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Ottobre 10th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

One famous Eastern concept is absolutely wrong and must be abandoned: karma. This is as ridiculous and wicked as the evil beliefs of the Abrahamists.

The basic karmic proposition is that there is some sort of moral force (not God) that follows us around, individually monitoring all of our good deeds and bad and configuring our future lives on the basis of this moral accounting system. This is a ludicrous idea. We are free agents. We decide our futures, not karma. The most cursory glance at the world reveals that nearly of all of the most successful and richest people in our world are disgusting, selfish, vain, narcissistic, greedy, evil, wicked, monstrous, stupid, sociopathic and psychopathic. If they are being “rewarded” by karma, God save us from karma. Karma is just another Satanic concept, a weapon used by the Demiurge and his archons to control stupid and superstitious people.

Sooner or later, karma degenerates into the diabolical caste system which promotes the idea that some people are “untouchables” and must be given all the unclean jobs dealing with shit and rats. Only sick people are karmists.

Karma is a scientifically preposterous idea. How could “good and evil” – or, more to the point, opinions of good and evil – possibly affect DNA (as must happen if a body is to be some kind of reflection of the previous sins or virtues of a soul)? It’s LAUGHABLE. Karma is so dumb it’s worthy of Abrahamism. It’s pure superstition and idiocy.

Evil people are at the top of society in every country because, manifestly, EVIL PAYS; EVIL IS REWARDED. Successful evil leads to even more evil, not less. It incurs no karmic penalty or inhibition. Any strong, dominant person could easily make weak, submissive people his slaves and exercise absolute power over them. That’s the real law of our cosmos – Power, not karma. Karma is moralistic bullshit, the wishful thinking of slaves. There’s no cosmic force punishing the evil people of our world. If we wish them to be punished, it’s our responsibility, not karma’s. Karma is yet another stratagem of the weak to prevent them taking responsibility for their lives. Evil is combated only if WE ACT. To leave it to karma is cowardice, and it’s futile since there’s no such thing.

Imagine a different version of karma based on reason versus irrationality rather than good versus evil. Instead of being rewarded for being good and punished for being evil, a soul is rewarded for being rational but punished for being irrational. So, good but stupid people would be regressing to more primitive states, and clever but evil people would be gaining more and more power and success. Look around you. Which model reflects reality – is it stupid or evil people who are punished; is it stupid or evil people who are going backwards and downwards?

“Moral” karma is a lie and fraud. It panders to stupid people who imagine they are good. In truth, stupid people are much more likely to reincarnate as animals than clever but evil people. Evil doesn’t pull you down and punish you – stupidity does. Moral karma is a stupid idea for stupid people. “Rational” karma is a much more powerful concept – you are rewarded for being clever, knowledgeable and on the side of reason. Imagine how the world would be transformed if people were much keener on being smart than on being “good”?Look at the moronic Islamic hordes. They no doubt think of themselves as extremely good, but how many of them are extremely rational?None! Look at Islam – is it leading the world forwards or backwards?

There’s almost nothing more important than redirecting people’s minds away from “good versus evil” and towards “cleverness versus stupidity.” Stupidity should be regarded as almost criminal; as a source of shame and disgrace, practically as a disease, and a highly infectious one at that. The world has had thousands of years of being preoccupied with good and evil. Has it led us to a “good” world?Manifestly, if “moral” karma were a real phenomenon, the world would now be a place of goodness and moral tranquillity, wouldn’t it?Every year, the cosmos would get “better”. Yet the opposite is obviously true. The religious discourse of good and evil has failed and is fraudulent. Governments have been in bed with religion rather than with education. Smarter people have better outcomes than stupid people, so education should be the central axis of State policy, not pandering to ludicrous religious pressure groups that are continually undermining reason and knowledge in favour of unreason and faith.

Moral karma, like Abrahamism, is a pernicious concept that has done untold damage. The Enlightenment was about reason, not good and evil. The Enlightenment still hasn’t triumphed. Unreason still dominates our world. The discourse of “good and evil” is inherently linked to stupidity because it’s stupid religions that promote this agenda and they do so in order to control people by terrifying them with visions of hell and promises of heaven. It’s the most effective conditioning strategy ever devised: Pavlov’s dogs in the human sphere. We have to get beyond good and evil via reason.

Ask yourself a simple question – would people be more or less evil if they were highly educated and highly rational? Would our world be full of inequality if everyone were smart?Education, NOT RELIGION, is the answer to the issues of good and evil. Religion has been the primary source of evil since it has bred stupidity, irrationality, faith, superstition, extremism, fanaticism, intolerance, ghettoization, persecution and mania. If we want a morally better world we must destroy the greatest immoral force of all: MAINSTREAM RELIGION.

We in the Illuminati wish the weak and cowardly to have no bolt-holes and no excuses. Your life is your responsibility, no one else’s. Karma is a fiction. At all times you have free will and free choice. As Sartre said, “You are condemned to be free.” That’s exactly how it is. YOU choose your life, not karma. You are free to be whatever you like. You are free to be EVIL, and that’s exactly what many people choose. Some of those people meet with disaster. Many prosper. If evil were consistently punished by the cosmos, and had been for eons, it would have vanished by now. The reality is the opposite. Evil is frequently rewarded. Why? Because material existence is the domain of the Demiurge.

Excerpt from The God Factory

Mike Hockney

Artwork by lucamae

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Selling your Soul

Ottobre 10th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

Selling your Soul

The secret history of the world ensures that few people are aware of the coded messages contained in some famous works of art. One of the finest literary creations in history, the greatest treasure of German literature, is Faust by Goethe. It’s the story, superficially, of a man who sells his soul to the Devil in return for ultimate knowledge. In reality, the story is nothing less than an account of the Gnostic struggle for salvation, and few people were better placed to tell it than Goethe, a literary genius, polymath, and a Grand Master of the Illuminati.

Carl Jung considered Faust a key work of Hermetic and alchemical thought, and Goethe as an alchemical Magus. He said, “I regard my work on alchemy as a sign of my inner relationship to Goethe. Goethe’s secret was that he was in the grip of that process of archetypal transformation that has gone on through the centuries. He regarded his Faust as an opus magnum or divinum [great or divine work]. He called it his ‘main business’, and his whole life was enacted within the framework of this drama.”

Rudolf Steiner said that Goethe “attained the supreme mysteries.”

The story of Faust is also a coded reference to the greatest and most special of all the Illuminati’s Grand Masters – the illustrious Simon Magus. If the world had turned out well, Simon Magus would now hold the position in history that has been assigned instead to Yehoshua ben Yosef, the man better known to history as Jesus Christ.

We have illuminated Faust in the section below, and at the foot of the page we have revealed the truth about the wretched souls known as the Ignavi, and the Gnostic meaning of the children’s story The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Excerpted, page 370

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

Artwork by Chris Rawlins

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: 4 persoane


Ottobre 9th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă


“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”–The Kybalion

This Principle embodies the truth that “everything is dual”; “everything has two poles”; “everything has its pair of opposites,” all of which were old Hermetic axioms. It explains the old paradoxes, that have perplexed so many, which have been stated as follows: “Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree”; “opposites are the same, differing only in degree”; “the pairs of opposites may be reconciled”; “extremes meet”; “everything is and isn’t, at the same time”; “all truths are but half-truths”; “every truth is half false”; “there are two sides to everything,” etc., etc., etc. It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite aspects, and that “opposites” are really only the two extremes of the same thing, with many varying degrees between them To illustrate: Heat and Cold, although “opposites,” are really the same thing, the differences consisting merely of degrees of the same thing. Look at your thermometer and see if you can discover where “heat” terminates and “cold” begins! There is no such thing as “absolute heat” or “absolute cold”–the two terms “heat” and “cold” simply indicate varying degrees of the same thing, and that “same thing” which manifests as “heat” and “cold” is merely a form, variety, and rate of Vibration. So “heat” and “cold” are simply the “two poles” of that which we call “Heat”–and the phenomena attendant thereupon are manifestations of the Principle of Polarity. The same principle manifests in the case of “Light and Darkness,” which are the same thing, the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two poles of the phenomena. Where does “darkness” leave off, and “light” begin? What is the difference between “Large and Small”? Between “Hard and Soft”? Between “Black and White”? Between “Sharp and Dull”? Between “Noise and Quiet”? Between “High and Low”? Between “Positive and Negative”? The Principle of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle can supersede it. The same Principle operates on the Mental Plane. Let us take a radical and extreme example that of “Love and Hate,” two mental states apparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degrees of Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms “Like or Dislike,” which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes we are at a loss to know whether we “like” or “dislike” or “neither.” And all are simply degrees of the same thing, as you will see if you will but think a moment. And, more than this (and considered of more importance by the Hermetists), it is possible to change the vibrations of Hate to the vibrations of Love, in one’s own mind, and in the minds of others. Many of you, who read these lines, have had personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from Love to Hate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. And you will therefore realize the possibility of this being accomplished by the use of the Will, by means of the Hermetic formulas. “Good and Evil” are but the poles of the same thing, and the Hermetist understands the art of transmuting Evil into Good, by means of an application of the Principle of Polarity. In short, the “Art of Polarization” becomes a phase of “Mental Alchemy” known and practiced by the ancient and modern Hermetic Masters. An understanding of the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art.


“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”–The Kybalion

This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, to and fro; a flow and inflow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide; between the two poles which
exist in accordance with the Principle of Polarity described a moment ago. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the Universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, and matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man (and it is with this latter that the Hermetists find the understanding of the Principle most important). The Hermetists have grasped this Principle, finding its universal application, and have also discovered certain means to overcome its effects in themselves by the use of the appropriate formulas and methods. They apply the Mental Law of Neutralization. They cannot annul the Principle, or cause it to cease its operation, but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree depending upon the Mastery of the Principle. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods, consist the Art of the Hermetists. The Master of Hermetics polarizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest, and then neutralizes the Rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole. All individuals who have attained any degree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will, and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. This Principle and that of Polarity have been closely studied by the Hermetists, and the methods of counteracting, neutralizing, and USING them form an important part of the Hermetic Mental Alchemy.

Excerpt from The Kybalion

The Three Initiates

Artwork by Johfra Bosschart

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Phosters and Archons

Ottobre 6th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

Phosters and Archons

All conscious creatures have the ability to achieve gnosis and become God. However, gnosis is usually accomplished by higher beings than humans.

Where Abrahamists refer to angels and demons, we refer to phosters (higher beings of lights and reason – enlightened emissaries of Abraxas) and archons (higher beings of power and dominance – endarkened overlords and rulers, princes of the Devil). Every intelligent planet has phosters and archons, but they do not go around as comic-book superheroes or dastardly villains. They are shadowy beings operating behind the scenes. To use the language of Star Wars, they are keeping the “force” in balance, so to speak. Their task is not to save or enslave humanity but merely to maintain the conditions in which those of Intellect pursue their rightful path of light, and those of Will gravitate towards the Prince of Darkness.

Compared with ordinary human beings, they enjoy much greater longevity (and thus have to continually fake their own deaths and create new identities) and have what humans would call special powers. They are like “superheroes”. However, there are very few of them, and they draw no attention to themselves. They are not here for our benefit, but for their own. They are progressing towards their own personal objectives. They may help certain groups – the phosters on earth are known to the leadership of the Illuminati and the archons are known to the most senior level of the Old World Order – and they may offer esoteric knowledge and powers, but this is always done in a subtle, responsible way on both sides.

Phosters and archons often appear in spiritual stories. In Faust, for example, Mephistopheles is an archon. In the Arthurian tales, Galahad is a phoster, and Merlin may also be regarded as a phoster.

Neither the phosters nor archons are permitted to “take over” or unduly influence the world. Typically, they target a few individuals (usually “prophets”, celebrities, leaders and geniuses) and spread their message via them. They themselves would never play a lead role in the limelight. Abrahamism is an archon-inspired religion and Illuminism is a phoster-inspired religion.

Rational people seek to achieve rational “gnosis” (ultimate self-knowledge). Wilful people seek to achieve wilful “gnosis” (knowledge of power over others – the true message of Abrahamism).

However, you should not dwell on the subject of phosters and archons. Concentrate on yourself. Don’t look to others to “save” you. Save yourself. Archons and phosters are extremely unlikely to have any direct impact on your life unless you move in certain rarefied circles. They are not allowed to obstruct any natural alterations in the balance of power on earth. Earth, at the present time, is an archon planet, under the sway of primitive Will, greed, hate, selfishness and self-interest. However, there is no law against it becoming a phoster planet of light and reason. It’s up to all of us to make that happen.

There are 144 archons on archon planets and only 36 phosters. On phoster planets, these numbers are reversed. Every intelligent planet is playing the archon-phoster game. You yourself may one day become a higher being and reincarnate as a phoster (or archon if you are a creature of will) on a planet like Earth. If you want to become God, you will have to use your life as a phoster as the final springboard to gnosis. You must already be acting like god if you wish to become God (or like Satan if that is of more appeal to you! – the Wall Street gang are doing a good job as trainee Devils).

How seriously you take the concept of archons and phosters is up to you (it may strike you as pure Mythos), but bear in mind that if there is a ladder of higher existence then there must be beings above us and below God. Think of all the tales about “gods” visiting the earth and interacting with primitive humans. Think of the tales of Erich von Daniken. Think of the Watchers and the Nephilim. Thinks of ancient stories of angels and demons. Are they all pure fantasy or is there a kernel of truth in them?Have higher beings steered our civilisation and accelerated our evolution? Was Satan – the “God” of Abraham – actually an archon who physically lived on Earth, appeared to certain individuals, and manipulated them to do his Will?

Every healthy religion must be a mixture of Mythos and Logos. Abrahamism is pure Mythos and zero Logos. Illuminism is overwhelmingly a Logos religion, but it retains some Mythos elements dating back to ancient Gnosticism. Sometimes it’s said that the Mythos elements conceal the greatest truths, the highest secrets, the supreme wisdom. It’s for you to decide for yourself if Mythos has any deep meaning or is just some entertaining tall tale.

The highest degrees of Illuminism are concerned with the secret meanings of Mythos tales going back to King Solomon and even further back to the dawn of civilisation when phosters and archons were said to have played a much more prominent role in human affairs than they do now. Did they bury secret knowledge to help chosen seekers? Did they leave guides regarding how to achieve gnosis and become God? Did they deliver the secret of the Holy Grail to Simon Magus? Did they present him with the mathematical secret of how to control matter with the mind, to transmute base metal into gold?

Infinite versus Finite beings

We are all immortal, yet our actual experience of life is as an endless sequence of finite, mortal lives (via reincarnation). The sequence can terminate only when gnosis – enlightenment – is attained.

Excerpt from The God Game

Mike Hockney

The Movement (6) – Getting in touch with your higher self

Ottobre 6th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă
Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni, oameni stând jos, oameni mâncând şi text

Getting in touch with your higher self

The message of the Illuminati is that people should aim to make contact with their divine spark, to release their inner divinity, to transform themselves utterly and express their higher, hidden selves…to “become God”. Many people are perplexed by this concept. They can’t see how it could possibly happen.

In the next few articles on this site, we will provide guidance. We will draw your attention to Nietzsche’s philosophy of the Superman, to Jung’s concept of Individuation (the process of self-development which leads to well-balanced, “whole” individuals who have overcome all of the weakness and flaws that have held them back), to the Illuminati’s controversial concept of “Sin for Salvation” which frees people from the chains of the Old World Order’s slavery, to the practices of ancient Greek mystery religions, with which the Illuminati were closely connected before they became a formal organisation under Pythagoras, the first Grand Master. For those who want to read a quasi-scientific account of having God inside your head, Julian Jaynes’s book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind is one of the most remarkable books ever written. It is one short step from Jaynes’s theory to a realisation of the truth of the human condition. Ask yourself this question: does God reside in the right hemisphere of your brain?

Central to the concept of “becoming God” is that you yourself must start to don the mantle of God. This is the core of Gnosticism. No Christian would ever say that you could become Christ, no Jew that you could become Jehovah, no Muslim that you could become Allah. For these sad people, “God” is always an alien, terrifying, far distant being, regarding whom the only appropriate response is to fall on your face, cower and beg for mercy.

For the Illuminati, God is inside us all, and everyone can find his transcendent inner light and undergo the ultimate metamorphosis. Which message do you think is healthier, more optimistic, and most magnificent in its grandeur and the possibilities it opens for humanity? God outside us or God
inside? Which one is imbued with infinite hope, aspiration and the possibility of limitless personal transformation? People can choose to believe in the morbid and sickly slave religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, or to embrace freedom and light and aspire to be the very greatest they can be.

The choice you make is what defines you. Are you healthy or ill? Are you a god in the making, or someone living on your knees, worshipping a tyrant? The “God” of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is Satan, Rex Mundi, the Demiurge…a being of infinite egotism that craves worship from all of humanity. Ask yourself the most basic question – if you were God, would you want the human race to be prostrate before you, scared to raise their eyes to look at you, terrified of your power, terrified of the punishments you will inflict on them if they disobey you? If you did want those things then you would be no God, you would be a monster. The God of the Christians, Jews and Muslims is precisely that monster. You must reject this monster in every way if you are to attain your higher self.

It is time for humanity to escape.

To become God, you must start to think and act like God. God does not ask questions; he provides answers. God does not bow to others. God is creative. God is fair, just, and understanding. God is surpassingly intelligent and has attained full self-knowledge. God would rather reward than punish. God would never, under any circumstances, choose to send someone to a place of infinite and perpetual suffering; people choose hell for themselves. God is forgiving, merciful, always determined to see the best in people, not the worst. God is interested in all not in a few.

It is said that people who smile all of the time are much happier than those who don’t. The very act of smiling releases chemicals that make people feel better. People who say “yes” all the time become much more positive and adventurous than those who continually say “no” and thus remain mired in unhealthy skepticism, cynicism, negativity and caution. In the same way, those who start answering questions rather than asking them find themselves undergoing a subtle and then increasingly remarkable change. God is the being with all of the answers. The more you provide answers, the more you resemble God. It doesn’t matter that your answers might start out spectacularly wrong. The very fact that you have come up with an answer at all is often far more of an achievement than most people can manage. As you gain practice and develop your skills, you will start to see that you find yourself answering problems everywhere, and your answers will become better and better.

Paradoxically, you’ll also start to ask far better questions, which in turn will help to refine your answers. A miraculous alchemy takes place. Bit by bit, your answers turn from lead into gold. Things that baffled you in the past become clear. You start forming a myriad of connections between all of your answers. You become smarter and smarter. And all because you changed from being a questioner to an answerer. Give it a try. When you read or hear something and you are puzzled, instead of asking questions, why don’t you try to furnish your own answer, and then look for confirmation or refutation of your answer?
Attempt to emulate God.

The Movement should be all about people endeavouring to furnish answers rather than continually asking questions. The former reflects an active and dominant attitude, the latter a passive and submissive one. To continually ask questions is to be continually, bewildered, hesitant, unsure. God doesn’t question, he answers…and you should try to do the same. Walk the walk, talk the talk; move from asking questions to giving answers. Be active and proactive, not passive and reactive. Be creative. Live and breathe the divine experience. Walk in God’s shoes. Empathise with him. See the world through his eyes. Bring your imagination to bear. Try to transcend the barriers and restrictions of your ordinary human existence. If the Bible/Koran/Torah were about you, what would you want these holy books to say? What would you want to tell humanity? What lessons would you want men and women to learn? What would you do if the eternal souls of all of humanity were in your hands, and everyone’s fate was decided by your decisions?

You may feel alone in the world at the moment, but you aren’t. At the moment, many men and women of integrity are fighting isolated battles against the Old World Order. They don’t get the chance to come together with like-minded people. Their resistance is solitary. They need convincing that there are other people of equal integrity fighting the same battles elsewhere. The Movement is the organisation for all such people. The Movement is the Resistance to the Old World Order. The Movement is a link to the Illuminati’s historical struggle for freedom. The Movement is the chance to build a New World Order based on Illuminism and meritocracy.

The old religions are dead. Democracy is dead. Free market capitalism is dead. It’s time for a new future and a new world. And each and every one of you can help to build it.

Novus Ordo Seclorum – “New Order of the Ages.”

Novus Ordo Mundi – “New World Order.”

Annuit Cœptis – “He has favoured our undertakings.”


The Movement The Movement The Movement The Movement The Movement

It’s time to change the world. Are you ready?

Go out and be gods.

Excerpted, page 345

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion