Dacia Iluministă » Blog Archive » FREE SOURCE and SOCIAL CAPITALISM (3)


Aprile 11th, 2020 Posted in Dacia Iluministă


I have stated and I confirm that I do not like the term SOCIAL CAPITALISM, even if it is on the agenda of my enlightened mentors. I prefer ILLUMINIST MERITOCRACY which would be basically the same thing. But in the content, some differences would still be. Illuminati themselves, they say that we should not BELIEVE what they say, but we have to RESEARCH and CONTRIBUTE if we are brave enough, as the Dialectic says. One comes with a Thesis, to which an Antithesis appears, followed by a Synthesis. Illuminati decided for SOCIAL CAPITALISM.
Why don’t I like it?
First of all, CAPITALISM involves CAPITAL, which implies PRIVATE PROPERTY. Illuminati accepts PRIVATE PROPERTY, and I do NOT.CORONA VIRUS fully demonstrates how PRIVATE PROPERTY fails to manage the CRISIS and appeals to the State on all fronts: Education, Health, Industry and even FUTILE activities without a real, sane SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION. Why give money to the PRIVATE and not Nationalize once the State give them money ???
I tell you if you did not understand: because the state is in the hands of those who receive these aids, but not the taxpayers, or the voters. The state, I mean the PLUTOCRACY, prints money with one click, and the “democratic majority” will pay the DEBT thus created: PRIVATIZATION OF PROFITS AND SOCIALIZATION OF LOSSES. It could be said that the rich elite is already living in Communism.
We have made a COUNTRY PROJECT based on this Principle. It’s serious? I say NO. Since it is said that “if the first man who said ‘this is mine’ would have been ignored or considered crazy, the world would be far more advanced today”… we have started with this statement.
Well, if a 100% inheritance tax is applied as we intend, what is the LOGIC of the accumulation of capital? In our project it is foreseen that EVERYTHING is the property of the COMMUNITIES, CENTRALIZED coordinated by a POWERFUL STATE (Hegel), each one using from the COMMON RESOURCES according to the MERIT demonstrated in satisfying the GENERAL INTEREST. Illuminati propose a maximum ratio of 1:20 for the redistribution of resources. We think that around 1:10 is enough. Example: If the „last man” has $ 50,000 a year (let’s say) from community resources, the most meritorious can reach 500,000. If we are talking about today, is that not enough? As we also want a New World Order in which the entire population of the world must have EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, it is clear that we are far from this target anyway.
It should also be borne in mind that in this NWO, the “civilized” countries would no longer benefit, as are doing today, from the resources of the poor ones, they will even have to help them, because we don’t have to “leave no one behind”! ? We must also take into account the fact that over 75% of the current human activities will disappear as futile or will simply disappear due to the Technological and Scientific Advancement (banks, insurance, intermediaries, traders, workers, advertisers, journalists, etc.). What we’ll do with those without employment? No one contemplated this aspect, not even among the Illuminati, not to mention the Hyperians. In vain we asked to consider a COUNTRY PROJECT … the people cares about something else, when this is a fundamental requirement, because it seems that we are close, or even after the POINT OF NO RETURN!
EVERYTHING will have to change, nothing will be like today, many activities will disappear, millions of people will be redistributed in the territory, millions of people will be retrained, major cities will be resized, others will be built to be SUSTAINABLE and especially , a population control will have to be introduced, because at the current level of welfare (which is not even uniform), we need 5 planets. YES, this CONTROL must be imposed on all the countries because we are too MANY, IGNOTANTS and SICK. Remember the Georgia Stones! The underdeveloped countries will simply be “blackmailed” with AID in exchange for decreased birth rate. I know it’s a delicate topic, but we are at the Crossroads and our EXTINCTION is grazing. There are some who claim we can be 10 billion, or even more. But they don’t have knowledge of ARITHMETICS, what about Ontological Mathematics. Of course we can live as in an “Intensive Farm” as today’s animals, but the “optimists” have not yet realized that we are already in an INTENSIVE FARM.
So, it will be very important to implement a SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, ie RESOURCE-BASED, because we do not have 5 planets. Everything will have to be done starting from the “basic cell” of the society, that is the COMMUNITY, and not the FAMILY as it is wrongly considered today. It will be required a new Constitution, New Laws, a new State Apparatus, a new approach in Education, Health, Science and so on. See how complex it is to realize an ILLUMINIST COUNTRY PROJECT ???
They are all revolutionaries, but no one knows HOW the New Terra will be !? We Romanians have a word: the same Maria with another hat. This is also the case with Social Capitalism promoted today. We keep Private Property, including Intellectual Property, we make millionaires on a treadmill and so on.
I explained in a previous post that Antithesis of Communism has more in common with Meritocracy than Capitalism. After all, the antithesis is more recent, right? Why not use the term Meritocratic Communism?
I would not like this too for the same reason: “let us not mention the Deads, because they will then follow us as Ghosts.”
Bernie Sanders also uses the term Social Capitalism, but for me it’s just a “Minor Evil” because I’m a Jacobin. Of course I do not deny the gradual TRANSITION, because “in Nature there are no jumps”, but must be specified and indicated from the beginning our OMEGA SOCIO-ECONOMIC-POLITICAL POINT. Someone say the two terms are basically the same thing. Where is New Terra described in detail in the Illuminati, or Hyperian, books? Well, if we don’t know WHERE we go, how will we get there?

(to be continued)

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