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Maggio 25th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia



Maggio 25th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

”Emotional Conditioning

Emotions are a totally subjective inner experience. Why is this?

Well, we don’t all have the same beliefs, and it is often our conscious or unconscious beliefs that shape our reaction to the people and events in the world around us.

Because of this, we can’t really trust our feelings to lead us to any objective truth. This is not to say that emotions are useless and should be disregarded or ignored. On the contrary, they can be quite destructive if they are not consciously acknowledged. Feelings like rage or hatred often become deeply suppressed in one’s shadow, because their outward expression in society is considered taboo. Traumatic and painful feelings also can be repressed – such as in cases of childhood abuse – where the child becomes overwhelmed and must push this content into the unconscious as a matter of survival.

Emotions themselves are not inherently good or bad; they are merely tools that we can use to learn more about ourselves and the world at large. They can reveal to us what our unconscious beliefs actually are and what we’ve just been conditioned from birth to accept as true without question. And through that we also learn about the world and the types of messages society would like to have us believe.

One can use emotion to discover, acknowledge and deconstruct false thought programs. Conditioning is a process by which a stimulus creates a response (in this case an emotion) which is reinforced over time through repetition. Each time ____ happens to you, you feel ____.

There are times when we find our emotion is invalid, and in this case it needs to be recognized as false, and challenged. For example, if you used to be a christian and have since left the faith, you might feel guilt or shame when engaging in sex, or any other activity that could be seen as “sinful”. This is pure emotional conditioning, and it takes a lot of work to get rid of that emotional charge. You may rationally understand that this is a false belief that is causing you grief, but it takes time and effort to de-condition that emotional response.

Other times, our feelings may be perfectly valid and have rational underpinnings. I am consistently enraged at the appalling conditions on this planet, led by capitalism, the religious brainwashing of children, and the staggering greed of the rich elite. This is a perfectly valid response to a culture that actively suppresses the freedom of humanity to realize their potential. The structure supporting my anger is not a belief; it is the objective reality we all live in. I realize that for most of my life, I was actively conditioned to be a consumer for the capitalist machine, and for that I am even more enraged.

You can have feelings based in logic and rational thought, or you can base them in irrational, insane and destructive beliefs. The difference is, when your feelings are based on rational inquiry and understanding, they become your fuel. It’s like filling your car with gas, but having a competent and fully licensed driver to steer the car in the direction you want to go. You cannot steer your car with the fuel. And you can’t just burn the fuel on it’s own either, without having a place to put it and something for it to do. It would literally just explode and burn you alive. Or imagine a driver with pathological road rage, who is unlicensed and doesn’t understand the rules of the road. They smash into everything, maiming pedestrians and endangering other drivers, until they crash and burn or drive right off a bridge.

Emotions that remain unharnessed to rational thinking are incredibly problematic for humanity. Above all, emotions must be guided by reason.

So, if you notice a strong emotion come up for you in a given situation, see it as an opportunity to learn something about yourself. Analyze it to discover its source. Is this something you have repressed and need to examine more closely? What beliefs do you have that are foundational to the feelings you have, and can you find a way to challenge them?

For a detailed guide on how to de-condition your emotions, and deconstruct false thought structures, Morgue’s book “The Metaphorical Suicide” goes right to the heart of how to accomplish this.

Also check out “Cathexis: A Rationalist Dialogue on Guiding Emotion” by our own Hyperian activists and authors the Tortured Orator and Rowan James.…/…/B07HXPTG3Y

One last mention: Diabolically Informative’s lecture series on Critical Thinking touches on many important and relevant topics such as belief and cognitive biases.

Blood Consciousness by Garth Knight”

Eva Omega (Hyperian):

Muzica Stelelor

Maggio 25th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Helena De Brabander a distribuit un link în grupul Hyperianism – The Outer Circle (Activism and Optimization).
1 oră ·
“It’s time to understand the code, the code of life. Life is not what you think it is. Life is identical to light. That explains why the ancients worshiped the sun … the source of light and life. You cannot have life without light.
A “soul” – a massless, unextended, dimensionless, immaterial entity outside space and time – is a light being … a being made of photons. But the great secret of light is that it is the most rational thing you can get. Light, when properly understood, is nothing other than ontological mathematics, i.e. mathematics exists in the universe as light, and everything comes from light (from mathematics).
Light is the fiber and fabric of existence, which is to say that mathematics is what existence is. Mathematics is light itself, life itself, mind itself, and thought itself. And matter is simply “broken” light. There is nothing other than light = mathematics.”

“The most intelligent people – the geniuses – are able to take conceptual leaps that defy the understanding of ordinary people. You are extraordinarily intelligent if you can conceive that thoughts are photons, that suns pour out the thoughts of the Cosmic Mind into spacetime and matter, and that black holes restore spacetime thoughts to their Singularity origin.
Given that minds think, then, to say that photons are thoughts, is equivalent to saying that minds are made of light, that minds comprise autonomous, complete and consistent collections of photons. Given that all minds are alive (there are dead, or “undead”, bodies, but no such things as dead minds) then photons are not only thoughts, they are also the basic ingredients of life. Suns are the central, controlling lives of solar systems, and they produce the conditions for plant and animal life to appear on planets such as Earth. They are the solar Gods that project life into their solar domain.
The Singularity is the immaterial source of life and mind, outside space and time. It emanates material suns (solar holograms) that convey life and mind into the spacetime universe of matter. Moons and planets are the detritus of previous generations of suns. On planets, the light (life, thoughts) of suns produces bodies that can be controlled by individual souls.
The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies were created in old, long dead stars. The lighter elements come from small exploding stars (novae), while the heavier elements come from large exploding stars (supernovae). Stellar explosions throw out vast clouds of dust and gas, and this material from the exploded stars disperses throughout interstellar space where it can combine into moons, planets or new stars.
What do stars do? They fuse simple hydrogen nuclei to create more complex nuclei, and thus the material world, full of all the elements, comes into being.”

I came across this video, is the truth about stars being deliberately held back?

THE STARS SING: (don’t mind the religious take, the sound frequencies and images are very interesting)

Hyperian History Of The World (1st Century)

Maggio 23rd, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

“Hyperian History Of The World (1st Century)

As the Roman Empire spread in the 1st Century, much of the Mediterranean world was conquered, including the former Greek, Hellenic lands. These lands fell under Roman law, yet still mainly subscribed to Greek culture. One area, however, had a drastically different culture, one which would cause great strife in the world. The land in question was Palestine, which had formerly been the ‘promised land’ of the Jewish people.

Despite the former kingdoms of Israel having been destroyed centuries earlier, and the Jews carried off into exile, they had been allowed to return to their land and their zealous monotheism, greatly at odds with most of the surrounding cultures, had only increased in intensity. In the time since the fall of Israel, the Jews had finalised all of their holy texts and compiled what we now call the Old Testament. The bulk of this text consists of an idealised account of the history of the Jewish people and their covenant with their god, but the books towards the end, more recently written, were of a more prophetic nature and spoke of the coming of the ‘Messiah’, a great king of the Davidic line who would restore the kingdom of Israel.

Under the Roman occupation of the 1st Century, the Jews in this land had splintered into many competing sects and it was very common for charismatic figures to rise from these sects, claim to be the Messiah and attempt to drive out the Romans in order to restore the Davidic kingdom. However, all such attempts failed as a rabble of religious fanatics were never a match for the might and discipline of the Roman army. However, one particular Jewish ‘Messiah’ would go on to become one of the most influential figures in the history of religion, despite his failure to restore the Kingdom of Israel.

This figure has become known as Jesus Christ, yet it is very difficult to decipher any truth about his life. It seems that he was yet another charismatic Jew who rose up amongst his people, claimed to be the Messiah and attempted to take on the might of Rome. Of course, he failed and was put to death. Yet, somehow, his devoted followers, despite his failure, became convinced that he was the Messiah, and that he had, in fact, risen from the dead and ascended into heaven following his crucifixion by the Romans.

Initially, this new sect, which became known as Christianity, was just another Jewish sect among the many in Palestine, yet this one grew and spread all around the Hellenic world in the decades following Jesus’s death. The growth and spread of Christianity, however, has little to do with Jesus and much more to do with one Saul of Tarsus, later known as Saint Paul.

Initially, Christianity, as just another Jewish sect, spread mostly around the Jews, and came under attack from rival sects. Saul of Tarsus was, initially, one who persecuted this latest sect. However, he eventually converted to this new form of Judaism and came up with the key idea of spreading its teachings amongst non-Jews, or Gentiles.

Now calling himself Paul, he knew that Gentiles were unlikely to respond to Jewish Messianism, as it had nothing to do with their pagan culture, yet Paul’s knowledge of that culture helped him to formulate a new version of Christianity, more distanced from Judaism and closer to Greek/Roman paganism.

Given that all the other Jewish sects denied that Jesus had been the Messiah, Paul realised that he needed to find a way to include the Gentiles in the Covenant with the Jewish god. Paul began spreading the message that Jesus had been sent to the Gentiles precisely because the Jews had rejected him. Paul convinced Gentiles that they could be part of the Covenant by telling them that Jesus’s death and resurrection had been for the sake of all the faithful, and that being baptised and having faith in Jesus would suffice to include them in the covenant, without them having to subscribe to Jewish religious laws such as Circumcision, which Paul knew pagans found repulsive. According to Paul, baptism allowed anyone to ‘participate’ in Jesus’s death and resurrection. Thus, Paul managed to remove much of Judaism from Christianity and make it much more palatable to pagans.

Following Paul’s innovations, Christianity began to split further and further away from Judaism. Meanwhile, the Jews were still giving the Romans trouble in Palestine, leading to the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70. Following this the Jews were once again forced into exile, dispersing all across the land. Christians too dispersed and settled separately from the other Jews until, in the year 98, Christians were exempted from the Roman tax on Jews, thus confirming them as a completely Gentile sect distinct from any kind of Judaism.

Eventually, the establishment of Christianity as a new, Gentile religion would have disastrous effects on the Roman Empire and the glory of Ancient Greek culture. It would take a few centuries, but the appearance of this new religion would lead to a time of great darkness in the world, one from which we still have not entirely emerged.”

Brice Merci – Hyperian

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: text care spune „HYPERIANISM”

Videoconferinţa Mişcării Dacia din 22.05.2019

Maggio 23rd, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
