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The Cloning of God

Agosto 23rd, 2019 Posted in Dacia Iluministă
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The New Atlantis

The Cloning of God

God had an inner compulsion to externalise himself: to make a consciousness outside and beyond himself, and through this otherness to come to full consciousness.

Hegel, one of the greatest grandmasters of the Illuminati, said, “The divine Idea is just this: to disclose itself, to posit the Other outside itself and to take it back again into itself in order to be subjectivity and mind/spirit.”

Consciousness, including that of God, requires interaction with otherness if it is to develop. God is compelled to create otherness – to externalise himself – and through a study of that otherness we can gain sure knowledge of God.

Hegel criticised conventional Western religion on the grounds that it separates God from the universe, and makes all of his attributes independent of the universe. God, according to the traditional view, would be exactly the same whether or not anything else existed. His nature wouldn’t alter in the slightest even if there were no universe and no other creatures. Hegel fiercely attacks this view. If God had no inner need to create anything else then why did he? Is he capricious? Was he bored? Curious? None of these make any sense in relation to a perfect God without deficiency. God is entirely self- sufficient and needs nothing else according to the tenets of mainstream Western religion. Hegel said, “If God is all sufficient and lacks nothing, how does he come to release Himself into something so clearly unequal to him?”

No Christian, Jew or Muslim can answer why God creates the world when he has no need to do so. If he does it for a reason such as wanting to spread his love then it implies that he has a need to do that, yet God, by definition, needs nothing. If he does it because he wants to be obeyed and worshipped then that also indicates deficiency on his part. If God is truly self- sufficient, it is impossible that he would ever have felt the need to create anything. Therefore God is not self-sufficient. Therefore a God of whom it is claimed that he is self- sufficient cannot exist. God creates otherness because he must. He has no choice. He is compelled. Creation is an act of inner necessity. God needs others as much as they need him. Anyone who doesn’t understand that single truth can never understand God. They will always believe in a fantasy.

God created many things as he evolved – a dazzling realm fashioned from light – but none of them gave him what he needed: an otherness comparable to himself. Eventually, after endless experiments, God succeeded in cloning himself. The clone was the being that is now known as Lucifer, Son of God, the Angel of Light, the Morning Star, Lux Mundi, the Light of the World.

God, through his interaction with Lucifer, became fully self-conscious, as did Lucifer. Between them, they created the first language, the divine language. Then Lucifer wanted a brother as a companion and God granted his wish. The second son of God was a fateful being. His original name was Paracletus, meaning “the Comforter” or “one called to help” because he was to be Lucifer’s brother and friend. But religion knows him by his later name of Satanel, then simply Satan. Satan means “accuser/adversary”. It will be explained below why Paracletus, second son of God and beloved brother of Lucifer, became the sworn enemy of his father and brother and acquired his dread new name.

Satan’s fatal flaw was “hyperephania” – extreme pride. Afflicted by doubts about himself, lacking self-esteem, in awe of his father, envious of his radiant brother, unsure of his identity, Satan compensated by cultivating an exaggerated ego. After an age, he believed himself superior to Lucifer and even God. He resented their relationship and was jealous of it. He resented being the youngest and least powerful. Resentment became hate. Hate became action. That action was rebellion. He stood as the adversary of God and Lucifer. He accused them of plotting against him. He opposed all of their plans.

Having created Lucifer and Paracletus, God provided his sons with the secret of how to clone themselves. The clones of the two sons were the beings now known as angels. The realm of light became populated by many beings of light: God, his two sons and the choirs of angels. But the angels were loyal to their respective creators and reflected their natures. Satan’s angels were infected with his discontent.

Satan and his army of angels rebelled against God, Lucifer and their loyal angels. The struggle was long and furious, but Satan and his followers lost and fell. They were banished from God’s realm, being cast out into darkness where the light of God never penetrated.

Satan wanted his own realm where he was the sole master. He discovered the secret of matter and fashioned a rival universe of matter rather than light. This was the universe of the Big Bang – our universe. “Let there be light,” Satan announced as he brought this universe into existence: a mockery of God’s light. Satan is the creator and ruler of our universe of the Big Bang, and he’s assisted by his rebel angels – called the archons, groups of whom were given regions of the universe to rule on Satan’s behalf. 144 archons are assigned to earth. They are responsible for most of the secret history of earth. They are opposed by two groups within that secret history: the Illuminati (consisting of approximately 6,000 people i.e. a similar number to that of the Old World Order), and the small group that created the Illuminati but stands outside of the society, just as the archons stand outside the Old World Order. That small group consists of 36 angels of Lucifer.

The Illuminati and the Old World Order are mirror images. Both groups know the secret history of earth, and the strange and fateful struggle that takes place behind the scenes and to which the rest of humanity is mostly oblivious.

Satan was almost as bright as Lucifer in his earliest days, but he grew repelled by light and made himself dark. He became “darkness visible” to use John Milton’s immortal phrase. He is truly the prince of darkness, yet it must never be forgotten that he is the Son of God and contains the divine spark.

Through Satan, evil entered the universe. The birth of evil is not difficult to understand. It is a product of a damaged self-consciousness, of low self esteem finding a way to over- compensate. It is exactly the sort of situation with which Freud and Jung would be familiar. Why should gods be any different from humans? We are made in their image.

Excerpted, page 216

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

Artwork by Asteri-A

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