own interests. A much simpler analysis can be provided. Any objective comparison of capitalism and communism shows that the former offered much more choice and freedom than the latter, even if much of it was illusory. In the Soviet Union, you could not even enjoy the illusion of voting the government out of office. There was only one political party – the Communist Party, so you had no access to alternative political voices. Dissent was ruthlessly suppressed. The secret police were everywhere. There was no free speech. As for buying goods and services, you had to take whatever Communism put in front of you from its selection of state monopolies. There was almost no choice and all of the goods and services were of inferior quality.
Any system that seeks to replace capitalism must offer more choice, more freedom, higher quality and more fulfilling lives. Communism, in retrospect, made almost every mistake imaginable. The “cure for capitalism” actually ended up worse than the disease.
Most people won’t tolerate being told what’s best for them. They won’t conduct themselves rationally. They will always act emotionally and according to ruthless self-interest as they perceive it. Capitalism has understood human psychology extremely well.
Either the people are dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age by a superior, dominant force, or they must be seduced.
The city-state paradigm, no matter how seemingly impractical, offers a glimpse of a radically new world with an astonishing degree of freedom and choice. We can create bespoke political systems for people, giving them exactly the “micro-world” they have clamoured for. Then it’s up to them whether their chosen city-state sinks or swims. They will have to work hard and they will have no one to blame but themselves if everything goes wrong. The State thus transfers to the people the responsibility for the State’s success. Every citizen will be active and engaged: they will have no choice. If they are part of a city-state that they have personally chosen and which then goes horribly wrong, they have had their political vision refuted in the only way that counts – in the open for all to see. They can’t claim that it was anyone else’s fault. They chose it and they fucked it up. So, if that’s what goes down then a) their political thinking is rejected forever and b) they have to go begging to another city-state to be allowed in there.
“Phantom” (a leading member of The Movement) enquired whether “socialist” meritocracy had close affinities to Social Libertarianism and other sophisticated types of anarchism and hence whether The Movement should seek to garner support from such quarters. He also mentioned the ongoing “basic income” debate – involving whether or not everyone should receive a guaranteed income from the State for being a citizen – that has been raging in The Movement’s forum and is examined in another book in this series (Voices of the Movement).
Phantom said, “The ideal state will be one where the citizens participate in society out of their own conscious & knowing volition as opposed to being duped or forced into it.”
He’s exactly right, but one thing is certain – there’s no one-size-fits-all political system that will command everyone’s loyalty and devotion.
In our book entitled New World Order, we proposed that 16 education systems should be constructed for primary school children, corresponding to the 16 Myers-Briggs types. Every personality type would thus get a bespoke education rather than the one-size-fits-all treatment they receive at the present time. Who can doubt that such an education system would produce enormously superior students? No one would be alienated from school. Every kid would thrive.
Exactly the same type of thinking can be extended to politics via the city-state model. Instead of imposing a totalitarian one-size-fits-all system on everyone, leaving most people distinctly cold and uninspired, we create multiple political systems and every citizen can freely choose the political system that most appeals to them.
The basic income debate reveals radically different views of human nature. There’s no point at all in trying to reconcile the two visions, or to hold a democratic vote to decide the issue. Neither party to the debate would find it acceptable if they lost, and indeed why should they? Both think they’re right, and both have presented their cases passionately and skilfully.
We can’t shout down one side and say that they’ve got it wrong somehow. The only rational way forward, respecting the principles of greater freedom, choice and citizen engagement, is to say that in a meritocratic system, both options will be given their chance to flourish.
Every citizen can get what they want – if they can find enough supporters to join them in their enterprise. But it’s then their personal responsibility to make it work. Those who support basic income will have to create their own economic system to pay for it. Those who think it will be a disaster do not have to participate in it. A compromise would make both parties unhappy. Using the city-state model, both sides get what they want, and they will be proved right or wrong in due course.
One of the accusations made against the basic income ideology is that it would inevitably result in a group of parasites living off the work of others. Well, all those who harbour that suspicion would of course stay well clear. Those who think it can succeed will be the only victims if it goes belly up. What is fairer than ensuring that people live with the consequences of their own choices; that they stand or fall by their own efforts?
Phantom suggested that it should be the State’s priority to “preserve and maximize the freedoms of the individual and to support them regardless.” The State can achieve these goals only by being multi-faceted and infinitely flexible. Consider the USA. There are fifty States, with significant autonomy, ruled by a Federal government (mostly immensely unpopular and regarded almost as fascist). Utah is a “Mormon” State. California is socially liberal, with the city of San Francisco being renowned for its gay population. Many southern States are racist. Many Bible Belt States have a Christian fundamentalist ethos. Alaska and Montana are for the outdoors types. Every State has its own stereotype.
In other words, a de facto city-state model already exists. Why not adjust the balance so that the Federal Government’s power is massively reduced, and the autonomy of the States greatly increased? They can have their own constitution, laws and ways of doing things. Every citizen can go to whatever State most suits their inclinations. The Federal Government becomes merely a body for ensuring good relations between the States. But wouldn’t economic mayhem result? Each State would have radically different economic policies, after all.
In Europe, a one-size-fits-all currency – the Euro – has been in use throughout the “Euro zone”, with disastrous consequences. What the Euro experiment has proved beyond doubt is that you can have a single currency only if all the countries that use the currency have similar economies and economic policies i.e. they need to be much more closely integrated. The Euro needs a united and closely integrated Europe.
You must introduce separate currencies if you increase national or state economic autonomy. And you have to impose strict firewalls to prevent a catastrophe in one place spreading everywhere else. The global economy almost collapsed in 2008 because there were no banking firewalls in the West – all the banks were multinational leviathans with their fingers in every pie. They were all dependent on each other. When one got into trouble, they all did – madness!
What would America say to having the dollar broken up into fifty separate currencies to allow each State to run its economy and banks exactly as it sees fit? The Ayn Randists could abolish all regulation, as they’ve always desired. The anarcho-capitalist libertarians could do whatever they like. The anarchists could have the government-free State they’ve always craved. Socialist libertarianism could flourish in New York or California. Everyone could get what they want. No more compromise. No more having to water everything down.
The world would retreat from globalisation to localisation, from “big is beautiful” to small and bespoke. The faceless, impersonal forces of capitalist globalization would be halted at a stroke.
True freedom is about being allowed to make highly specific choices about how you live your life. If you are part of a vast human mass all with radically different opinions, you will never get what you want. Everything will always be bitterly contested and reduced to an ineffectual compromise. However, if you can get together with people on the same wavelength, you can say goodbye to compromise, disputation and muddle. You and your colleagues can single-mindedly build your own dream state.
Most people don’t feel any engagement with politics. Why should they? It’s just a game that takes place far away in a congress, parliament or assembly. The whole thing is a cynical set of deals and compromises that give no one what they want. What’s the point? Every citizen must become engaged and active and they will do so only if their State reflects who they are.
Freedom and choice are maximised when you get to choose what kind of State you live in. Why not be an American with fifty sub-Americas to choose from? The ancient Greek city-states were proudly independent, but were still Greek and cooperated when necessary.
Why go on trying to find a common way of living with anarchists, libertarians, anarcho-capitalist libertarians, Ayn Randists, rednecks, the Tea Party, Republicans, Democrats, Christian fundamentalists, Mormons, Muslims, Survivalists, Rapturists etc etc?
How will you ever be happy when you are surrounded by people you actively loathe? Imagine being in a State full of people who all share your enthusiasms and ways of thinking. You can be friends with all of them. You can all work together with a common purpose. You’re all pulling in the same direction rather than endlessly squabbling. Don’t you think you will be able to achieve infinitely more?
Tags: Academia Iluministă
Academia Iluministă (49)
THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF BOOKS outlining the religion, politics and philosophy of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati, of which the Greek polymath Pythagoras was the first official Grand Master. The society exists to this day and the author is a member, working under the pseudonym of “Adam Weishaupt” – the name of the Illuminati’s most notorious Grand Master.
The Illuminati’s religion is the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism and is called Illumination (alternatively, Illuminism). Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, considering these the work of the “Demiurge”; an inferior, cruel and wicked deity who deludes himself that he is the True God, and who has inflicted endless horrors on humanity.
If you wish to judge for yourself how deranged the Demiurge is, you need only read the Old Testament, the story of the Demiurge’s involvement with his “Chosen People”, the Hebrews. You may wonder why the “God of All” entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, why he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others, and why he then actively participated with them in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, according to Christian theology, he then despatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Limbo – the edge of Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the “Original Sin” of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonising death of God’s “son”, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Limbo. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour were eligible for Paradise.
Of course, the Chosen People of “God” have almost entirely rejected Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the Christian perspective, nearly all of the Chosen People are now in hell proper. Don’t you find God’s behaviour distinctly odd? Indeed, unbelievable? Don’t alarm bells start ringing? Doesn’t the behaviour of this God sound rather more like what would be expected of Satan?
Remember that this same “God” ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, Isaac. Abraham, rather than rejecting this monstrous command, rather than denouncing the creature that gave it as evil incarnate, agreed to butcher his own flesh and blood to demonstrate how slavishly and mindlessly obedient he was – the prototype of all psychopathic, fanatical “believers”.
Does God’s command to Abraham sound like something that would ever pass the lips of the True God? We pity you if you think it does because you are surely a creature of the Demiurge and one of the legions of the damned. If, however, you doubt the credentials of the Abrahamic God, you may be receptive to the message of the Illuminati and our future-oriented, rational, scientific, mathematical and dialectical religion of light – Illumination.
“The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.” –Austin O’Malley
“Politics and the fate of mankind are shaped by men without ideals and without greatness. Men who have greatness within them don’t go in for politics.” –Albert Camus
“In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.” –Charles de Gaulle
Changing the Paradigm:
England, one of the great Protestant powers of history, was once a devout Catholic country. The Pope gave its king, Henry VIII, the title of Fidei Defensor (defender of the faith) because he had launched a ferocious written attack on Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism.
But Henry’s Spanish wife, Catherine of Aragon, failed to give him a male successor, so he sought a divorce to allow him to find a new wife to provide the boy he craved. Catholicism does not permit divorce and the Pope was unwilling to finesse a deal with Henry whereby the marriage would be annulled on some technicality.
Henry broke with Rome, appointed himself the head of the new “Church of England” and demanded from his bishops that they sanction his divorce. He was now a Protestant, just like Martin Luther, though he continued to follow many of the Catholic ways of old and hypocritically retained the Pope’s title of Fidei Defensor, used by the British Royal Family to this day even though they proved conclusively that not only would they not defend the Catholic faith, they would actively persecute it. Many English Catholics were appalled by Henry’s conduct and rose in righteous rebellion, but they were crushed one by one, and the leaders suffered the horrific fate of being hung, drawn and quartered for high treason.
The English people were good, loyal and faithful Catholics, and had been for a thousand years, until their king decided he wanted a divorce. Yet, within decades, England was virulently anti-Catholic. It introduced innumerable laws against Catholics, burned their priests at the stake and subjected them to relentless persecution and discrimination. The hostility can still be seen and felt to this day. The question is this – how can good Catholics be turned into Catholic persecutors within a couple of generations?
We mention this piece of history because there are many people who pour scorn on the Illuminati’s political system of meritocracy (designed to replace the existing system of representative democracy) and consider it unachievable, just as many 16th century English Catholics never imagined that their children would become fanatical Protestants. The critics of meritocracy particularly revile the 100% inheritance tax, which is the sine qua non of the meritocratic vision. This measure is expressly for the purpose of destroying dynastic wealth i.e. unless you prevent the possibility of family wealth being transferred from generation to generation, you will always be the victim of privileged family elites like the Rothschilds and Bushes. These elites, with their enormous prestige and influence, invariably form an unelected and unaccountable shadow global government – the Old World Order (OWO) – based on their private wealth and power with which they can buy and manipulate all of the governments of the world. In every way, the existence of a privileged elite is antithetical to meritocracy, and indeed to democracy. What’s the point of electing prime ministers and presidents if they are in fact pawn of people whose names were never on any ballot paper? Only a fool participates in a bogus election that does nothing but provide the front men for an unseen regime whose manifesto is never anything other than its own self-interest.
To a meritocrat, it is breathtaking that so many families, even those with no assets to pass on, are such fierce defenders of the rights of family inheritance. It is BECAUSE of this attitude that the OWO rule us. We can be free only when the elite’s money is taken from them and they can no longer use it as a weapon against us. The Old World Order are so successful precisely because they have the tacit support of most ordinary families. These families are clueless, submissive, irrational, credulous groups of morons, infected by “faith” in Abrahamism and the ludicrous rhetoric of “freedom and democracy” (which is more accurately (“freedumb and dumbocracy”). They have bought the OWO’s ideology hook, line and sinker. They have a false consciousness (constructed for them by the relentless media propaganda of the ruling elite) and they live in bad faith.
We would give up in the face of this resistance and cretinism of the masses if we did not already know that the ordinary families of today are as irrelevant as the ordinary Catholic families of 16th century England. The opinions of the anti-meritocrats count for nothing. All that matters is who has power. Who controls the agenda? Who dictates the consciousness of the people?
Henry VIII used a combination of terror, bribery and corruption and realpolitik to get the ruling elite fully onboard with his new Church of England. They then rapidly demonised Catholicism over the next few decades and, critically, brainwashed all of England’s schoolchildren.
In just one generation, the mentality of a nation can be irrevocably changed. It doesn’t matter a damn what the dinosaurs think and believe. It doesn’t matter what they say about 100% inheritance tax.
After just one generation of meritocratic government, the meritocratic principles will become second nature, and the people will be baffled that previous generations once lived differently and permitted privileged elites to flourish.
The brilliant scientist Max Planck wrote, “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”
That’s exactly the way the world works. We can’t ever persuade convinced Abrahamists, democrats and supporters of dynastic family power that they are wrong – they are beyond help in that regard. But if meritocracy becomes the ruling paradigm, the Abrahamists and the fans of privilege and the OWO will die out and their archaic belief system will become as extinct as the Flat Earth Society. The education of children is the key to a new world order. Once children are liberated from the beliefs of their parents and given a tailor-made, optimised education, the world will be transformed by that fact alone.
If you are a true meritocrat then you are a visionary and you are in tune with the dialectic of freedom. You see and understand things that the dumb, brainwashed sheeple will never grasp.
What is our great task? It is essentially this – to bring together all of the smartest, most active and creative people in the world who are not part of the ruling paradigm of the OWO. We don’t need any kind of majority of the sheeple. We’re not democrats, after all. We have said over and over again that the vast majority of people in this world are submissive sheep. They will go with the flow, whatever it is. That’s their nature: to follow the path of least resistance; to do whatever is required of them by the powers-that-be. That’s why Catholic England rapidly became Protestant England. No Catholic would have thought it possible, yet it happened with remarkable speed.
The movers and shakers dominate this world, not the hewers of wood and drawers of water. One active person has more effect than ten passive people. One leader is worth a thousand people. A “messiah” is worth half a world. Ergo, the game is to bring the whole active resistance to the Old World Order under a single banner. To be victorious, we need only about 5% of the population on our side, providing that the 5% consists of the smartest, most determined, most creative, most committed people in all the lands. In other words, we need the heroes. The hero monomyth is at the core of our project because only heroes can change the world. The highest heroes are world-historic figures. Any group that can assemble all of the heroes cannot lose. Where the heroes go, the rest of the world follows.
So, our task is not to appeal to the brainwashed masses, who are already irretrievably lost, but to attract those, like the Nietzschean Übermenschen, who will create the future.
The old gods are dead. The highest heroes are the new gods, and only through them will the rest of humanity attain divinity. Meritocracy is the platform for the greatest exemplars of the human race, those who will give birth to a new world, those who will reach up and pluck the bright stars from the heavens.
We don’t need to convince the sheeple of anything. We don’t need to persuade Abrahamists that they are fatally deceived. We don’t need to fight the OWO. We just need the heroes, the Supermen and Superwomen who can alter the destiny of worlds.
Are you such a person?
Bank Robbers in Designer Suits:
Do you want to see the world created by the OWO in 3-D and full Technicolor? Watch the film-documentary Inside Job by Charles Ferguson. If you don’t crave a French-style Revolution by the time the closing credits roll, there’s something wrong with you.
Inside Job forensically dissects the astonishing gangster culture that governs our world. Yet virtually no one saw this movie even though it won an Oscar for best documentary. It suffered the usual fate of vital films – receiving a very limited release. Art house cinemas showed it, but most multiplexes wouldn’t touch that sort of thing with a bargepole. The dumbed-down masses couldn’t imagine anything worse and more boring than watching a documentary explaining exactly why our world is the way it is. Anyone who is not interested in this topic is beyond help. Inside Job is so important that it ought to be one of the most successful films of all time: everyone should be going to see it. It should be shown in every school. The fact that so few are interested in it illustrates how docile the sheeple are, and how brilliant is the brainwashing job done on them.
Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson wrote, “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.”
That’s the world the OWO have crafted. They have created a population that would rather spend all of its time watching American Idol and Lady Gaga videos than scrutinizing how the elite came to be so rich and powerful. Such a population poses no threat at all to the OWO, which is exactly why they designed things that way.
Think of what has been done to the people in order to make them so hostile to learning the truth of the prison they are in. Think how brilliantly the OWO have performed their task. Even when their evil is fully exposed in painstaking detail, it doesn’t make the slightest difference. The members of the OWO could walk around dressed as Satan himself, in horns and hooves, and still they would be worshipped as God.
That’s why heroes alone can save the world – the few who have seen through all of the lies and are ready to act, to lead, to use their personal gifts to transform this world of ours. Achieving a democratic mandate is not our priority. The mandate we seek is that of the true heroes. Ours is the Hero Flag, and under that banner we shall inevitably triumph.
Here is the ruling ideology of the OWO that the heroes must smash:
1) The super rich are morally and intellectually superior to everyone else.
2) They deserve all of their wealth and power because of 1).
3) Wicked, Godless communism would result if you deprived them of their wealth and power. The world would be plunged into chaos.
4) It is your God-given duty to obey the super rich in every way because they are the ones who enjoy God’s favour i.e. they are God’s chosen appointees and any resistance to them is an attack on God himself. It is the “divine right” of the wealthy to rule.
5) If you work hard enough, you too could become super rich, so don’t complain.
6) The super rich are all about family and if you love your family you will emulate the super rich and their strong family values.
7) It would be theft and a crime against God for the State to remove the wealth of the super rich.
8) The super rich are being rewarded by God, and the poor punished by God. Your wealth is the surest sign of your closeness to God. You are evil if you are poor – why else has God given you nothing?
9) The poor are the damned and the rich the saved.
10) The rich are God’s elect.
11) The super rich are the only legitimate authority in the world. Everything they do is by definition legitimate. You have no legal grounds to challenge them.
12) They have the absolute right to impose their views on everyone else: to brainwash them, to control the education they receive, and to control the media that educates, informs and entertains them.
13) Wealth is proof of God’s favour ergo any attack on wealth is Satanic.
Of course, “Mammon” should replace the word “God” in this list, but the ordinary person no longer draws any distinction since all they dream about is becoming rich, about becoming a high priest of Mammon. Money, in our world, is freedom, power, status, prestige, desirability and delight all rolled into one. Money is the panacea the ancient alchemists sought. All of our problems would end if only we had enough money.
The Mammonites are everywhere. There has never been a more powerful religion in history. The OWO have proved that money can buy the world’s soul and control every feature of this planet. Cicero said, “There is no fortress so strong that money cannot take it.” The OWO have taken every fortress in just this manner. “Resistance is futile,” they brag as they wave their bags of gold.
We have no truck with democracy. Why not? Because the people are completely debased, corrupted and retarded. They have accepted their own slavery and subjugation. They think it is fully justified. They are delighted to endlessly distract themselves with the junk the elite put in front of them. They are not a “people” at all: merely a bread and circuses mob of performing puppets and gawping spectators. They are not humans but rather human impersonators. It’s even questionable whether they have true souls.
The hero, the superman – the man or woman who would be God – is the antidote.
If you are a meritocrat you will have found yourself developing a kind of nausea when you contemplate the sheeple. How could humanity have fallen so low you will think? And how can such people help the dialectic of freedom when they have embraced slavery so eagerly? They refuse to take the actions necessary to save themselves. They put on their own manacles and sing, “Hallelujah! – give us heavier chains!”
The people must be saved, but they can’t save themselves. Only the free can change the world. Only heroes are free. They are self defining, self creating. They don’t wait on others.
Would any democrat dare to utter the immortal slogan of Nietzsche: “We, however, want to become those who we are – the new, the unique, the incomparable, those who impose on themselves their own law, those who create themselves!” Only such individuals have the strength to dream, to seize life, to transform themselves and others. What do the rest matter? Who needs their endorsement? They will never agree with us because they have sold their souls to the Devil.
Congratulations to Pho’, the visionary Hip Hop artist, and all those who assisted him in creating his H.E.R.O. Volume 1 Collection – an astoundingly innovative, inspirational and ambitious work, illustrating true grandeur of vision. It’s a mystery that Pho’ isn’t yet a global phenomenon, but his time will surely come. He makes smart music for smart people, music with something to say, music that seeks to change the world.
The War of the N’s and S’s, T’s and F’s, I’s and E’s:
We are hard-wired for conflict. The reason for that is that large groups of us have nothing in common with other large groups with whom we are forced to share the planet. We humans, in our various different groups, perceive the world differently. We conceptualise it differently. We have totally different value systems. It’s quite possible that we could get on better with Martians than with some of our neighbours. No one could be more alien to us than those who have a radically different understanding of the world and way of interacting with it.
Are Abrahamists even human? Do people who vote for the Republican Party belong to the same species as everyone else? It’s actually more than a question of brainwashing. What these people believe is a reflection of how their brains are configured. A person who is sensing oriented with feeling as his auxiliary function, or feeling oriented with sensing as his auxiliary function, is not someone who is thinking his way through life, not someone who is intuiting the truth of things.
The sensers and feelers go through life cut off from the cerebral side of life. Is it any wonder they succumb to irrational belief systems, that they place faith over knowledge? They can’t do otherwise because they don’t actually have any firm idea of what reason is. They don’t interact with it on a daily basis. It’s something obscure and alien to them, whereas irrational nonsense is what they trade in day in and day out. These people have no contact with Logos (reason) – they are driven by the simple Mythos “logic” of stories and emotions, a style of logic which makes claims such as cowboys in white hats are good and those in black hats are evil (which was once the rule in all cowboy movies, just in case the retarded Abrahamist audience couldn’t work out good and evil conduct for themselves!).
If we analysed those who believe in the Abrahamic religions and those who don’t we would discover astounding psychological differences. In Myers-Briggs terms, Abrahamists would be over represented by S’s, F’s and E’s and non-Abrahamists by N’s, T’s and I’s. In other words, the conflicts of the world are about different types of brain wiring and psychological types.
It would be almost impossible for a Myers-Briggs INTJ personality type to persuade an ESFP of the truth of anything because the latter doesn’t care about the truth in any rational way. As we said, they are Mythos-based rather than Logos-centred. They subscribe to emotional stories rather than abstract logic. They are thrill seekers rather than contemplatives. They want to wallow in sensory information – their perceptions – and feelings rather than bring conceptual order to the world. The two groups have no common language. They can’t communicate. Their frameworks of reality are incommensurate.
The idea that you can have a rational debate with any person is a myth. Huge numbers of people have no idea what reason is. Literally. Their minds just don’t work that way. A rational person can barely understand the concept of “faith” because it demands that they abandon reason in order to believe something that has no rational basis. Why would they ever be attracted to such an idea? Yet a person who has very little grasp of reason will have no difficulty at all. If someone tells them an engaging, emotional story that they buy into and then says that they must believe this to be wholly true even though there is no evidence for it, these people will say, “Fine with me.” They are driven by emotions and sensations, not facts. If faith provides them with comfort and courage then they will eagerly embrace it. The truth content of their beliefs doesn’t come into it. It’s irrelevant.
The ancient Gnostics were the first religious thinkers to be repelled by the idea of faith and to take a resolute stance against it. They demanded knowledge. There can be little doubt that Gnostics are a different psychological type from believers. Atheists, skeptics and agnostics are also unable to accept faith.
The Pythagorean Illuminati sought to build everything on the most precise knowledge base possible: mathematics, the queen of the sciences. Not once did the Illuminati ever stray near the bizarre world of faith – the irrational world.
The more you contemplate “faith”, the more it seems indistinguishable from madness. When Luther described reason as the “Devil’s whore”, he was asserting that facts, logic, evidence and knowledge are no proper basis for understanding the world and instead non-facts, illogic, non-evidence and non-knowledge are the proper ways to approach life. WTF! The “revelation of God” in an ancient book of highly dubious provenance, and full of crazy assertions and rules, is how we should order and live our lives. Really?
It’s well known that the Christian gospels are merely a selection from many ancient manuscripts, others of which could have been chosen instead. The trouble was that all of these different potential gospels horrifically contradicted each other, even though they were all ostensibly about the infallible teachings of Christ. So “they” (the Church elders) chose the small set that were most consistent, but even within these there were many blatant contradictions. Why do so many people think these selected gospels are the revelation of God if they can’t agree on the basic facts of Jesus’ life? The identities of the authors of the four Christian gospels are shrouded in mystery and it’s not entirely clear that any of them actually knew Jesus and were eyewitnesses to any events in his life. All of them may be nothing but hearsay. Jesus’ apostles were mostly ill-educated fishermen unable to read or write, and Jesus Christ himself was probably illiterate given that he didn’t commit even one word to paper. You simply could not get a more dubious basis for a “revelation” on which to stake your life. No rational person is inclined to believe any of it.
What possible reason could anyone have for believing that a baby born of a “virgin” (the word “maiden”, meaning an unmarried girl, was actually mistranslated as “virgin”) 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem was none other than the God of the Universe rather than just another bastard Jew (literally)? Mary, the so-called Mother of God, unquestionably had premarital sex and attempted the most audacious and far-fetched cover-up in history, a lie so big and absurd that it has been eagerly embraced by billions of cretinous Christians ever since. They wouldn’t like to think of Christ’s mother as a delinquent teenager into casual sex and prepared to make up outrageous lies to try to save her bacon when she got pregnant – just like plenty of teens in the present day. Yet isn’t that far more credible than a “virgin” conception? Since when did claims that contradict science and all human experience become credible? If a teenage girl in the present day said she was pregnant through supernatural means she would be denounced as a liar or locked up as mad…so why is such a whopper believed because it’s two-thousand years old and made by a Jewess called Mary?
Let’s be charitable to Mary. Let’s say that what actually happened was that she met a con man passing himself as one of the Watchers – the angels that came to earth and seduced earthly women, thus giving rise to the race of Nephilim, the offspring of humans and angels. The Watcher seduced her then told her that he hadn’t genuinely had sex with her because he was an immaterial angel, hence she was entitled to claim she was still a virgin because she hadn’t had sex with a mortal man. She was more than happy to go along with the story, and even started to believe it herself.
The Illuminati actually decided to test this scenario, and sent out men pretending to be angels to see what effect it would have on women. The strategy was astoundingly successful – anyone who can convincingly tap into the “Angel Mythos” has the chance to be a Don Juan. Who can doubt that young Mary fell for just such a stratagem? All suggestible, submissive girls are prey for good-looking, unscrupulous men passing themselves off as angels. The Illuminati performed the ruse as an experiment; others do it as a way of life. Go out to a nightclub and try it for yourself, but make sure you actually know about angel lore!
Matthew 1:18 Whereas [Christ’s] mother was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child, of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost?! Yeah, right!
Luke 1 26-35: And in the sixth month [of the pregnancy of John the Baptist’s mother Elizabeth], the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.” Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her, “Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How shall this be done, because I know not man?” And the angel answering said to her, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
Of course, the Watchers were also called the sons of God! Is this the Gospel proof that Jesus Christ was an archon?!
One of the most notorious archons is called “Gabriel” – the “Angel” Gabriel, to be more precise! An archon is a human being with a higher, “angelic” soul which confers remarkable powers on him, and much-extended longevity (incidentally, have you ever wondered why many people in the Bible – such as Methuselah – were said to have lived for many centuries?). Gabriel it was who seduced Mary. She bore his son – Jesus Christ, the archon, a boy who also enjoyed out-of-the-ordinary powers. And Gabriel it was too who sought out Mohammed and recited the Koran to him. And thus the Arch Archon Gabriel has played one of the most significant roles in human history. There is no plot greater than the Gabriel conspiracy.
“Gabriel (i.e. man of God). One of the Archangels, sometimes referred to as the Angel of Death, the prince of fire and thunder, but more frequently as one of God’s chief messengers, and traditionally said to be the only angel that can speak Syriac and Chaldee. The Mohammedans call him the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth. Milton makes him the chief of the angelic guards placed over Paradise. In the Talmud, Gabriel appears as the destroyer of the hosts of Sennacherib, as the man who showed Joseph the way, and as one of the angels who buried Moses. According to the Koran, it was Gabriel who took Mohammed to heaven on Al Borak and revealed to him his ‘prophetic love’. In the Old Testament, Gabriel is said to have explained to Daniel certain visions; in the New Testament he announced to Zacharias the future birth of John the Baptist and appeared to Mary the mother of Jesus.” –Brewster’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Consider this: why did Gabriel meet Mary in private? Why did he not appear in front of Mary, Joseph and their parents, so that no one would get the wrong idea?
Consider this: why did Gabriel meet Mohammed in private? Why did he not announce the Koran himself to all the peoples of the world so that no one could doubt its veracity? Why are the greatest religious “revelations” always conducted in the utmost secrecy, making it impossible for them ever to be verified in any way?
The Illuminati conduct their affairs in secret to avoid the persecution of the followers of Gabriel and the OWO. But why should Gabriel – allegedly an angel of God Almighty, have to resort to secrecy rather than openness? Why does the God of “Revelation” not reveal himself? (Abraxas, the True God, is no God of Revelation – he is reached via reason, knowledge and gnosis i.e. he is the God of the enlightened, not of the endarkened.) It doesn’t make any sense, unless the purpose of the secrecy is to ensure that no one can rationally challenge the claims placed before them. They are designed to be matters of faith rather than reason, from which we can conclude that this “God” is not the True God of Reason, but rather the false God of psychological manipulation based on faith. He is the Demiurge, Satan.
Why did “God” learn carpentry of all things in Nazareth? Why was it not until he was 30 years of age that he suddenly started to perform “miracles”? Not the miracle of driving the Roman army of occupation out of the country, of course, since that would be too much like an actual, verifiable miracle that history would record.
So, “God” gets himself crucified by the Romans and then rises from the dead – taking care, as usual, to ensure that not a single person witnessed the event. Why didn’t he go straight to Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas, the High Priest of the Temple, and say, “Hey, guys, SURPRISE!” But of course that would make it a factual event rather than a faith-based event. Faith requires that there should never be a single objective witness and no evidence of any kind.
We can’t have facts getting in the way, can we? Why did Allah choose to send the Angel Gabriel to Mohammed in a cave to dictate the Koran to him? Why not do it in broad daylight in the middle of Mecca in front of thousands of people? Hey, way too many witnesses! Prophets are like serial killers – they always do things in the utmost secrecy without a single witness. If there were any witnesses, they probably killed them!
“God” is like some grand conspirator, sneaking around doing everything he can to avoid being seen. He’s the perfect criminal. He never leaves a trace. No CIS team could ever build a case against him. Strange, given that he allegedly created the world and us. Why does he hide himself from his creations? Why does he skulk around in the darkest shadows? As a matter of divine policy, he always acts through single individuals, and we just have to take their word for it that they’re telling the truth because they absolutely never provide any evidence.
But why should we believe them? Are we crazy? No rational person would take any of this nonsense seriously, but all rational people are compelled to live in a world where billions of irrational people treat this with literally deadly seriousness. They’ll kill you if you point out the myriad rational errors in their mad claims. In fact, they will call you mad! Or they will brand you as a heretic, infidel, apostate, demon, devil, tempter, corrupter, an evil influence, a servant of Satan, or whatever other demented label they can think up.
Consider the four “Temperaments” devised by David Keirsey: the Guardians, Artisans, Rationalists and Idealists. Which of these are the ones prone to faith?
The Guardians are defined by their desire for security. They are “Supervisors” (ESTJ in terms of Myers-Briggs personality types), “Inspectors” (ISTJ), “Providers” (ESFJ) and “Protectors” (ISFJ). None of these are intuitives, and the Providers and Protectors aren’t thinkers either. These latter ones are the most susceptible to prophets and preachers demanding absolute faith. They quite simply aren’t geared up for reasoning their way through the world.
As for the Artisans, they are sensation seeking. They are Promoters (ESTP), Crafters (ISTP), Performers (ESFP) and Composers (ISFP). As with the Providers and Protectors, the Performers and Composers are not skilled at thinking or intuition. Again, they are easy meat for the religions of faith.
As for the Supervisors, Inspectors, Promoters and Crafters, although they have a thinking capacity, it is not supported by intuition. In many ways, intuition is a kind of bullshit detector. An intuitive can “smell” lies.
Nietzsche, a genius of intuition, wrote, “I was the first to discover the truth, in that I was the first to sense – smell – the lie as lie…My genius is in my nostrils…”
Intuitives smell the biggest possible fish when it comes to faith. Non-intuitives don’t have that advantage.
“Faith” is a virus that spreads through the Guardian and Artisan classes, and unfortunately these make up 80% of the human population. The Guardians – the security seekers – are the bedrock of “family values”, “freedom and democracy” and Abrahamism. They will cut your throat to defend the self-interest and privileges of their families. They are the ones who would fight to the death to prevent 100% inheritance tax. They would perceive it as the ultimate attack on their family security. The Artisans – the sensation seekers – are the worshippers of celebrity. They are the primary capitalist consumers. They love to shop. They are obsessed with fashion, thrills, socializing, parties, vacations, fast cars, video games etc.
The Rationals – the knowledge seekers – are the Field Marshals (ENTJ), the Masterminds (INTJ), the Inventors (ENTP) and the Architects (INTP). All of these are highly rational and intuitive and the least likely to have anything to do with faith.
The Idealists are identity seekers and are Teachers (ENFJ), Counselors (INFJ), Champions (ENFP) and Healers (INFP). They have a certain susceptibility to credulity because they lack the thinking function, but their intuition can usually steer them away from danger.
Virtually everyone who reads our series of books will be a rational or an idealist. We would expect zero interest from guardians and for just a few curious artisans to come this way. This is a society for intuitives, and intuition has a profound relationship with gnosis. In fact gnosis is ultimate intuition.
We seek to bring together all of the rationals and idealists. Unfortunately, the extraverts amongst them often work for the Old World Order. Many senior members of the Old World Order are ENTJs and ENTPs. They are the brains of the OWO operation, and the ENFJs and ENFPs often act as their propagandists and are the ones who can so successfully make an emotional connection with the people.
All aspects of life can be analysed in terms of the introversion-extraversion,
Rationals and idealists are outnumbered four to one, so we can see that they have tended to be the victims of the guardians and artisans.
They have been the heretics, the witches, the freethinkers, the atheists, skeptics, agnostics, Gnostics, rebels, revolutionaries, visionaries, dreamers and utopians. But if they acted as one, they would be unstoppable because they are so gifted. That’s why we want to bring as many as possible together under the meritocratic banner.
We, the intuitives, have a huge obstacle to overcome – the old world of the guardians and artisans, those mired in the past, in conservatism. They are driven by their senses and emotions, not by reason and future-possibilities. They are afraid of change, of new ideas. The concept of a New World Order terrifies them. They can’t think their way through problems. They are superstitious and intellectually primitive. Only such people could continue to revere ancient texts that have been disproved and discredited in every conceivable way. The reason they cling to old ways is that they gain emotional security from them and they can’t think their way beyond them. While intuitives always look to the future, the sensers never stop gazing at the past. They see the past as safe and understandable in their terms; the future as problematic. Intuitives love the future because that’s where their minds are most at home – imagining new possibilities.
Books, TV, films, music, religions, political parties – our tastes in these reflect our brain-wiring and psychological types. If you knew the psychological profiles of all the people who vote at the Oscars, you would have no difficulty in working out who would win the prizes.
Rationally, it might seem impossible for the intuitives to beat the sensing types given that there are so many more of the sensers, and the sensers’ belief systems are so deeply ingrained. But the intuitives have the advantage of being much smarter, and the numbers game is irrelevant because the vast majority of people are submissives and will do whatever they are told by dominants.
The Zeitgeist series of films is highly geared towards intuitives. Project Venus and Project Earth are the quintessence of visionary intuition. The strongest critics of Zeitgeist are, of course, the Old World Order and the conservative sensers.
One thing that must be clear from what we have said is that there will be no groundswell of public support for meritocracy leading to the resource and technology-based future society envisaged by Zeitgeist where money is no longer needed. We aren’t fools. We know that the sensers are far too entrenched in their traditional and conservative ways.
So, we can win only by being a) much smarter b) much more heroic c) much more dominant d) much more cohesive e) much more focused. We have to undermine the faith of the sensers in their leaders and system. We have to attack from every angle, sow endless seeds of doubt. We have to remove their will to resist. This is a psychological war, and those who are best able to use psychology will prove victorious.
Kierkegaard wrote about The Instant – the moment when eternity intersects with time, the moment of decision, the moment when you have to choose once and for all which side to fight on. Well, The Instant is here. You can no longer avoid it. This is the time for heroes. Will you be one of them? It’s your choice.
Tags: Academia Iluministă
Academia Iluministă (48)
The Illuminati Paradigm Shift by Adam Weishaupt:
The Illuminati Series – Book 2/6:
What is the nature of the New Order proposed by the Pythagorean Illuminati, the world’s most controversial secret society?
The Illuminati advocate the replacement of democracy by meritocracy, the abolition of all monarchies, dynastic families and privileged elites.
How can the corrupt reign of the Old World Order finally be brought to an end? The Illuminati have proposed the most radical and revolutionary redistributive policy of all time: 100% inheritance tax. With this single measure, the iniquitous rule of elite families such as the Rothschilds and Bushes would be terminated.
The super-rich defy the natural law of the regression to the mean. The rich just keep getting richer, and the poor poorer. 100% inheritance tax restores the law of nature; it brings back healthy social equilibrium. It prevents the formation of dynasties that bestride the globe for centuries. It gives everyone a fair chance in life.
The world could turn at last to meritocracy where people get ahead on the basis of what they know rather than who they know; where hard work and talent count for infinitely more than having the right name and connections.
We live in a two-tier world of privilege where all those who do not belong to the charmed inner circle are second class citizens.
How much longer will you tolerate being pushed around by the elite? If you don’t want to be a slave all of your life, get off your knees. Stand up to the privileged criminals who run the world.
When they die, strip them of all their ill-gotten assets and return them to the people from whom they were stolen in the first place.
It’s time for the most radical paradigm shift. It’s time for meritocracy.
A Book Review:
“This is one book out of a series of books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Just like all of their books this one is excellent and if you give it or any of them a chance you will come away with many new ideas. If you have any interest at all in life’s greatest mysteries you need to read the information that the true Illuminati provide. You should also check out the Illuminati’s website www.armageddonconspiracy.c
The Illuminati Paradigm Shift is about shifting our concepts of how to most effectively run society for the benefit of all. The Illuminati’s political and societal aspects go hand in hand with their spiritual and religious aspects. To have healthy, rational people you need a healthy, rational society. We can talk all we want about enlightenment and finding our higher selves but in my opinion that will be virtually impossible for 99.9% of the people in the world until societies are completely revolutionized to give every single person the best possible education for their personality type and thereby giving them the greatest chance to actualize their full potential.
The good news is there’s a political system that will allow the people of the world the best possible chance of actualizing their full potential and creating a heaven on earth, a society of the divine as opposed to the hell hole we now inhabit. That political system is not democracy but Meritocracy and it is what this book generally focuses on. Meritocracy is about having the wisest, most rational and meritorious individuals running society for the benefit of all citizens. Meritocracy is about getting rid of the super-rich via 100% inheritance tax so that every single individual can start life from equal position and every single person will be able to go as far as their talents will take them. 100% inheritance tax would take the assets of a deceased individual and redistribute them to the commonwealth for the benefit of all. In a Meritocracy there will be no more privileged people who come from massively wealthy families with every advantage offered to them while others come from extreme poverty with absolutely no chance of bettering their lives.
Meritocracy just like everything the Illuminati stand for is about dialectical improvement. Nothing should be allowed to stagnate. Everything from individuals all the way to countries should constantly be doing everything they can to resolve contradictions and improve themselves. The way you improve is by experimenting to see which ideas work best. Nobody should say an idea will not work until the idea is actually put into practice and succeeds or fails based on its own merits. If the idea fails, it is discarded and then another idea can be attempted. If the idea succeeds then another idea can be added on and the experiment starts again until we get to a point where no more improvements can be made and that particular idea or plan will have reached its dialectical end point, its omega point. This type of constant experimenting and improvement is the basis of science so why is it not applied to everything in life?
If you want an idea of what a society based on Meritocracy would look like just watch Star Trek. The imaginary futuristic society of Star Trek is a Meritocratic society. Another less well known example is The Venus Project from the Zeitgeist documentaries. I desperately want to live in those societies. Meritocracy is the only way to get there and understanding Meritocracy is the first step. This book is one of the many by the true Illuminati that will help you take that first step. The second step is actually putting Meritocracy into practice and I think that needs to begin with 100% inheritance tax. If we wanted to we could have the 100% inheritance tax just apply to the super rich to begin with until everyone is on more equal footing. The eventual goal is to get rid of money completely and possibly switch to a resource based economy similar to what Zeitgeist proposes. But none of this speculating will matter until we actually do something about the situation we are all living in. What in the world are we waiting for?” –BG
Tags: Academia Iluministă