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The Cosmic March

Settembre 28th, 2019 Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The Cosmic March

What symbolises the march of the souls from the Genesis Point into the material world, and ever-expanding space? – the Pythagorean Tetraktys, one of the most sacred symbols of the Illuminati.

The universe is in fact always God. It begins as God in his state of maximum potential and minimum actualisation and ends as God in the state of minimum potential and maximum actualisation, and then it starts over…and it repeats the cycle forever.

If we did but know it, we are all God and everything we see, hear, touch, smell and feel is God. All matter is God. All mind is God. There is nothing but God. God does not create the universe, God IS the universe. The universe is the vehicle that takes the hidden God (Deus Absconditus) to the revealed God (Deus Manifestus).

The dialectic is the cosmic engine that converts potential into actuality, and keeps raising it higher and higher until it’s perfect, until it has reached its divine Omega Point. There’s no need for any Creator. The cosmos propels itself. It raises itself up through dialectical feedback loops. It makes itself conscious. It makes itself intelligent. It perfects itself.

Abraxas, the God of Illuminism, was the first cosmic consciousness to attain gnosis – God Consciousness. But he is not a unique God. We can all join Abraxas. He leads us all forward.

Abraxas is the synthesis of two opposing dialectic forces: good (altruism; consideration for others) and evil (selfishness; contempt for others). He is beyond good and evil and operates according to pure reason. In other words, he is a God of mathematical precision and logic. He always knows the right and best thing to do because he can solve all possible equations regarding any conceivable situation. He is all-powerful, all-knowing and infallible, just as God is supposed to be. Mathematics guarantees that. He is not moral perfection (although he would never commit any immoral acts), but rather rational perfection, the perfection of mathematics.

Lucifer is the cosmic principle of good, and Satan of evil. The dialectic necessarily creates all possible principles, which are then resolved in higher and higher syntheses. Good and evil are resolved only in the attainment of God consciousness.

All individuals are attracted to the Satan Principle – “Me, me, me: look after No. 1 and screw over everyone else” – to some degree. Fortunately, many people find greater satisfaction from the Lucifer Principle – “Do as you would be done by; help others and they will help you.” The world is a constant battleground between the Satan and Lucifer principles. Those at the top of society are invariably Satanists. The extraordinarily disproportionate amount of wealth and power they have grabbed for themselves shows that personal enrichment and aggrandisement are their only motivation. They care nothing for others. Such people should never be allowed anywhere near positions of power over society. They are the least fit to rule.

Satan is, ultimately, a bad mathematician, someone who never grasped the Cosmic Equation. He is obsessed with the “One” – himself. Lucifer is a better mathematician, but still not perfect. He is obsessed with the “Many” as opposed to the One. Abraxas is the perfect mathematician who reconciles the One and the Many. Both are essential. Neither can be neglected.

The supreme community, the ideal political state, is the one that maximises individual liberty within the context of the Collective. If some individuals are permitted too much liberty, others are enslaved (this is how capitalism operates). If all are forced to be equal, everyone is enslaved (this is how communism operates).

The optimal solution is to provide equality of opportunity but not equality of outcomes. The most meritorious will take greatest advantage of equal opportunities and rise to the top, thus generating the best possible governments consisting of the demonstrably most talented individuals.

This is the Meritocratic State. It applies 100% inheritance tax at death to ensure that privileged family dynasties never come into being. Maximum individual liberty within a rational State demands that all personal wealth be gifted voluntarily, or by law if needs be, to the Commonwealth when an individual dies. It is inherently anti-meritocratic for an individual to pass on his wealth to specific people rather than to the Commonwealth. No one on earth has the right to increase one person’s freedom and opportunity at the expense of another person’s freedom and opportunity. The system of privilege whereby rich parents pass on prosperity to their children is a direct attack on the opportunities and scope for freedom of those children who do not have rich parents. If seen for what it truly is, privilege is an act of violence and war against the non-privileged and ought to reap the appropriate response. There is simply no place at all for privilege in this world of ours. It is Meritocracy or War. Take your pick.

Excerpt from The God Factory

Mike Hockney

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