Dacia Iluministă » Blog Archive » FREE SOURCE and SOCIAL CAPITALISM (4)


Aprile 11th, 2020 Posted in Dacia Iluministă



5, …An optimized State is comprised of optimized individuals, all cooperating with each other to get collectively better, not selfishly competing with each other .
8. Base spirituality should be based on the collective, not the individual (the anti-social meditator).
14. Base society should be based on community and the general will, not on the individual, the family and the particular will.
18. Base culture should be about constant learning and achievement, not constant leisure and pleasure. The base idea of society should be unity, not division; positive liberty (freedom for), not negative liberty (freedom from); cooperation, not competition; social cohesion, not extreme individualism; the people, not the elite; collaborating minds, not selfish genes; reason, not faith; autonomy, not anomie.

There are countries where is not permited to acces Amazon and others too poor for doing it, but some guys don’t know that. They don’t need that populations in the New Terra???
The young ones all over the world, are not financially independent, and their parents are mostly NOT interested to finance the lecture of such books. How can be imaged a REVOLUTION without them???
Let all your books to be FREE SOURCE!!! We are on the way to EXTINCTION! We are next to the Revolution, and we haven’t reached the Critical Mass.

Hyperianism in a nutshell:

1. Base reality should be based on ontological mathematics, not science.

2. Base politics should be based on meritocracy, not democracy.

3. Base economics should be based on social capitalism for the people, not predatory capitalism for the elites.

4. Base science should be based on non-spacetime (singularities) plus spacetime, not spacetime alone. It should be based on whole in parts (holenmerism), not parts in whole (merism).

5. Base education should be based on Sages, Gadflies and Ascetics, not Mandarins and Courtiers. It should be based on optimizing the individual, not on optimizing the individual’s capacity to fit in with the plans of the elite. An optimized State is comprised of optimized individuals, all cooperating with each other to get collectively better, not selfishly competing with each other to get collectively worse.

6. Base psychology should be based on the Jungian collective unconscious, not Freud’s personal unconscious.

7. Base religion should be based on clear, critical, analytic thinking, not faith and mysticism.

8. Base spirituality should be based on the collective, not the individual (the anti-social meditator).

9. Base philosophy should be based on rationalism, not empiricism; on reason and logic, not the defective human senses.

10. Base humanity should be based on Apollo (the Shadow Maker) and Dionysus (the Shadow) together, not on Apollo alone (with the Shadow rejected); it must be based on Logos and Mythos; not Logos alone, and especially not Mythos alone.

11. Base perceiving should be based on intuition (holistically driven) rather than the physical senses (parts driven).

12. Base judging should be based on thinking (rationality) rather than feeling (irrationality).

13. Base people should reflect autonomy rather than anomie, tradition-directedness, other-directedness, and parent-directedness.

14. Base society should be based on community and the general will, not on the individual, the family and the particular will.

15. Base culture should be about constant learning and achievement, not constant leisure and pleasure. The base idea of society should be unity, not division; positive liberty (freedom for), not negative liberty (freedom from); cooperation, not competition; social cohesion, not extreme individualism; the people, not the elite; collaborating minds, not selfish genes; reason, not faith; autonomy, not anomie.

All rights reserved to The Ontological Mathematics Foundation. Quote taken from Base Reality: Ultimate Existence (The Truth Series Book 16) by Dr. Thomas Stark

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