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Religion, the Oldest Weapon of Mass Destruction in Human History

Ottobre 17th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

Religion, the Oldest Weapon of Mass Destruction in Human History

By Ned Heiden | 11 April 2016
Dutch Heretic

Most likely the first human who invented the first god was some smart tribal guy who saw that it was a very effective way to protect himself from bodily harm by the stronger ones if he made them and the less smart members of his tribe believe he had a very strong friend living across the mountains. A friend so strong that he could make the mountains rumble by stamping his feet on the ground. Others would not dare to attack him fearing the revenge of such a powerful friend and even though no one ever saw this friend it was better to be safe than sorry.

It probably did not take long for this smart guy to discover that his fellow tribesmen were easily led to believe that this thunder ally would make them nearly invincible in battle with rivaling tribes and could even conquer these tribes. The smart guy was well aware that in reality he was not safe at all so he turned to the strongest one around, usually the tribe leader and made him believe that he was favored by the mighty thunder-friend across the mountains.

As history progressed the tribal leaders became the Kings of the later times where the smart guys became the holy men, and priests.

Of course the strong friend story was revised when people could cross the mountain and were likely to find nothing there. As time passed the powerful friend moved to a place where no man could travel, places like in the sky, the deepest sea, or the top of unclimbable mountains.

Religion became the most powerful way of making people compliant and even the Roman Empire saw that its culture of countless god families would not work if they wanted to maintain power over Europe. In the 4th century Emperor Constantine the Great started a change when he decided to go for a new approach that seemed to work in the eastern territories so he threw out the old God families with their immensely complex mythical stories and started simplifying things by adopting the one single god of the Jewish culture combined with folklore about a prophet who claimed to have been the son of this Jewish god; this was a wise decision because in this way he would not cross the Jews, who he saw as a nuisance and wished he could get rid of.

He appointed a group of smart guys, that you will find in any era, and gave them the task of creating this system of a Father, a Son and a Mother who was chosen to bear this son of God, Jesus.

These smart guys of course were the Council of Nicaea that was well aware that creating a whole religion from scratch would cost decades unless they joined together old Chronicles with scriptures mostly taken from the Jewish Talmud and combined that with the new story of the prophet, Jesus son of god, in the one book that would be the guideline of the new roman religion Christianity for the future.

This compromise was created in much shorter time, and there were bound to be errors in the bible because there wasn’t enough time to cross reference the books that were included. Taking the fact that no one could read anyway and the sermons would be given in Latin these errors would not show for another millennium.

To make a big leap forward, Christianity in the form of Roman Catholicity spread across Europe and later the world in a bloody, merciless often genocidal way. Like in prehistoric times, Rulers and Priests joined forces to keep their people compliant; and a perfect example is, as the cardinal said to the king, “if you keep them poor, I will keep them ignorant”.

Even today historians are still arguing about the historicity of this statement but it gives a good image of the religious system of keeping people compliant and not turning against the ruling class. At the same time it shows how well indoctrinated compliant people could be manipulated into fighting their wars, all in the name of God and King.

To the Kings, Emperors yet to come were given the forces of church and religion, a weapon of almost unlimited numbers of subjects ready to fight their wars and to expand their illusion of power that in reality was in the hands of the smart guys behind religion.

Rulers would eventually die and could be replaced while religion kept expanding its power and influence.

All throughout history religion has been used as the most powerful weapon of genocide and destruction known to mankind.

This went perfect until the time of enlightenment when in spite of the efforts of religion to keep them ignorant, people started to think for themselves and discovered that they were being used and started rising up to the power of these Kings and other rulers, but still in the way religion had taught them, now it became “for God and Country”.

In the time of modernization, and especially the 20th century, all religions began to lose their grip on the people when more and more people left the church because they became educated and aware that they were being manipulated. The time without god was born, at least in western Europe where the average person currently identifies themselves as atheist, no longer believing in a god presented by the church.

Don’t think the religious weapon has lost it’s power. Islam has gained more power in the past 5 decades than in centuries before; they know how to use the two pillars of religion, poverty and ignorance to organize people into a formidable strike weapon against its “enemies”; and Christianity only has minimal loss in this.

Same thing happened in the USA.

Because the ruling class were not Kings or Emperors, religion has found other ways to ensure its power by giving aid to the rich who can control politics just with their money.

But religion is encountering a snag, for the first time it is feeling losses in the number of followers it can control, because more and more people are becoming educated and skeptical about this whole religious thing.

One of the pillars of religion, ignorance is rotting away. These past decades the rich and powerful have been very active to enrich themselves and keep the people poor. This is not enough, to keep its power religion also needs that other leg to stand on. To regain this, it is of absolute necessity to return the people back to compliant ignorance and bring a stop to this threat of education. Religion realizes all too well that to reverse it back to illiteracy is no longer possible, so the smart guys are now actively doing what they do best, manipulating circumstances in their favor, and therefore they need to control education to the advantage of their religion.

I think the only proof I need to present that this is all happening is to urge you to look at the rise of creationist dogma in education by getting religious people into key positions in the educational system.

For the religious weapon to survive it needs an increasing number of blind ignorant followers. The religious weapon keeps totalitarian regimes in power, and together they keep the majority of the people in the world poor and ignorant.

But now instead of kings and emperors this power is given to the rich who can use their fortune to buy their way into decision making politics while the “peasants” are going to church every Sunday and send their children to church dominated schools to make sure they receive their daily dose of brainwashing.

It is time for this weapon to be dismantled to stop this madness.

Don’t you agree?

Reprinted with permission from the author.

Ned Heiden has an electrical engineering degree in industrial electrical systems and a degree in social political history. He blogs at Dutch Heretic.


Ottobre 10th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

One famous Eastern concept is absolutely wrong and must be abandoned: karma. This is as ridiculous and wicked as the evil beliefs of the Abrahamists.

The basic karmic proposition is that there is some sort of moral force (not God) that follows us around, individually monitoring all of our good deeds and bad and configuring our future lives on the basis of this moral accounting system. This is a ludicrous idea. We are free agents. We decide our futures, not karma. The most cursory glance at the world reveals that nearly of all of the most successful and richest people in our world are disgusting, selfish, vain, narcissistic, greedy, evil, wicked, monstrous, stupid, sociopathic and psychopathic. If they are being “rewarded” by karma, God save us from karma. Karma is just another Satanic concept, a weapon used by the Demiurge and his archons to control stupid and superstitious people.

Sooner or later, karma degenerates into the diabolical caste system which promotes the idea that some people are “untouchables” and must be given all the unclean jobs dealing with shit and rats. Only sick people are karmists.

Karma is a scientifically preposterous idea. How could “good and evil” – or, more to the point, opinions of good and evil – possibly affect DNA (as must happen if a body is to be some kind of reflection of the previous sins or virtues of a soul)? It’s LAUGHABLE. Karma is so dumb it’s worthy of Abrahamism. It’s pure superstition and idiocy.

Evil people are at the top of society in every country because, manifestly, EVIL PAYS; EVIL IS REWARDED. Successful evil leads to even more evil, not less. It incurs no karmic penalty or inhibition. Any strong, dominant person could easily make weak, submissive people his slaves and exercise absolute power over them. That’s the real law of our cosmos – Power, not karma. Karma is moralistic bullshit, the wishful thinking of slaves. There’s no cosmic force punishing the evil people of our world. If we wish them to be punished, it’s our responsibility, not karma’s. Karma is yet another stratagem of the weak to prevent them taking responsibility for their lives. Evil is combated only if WE ACT. To leave it to karma is cowardice, and it’s futile since there’s no such thing.

Imagine a different version of karma based on reason versus irrationality rather than good versus evil. Instead of being rewarded for being good and punished for being evil, a soul is rewarded for being rational but punished for being irrational. So, good but stupid people would be regressing to more primitive states, and clever but evil people would be gaining more and more power and success. Look around you. Which model reflects reality – is it stupid or evil people who are punished; is it stupid or evil people who are going backwards and downwards?

“Moral” karma is a lie and fraud. It panders to stupid people who imagine they are good. In truth, stupid people are much more likely to reincarnate as animals than clever but evil people. Evil doesn’t pull you down and punish you – stupidity does. Moral karma is a stupid idea for stupid people. “Rational” karma is a much more powerful concept – you are rewarded for being clever, knowledgeable and on the side of reason. Imagine how the world would be transformed if people were much keener on being smart than on being “good”?Look at the moronic Islamic hordes. They no doubt think of themselves as extremely good, but how many of them are extremely rational?None! Look at Islam – is it leading the world forwards or backwards?

There’s almost nothing more important than redirecting people’s minds away from “good versus evil” and towards “cleverness versus stupidity.” Stupidity should be regarded as almost criminal; as a source of shame and disgrace, practically as a disease, and a highly infectious one at that. The world has had thousands of years of being preoccupied with good and evil. Has it led us to a “good” world?Manifestly, if “moral” karma were a real phenomenon, the world would now be a place of goodness and moral tranquillity, wouldn’t it?Every year, the cosmos would get “better”. Yet the opposite is obviously true. The religious discourse of good and evil has failed and is fraudulent. Governments have been in bed with religion rather than with education. Smarter people have better outcomes than stupid people, so education should be the central axis of State policy, not pandering to ludicrous religious pressure groups that are continually undermining reason and knowledge in favour of unreason and faith.

Moral karma, like Abrahamism, is a pernicious concept that has done untold damage. The Enlightenment was about reason, not good and evil. The Enlightenment still hasn’t triumphed. Unreason still dominates our world. The discourse of “good and evil” is inherently linked to stupidity because it’s stupid religions that promote this agenda and they do so in order to control people by terrifying them with visions of hell and promises of heaven. It’s the most effective conditioning strategy ever devised: Pavlov’s dogs in the human sphere. We have to get beyond good and evil via reason.

Ask yourself a simple question – would people be more or less evil if they were highly educated and highly rational? Would our world be full of inequality if everyone were smart?Education, NOT RELIGION, is the answer to the issues of good and evil. Religion has been the primary source of evil since it has bred stupidity, irrationality, faith, superstition, extremism, fanaticism, intolerance, ghettoization, persecution and mania. If we want a morally better world we must destroy the greatest immoral force of all: MAINSTREAM RELIGION.

We in the Illuminati wish the weak and cowardly to have no bolt-holes and no excuses. Your life is your responsibility, no one else’s. Karma is a fiction. At all times you have free will and free choice. As Sartre said, “You are condemned to be free.” That’s exactly how it is. YOU choose your life, not karma. You are free to be whatever you like. You are free to be EVIL, and that’s exactly what many people choose. Some of those people meet with disaster. Many prosper. If evil were consistently punished by the cosmos, and had been for eons, it would have vanished by now. The reality is the opposite. Evil is frequently rewarded. Why? Because material existence is the domain of the Demiurge.

Excerpt from The God Factory

Mike Hockney

Artwork by lucamae

Nu este disponibilă nicio descriere pentru fotografie.


Settembre 27th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă


Jacques Derrida was one of the most controversial philosophers of modern times. His technique of “deconstruction” is both widely admired and condemned. The complexity of deconstruction can be seen from the fact that Derrida criticised any attempt to define exactly what deconstruction is on the grounds that any such definition would itself be open to being deconstructed.

Roughly speaking, deconstruction revolves around “decentring”. In every arena of life, a “centre” is defined and anything not identified with that centre is pushed, subtly or unsubtly, to one side. Take “God”. God is almost always referred to as “he” (although a few feminists deliberately use “she”). God is a not a sexual being and therefore has no sex. “He” should actually be spoken of in non-gendered terms, but no such vocabulary exists. The use of “he” privileges men over woman and places them at the centre of life and woman on the margins. The use of “she” would do the opposite. The point is that the choice of personal pronoun for referring to God instantly places one group above another. Until the rise of feminism, the centrality of God as a male was never seriously challenged, and society on earth was invariably controlled by men.

In a masculine society, women are marginalized. In times of great wars – as most of our history has been – the masculine is dominant. Nowadays, with wars being small and fought far away, with relatively few casualties, the centre of the Western narrative is turning away from the masculine and becoming increasingly feminine. Political correctness, caring, empathising, hugging, social networking, compromising, accommodating, consoling, consensus…the key words of our contemporary culture are essentially feminine. No one preaches strong values because some people might be offended. Strength itself is not welcome nowadays. No one stands for anything because that would mean putting principles above getting on with others, and that’s unacceptable. So, the centre of our narrative is changing, and now the masculine is becoming “other”. The Old World Order are delighted with the feminisation of society because it reduces the chances of any forceful response to their control over us.

The subject of a book is that book’s “centre”. Jesus Christ is the centre of a book about Christianity. Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are automatically made non-central in such a book. They are at the margins; they are excluded; they are “other”.

Derrida was concerned with revealing the assumptions that accompany the centre, and what it means for those entities excluded from the centre. Deconstruction takes apart a product of any type and exposes the agenda that underlies it. Books, newspapers, magazines, movies, paintings, sculptures, political systems, religions, celebrities, advertising…absolutely everything can be deconstructed. We learn that we are never dealing with objective facts, but with narratives that promote the underlying agenda. To understand the deceit that lies, fundamentally, at the centre, is to be released from the prison of illusion that the centre constructs.

Look at all the “centres” of our culture: freedom, democracy, liberalism, capitalism, equal rights, Judaeo-Christianity etc. Everything else is pushed to the fringes, rendered irrelevant, unworthy of consideration. But, via deconstruction, we can cause the centre to collapse, bring the “other” to the foreground, and gain a wider and better understanding.

A Muslim is trapped in a brainwashed state because he can’t understand that the Koran is nothing but a text that places seventh century Arabia at the centre of life. Equally, the New Testament is centred on Judea of 2,000 years ago, and the Torah on Moses and the history of the Jews. If Muslims, Christians and Jews were intelligent people they would deconstruct their sacred texts, but of course they won’t because then the texts would no longer be sacred. These “believers” have done the opposite of deconstruction: they have constructed false centres that marginalize everything else. No Muslim ever questions the Koran, or Christian the Bible, or Jew the Torah. Nothing could be more dangerous than the fanatic who refuses to see the world through different eyes, as the violent history of the main religions has amply demonstrated.

Most of life consists of the creation of false centres that then take on a kind of religious significance that no one dare challenge. Deconstruction is the antidote. Deconstruction is one of the greatest tools of liberation ever devised because it makes us question everything we read and learn, and that’s exactly as it should be. This website has its own centre, and can be deconstructed like everything else. But, unlike others, we encourage seekers of truth to engage in deconstruction (but we have no interest in unconstructive people who want to pointlessly argue with us, as many of those who contact us choose to do). Only when you have deconstructed can you be trusted to construct. You will do so knowingly, aware of the limitations and the assumptions built into your constructions.

Deconstruction doesn’t lead nowhere as its critics maintain; it leads us to the truths that we can finally stand by. When every text has been decentred, when every “other” is no longer other then we can see for ourselves those things in which we ought to invest our energy. We again construct centres, but this time having taken the the “other” into due consideration. If we now ignore others it is not because they were marginalized and made invisible to us, but because we understood exactly what we were doing, and the full consequences of our actions.

Deconstruction is always political and ideological, just as construction and centring were in the first place. Deconstructionists are those who no longer fall for the propaganda of the central, privileged position.

The Old World Order remain the centre of the world’s grand narrative. It’s time for us to deconstruct them out of existence.

Even before deconstruction existed, Nietzsche was attacking the ultimate grand narrative – God at the centre of the universe, the infallible judge of all of humanity, the supreme moral paragon. What if that centre were false, Nietzsche asked, what if God were dead? Then the centre of existence has collapsed. Morality vanishes. Good and evil no longer exist. No one is in charge. The meaning of life is called into question. What then? Nietzsche proposed a new centre – the Superman, the man who takes on the mantle of creator and judge, and obeys his own will to power. In effect, the Superman deposes God and replaces him as God, but he is a God who knows he is fallible.

The centre of the Illuminati’s narrative is the True God, but we openly encourage Nietzsche’s approach because those who dare to don the mantle of God are the only ones who could ever imagine what it is like to be God, and it is precisely those people in whom God is most interested. They are the ones worthy of divine love because they are the ones who come closest to understanding it. Nietzsche’s advocacy of the Superman is remarkably similar in intent to the Illuminati’s advocacy of the search for the higher self, the divine spark. In both cases, humans look inside themselves and try to become something greater, nobler and more divine.

Excerpted, page 315

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

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