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The Cosmic March

Settembre 28th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The Cosmic March

What symbolises the march of the souls from the Genesis Point into the material world, and ever-expanding space? – the Pythagorean Tetraktys, one of the most sacred symbols of the Illuminati.

The universe is in fact always God. It begins as God in his state of maximum potential and minimum actualisation and ends as God in the state of minimum potential and maximum actualisation, and then it starts over…and it repeats the cycle forever.

If we did but know it, we are all God and everything we see, hear, touch, smell and feel is God. All matter is God. All mind is God. There is nothing but God. God does not create the universe, God IS the universe. The universe is the vehicle that takes the hidden God (Deus Absconditus) to the revealed God (Deus Manifestus).

The dialectic is the cosmic engine that converts potential into actuality, and keeps raising it higher and higher until it’s perfect, until it has reached its divine Omega Point. There’s no need for any Creator. The cosmos propels itself. It raises itself up through dialectical feedback loops. It makes itself conscious. It makes itself intelligent. It perfects itself.

Abraxas, the God of Illuminism, was the first cosmic consciousness to attain gnosis – God Consciousness. But he is not a unique God. We can all join Abraxas. He leads us all forward.

Abraxas is the synthesis of two opposing dialectic forces: good (altruism; consideration for others) and evil (selfishness; contempt for others). He is beyond good and evil and operates according to pure reason. In other words, he is a God of mathematical precision and logic. He always knows the right and best thing to do because he can solve all possible equations regarding any conceivable situation. He is all-powerful, all-knowing and infallible, just as God is supposed to be. Mathematics guarantees that. He is not moral perfection (although he would never commit any immoral acts), but rather rational perfection, the perfection of mathematics.

Lucifer is the cosmic principle of good, and Satan of evil. The dialectic necessarily creates all possible principles, which are then resolved in higher and higher syntheses. Good and evil are resolved only in the attainment of God consciousness.

All individuals are attracted to the Satan Principle – “Me, me, me: look after No. 1 and screw over everyone else” – to some degree. Fortunately, many people find greater satisfaction from the Lucifer Principle – “Do as you would be done by; help others and they will help you.” The world is a constant battleground between the Satan and Lucifer principles. Those at the top of society are invariably Satanists. The extraordinarily disproportionate amount of wealth and power they have grabbed for themselves shows that personal enrichment and aggrandisement are their only motivation. They care nothing for others. Such people should never be allowed anywhere near positions of power over society. They are the least fit to rule.

Satan is, ultimately, a bad mathematician, someone who never grasped the Cosmic Equation. He is obsessed with the “One” – himself. Lucifer is a better mathematician, but still not perfect. He is obsessed with the “Many” as opposed to the One. Abraxas is the perfect mathematician who reconciles the One and the Many. Both are essential. Neither can be neglected.

The supreme community, the ideal political state, is the one that maximises individual liberty within the context of the Collective. If some individuals are permitted too much liberty, others are enslaved (this is how capitalism operates). If all are forced to be equal, everyone is enslaved (this is how communism operates).

The optimal solution is to provide equality of opportunity but not equality of outcomes. The most meritorious will take greatest advantage of equal opportunities and rise to the top, thus generating the best possible governments consisting of the demonstrably most talented individuals.

This is the Meritocratic State. It applies 100% inheritance tax at death to ensure that privileged family dynasties never come into being. Maximum individual liberty within a rational State demands that all personal wealth be gifted voluntarily, or by law if needs be, to the Commonwealth when an individual dies. It is inherently anti-meritocratic for an individual to pass on his wealth to specific people rather than to the Commonwealth. No one on earth has the right to increase one person’s freedom and opportunity at the expense of another person’s freedom and opportunity. The system of privilege whereby rich parents pass on prosperity to their children is a direct attack on the opportunities and scope for freedom of those children who do not have rich parents. If seen for what it truly is, privilege is an act of violence and war against the non-privileged and ought to reap the appropriate response. There is simply no place at all for privilege in this world of ours. It is Meritocracy or War. Take your pick.

Excerpt from The God Factory

Mike Hockney

Nu este disponibilă nicio descriere pentru fotografie.

God versus Satan

Settembre 25th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

God versus Satan

Every aspect of the universe evolves to its optimal degree, its omega point. If the two primary components of the mind are Intellect and Will then God represents the omega point of the former and Satan of the latter.

God achieves complete knowledge of the universe (via mathematics) and complete intellectual mastery of material existence. He can use his mind to alter the equations that determine material existence in his local environment and achieve the kind of power exhibited by Neo in The Matrix.

God is dialectically opposed by Satan, the Lord of Will. We can’t think of any better way of defining Satan than to refer to the monster worshipped by Jews, Christians and Muslims. Just read their unholy texts. You will observe that their “God” never says anything intellectual. All “holy” texts are devoid of mathematics, science, philosophy, reason and logic and make no attempt to account for this extraordinary absence. They emphasize irrational concepts such as faith and revelation and insanely claim that these are superior to reason. These books have no moral or ethical content. They feel no need to account for why God would order his first prophet Abraham to murder his innocent son for no reason. They do not consider that such an order inherently violates ANY code of morality.

These holy books are overwhelmingly about control and dominance, about making human beings bow and grovel. They are intent on creating the widest possible gap between God and humanity. Human beings are to be mere insects, begging for mercy from their Lord and Master. Humanity is reduced to penal servitude where they must blindly and absolutely obey, and live in terror of the most horrific and indeed eternal punishment if they disobey. Abrahamism is obsessed with obedience. In fact, obedience is really the sole subject of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Heresy, apostasy, free thinking are all to be met with death. Infidels are to be persecuted and killed.

The degree of intolerance and hatred towards those who reject the Abrahamic God is effectively infinite. Hatred, intolerance, extremism, fanaticism, irrationality, violence, persecution, and extermination are the hallmarks of Abrahamism. These are all manifestations of Will. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is pure Will. He exhibits zero intellectual capacity and never at any time explains himself rationally. There is no dialogue between this “God” and humanity. We must obey him, no matter if it means killing our own children. That’s the whole point of the story of Abraham.

Only self-hating slaves could ever embrace Judaism, Christianity or Islam. These are not the people of God, but of Satan. We barely acknowledge them as human. They are an insult to the human race and represent everything that is worst about human beings. They are bestial, irrational creatures of Will, indistinguishable from animals. The “God” they worship is nothing but themselves writ large. If they were to acquire immense power, they would wish to rule over a planet of slaves, permanently on their knees in worship.

Abraxas is the God of Reason and Jehovah/Christ/Allah/Satan is the God of Will. Which God you choose to acknowledge says everything about you. Better an atheist than a Devil worshipping Jew, Christian or Muslim. Just as some people will embark on the quest to become God, others will follow the other path and seek to become Satan. Look at the men and women of Wall Street and Washington D.C. Look at monarchs and celebrities and the super rich. All of these people are evil scum who have actively chosen to emulate Satan. They want to be worshipped by the stupid, credulous common herd. Would-be Satans are everywhere. We’re surrounded by them.

Excerpt from The God Game

Mike Hockney

Artwork by Karmazid

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Agosto 27th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă


We receive emails from various Christians, Jews and Muslims in which they accuse us of being Satan worshippers. The truth is the opposite. The “People of the Book”, as they like to describe themselves, are the ones who kneel to Satan. Below we present the case for the prosecution against the People of the Book. Isn’t it time to think again? The True God hasn’t abandoned you. You have abandoned yourselves.

The Prosecution of the People of the Book

So, shall we start at the beginning, with the Jews? What are their claims to the truth? Isn’t it a fact that present-day Palestine is the anvil upon which the whole world is being hammered? More than half of the world’s population – the Christians and the Muslims – are at each other’s throats because a few million Jews think that a Hebrew God no one else believes in promised them a barren, parched piece of land already populated by others. Surely, it wasn’t so difficult for the “all-powerful” Jehovah to find a beautiful piece of land with no one in it, a promised land that didn’t automatically result in conflict. Why didn’t he?
According to their own Bible, the Jews violently seized the land from the Canaanites, so why would they feel any guilt about stealing it a second time from the Palestinians? And don’t forget, the Palestinians are the direct descendants of the Philistines who lived in ancient Palestine, so no one can deny the legitimacy of their claim to their own land. The truth is the Israelis are a people born in violence, who have no compunction about using violence to get what they want. How can they complain about becoming the targets of others’ violence? They’re a nation of the damned, servants of the Demiurge – his Chosen People no less – condemned in perpetuity to a living hell.

The Jews are forever blaming others for their misfortunes, forever demanding that others change. Has it never occurred to them that they’re the ones at fault, they’re the ones who need to change? Who needs Judaism? Six billion people live happily without it. The Jews are a dinosaur people. Their adherence to their God has become merely perverse, a deliberate act of provocation. Their religion died so long ago no one can remember the date to put on the tombstone. Why do they refuse to bury it?They’re in thrall to Satan, that’s why. The damned can never move on. They’re stuck forever like spiders in amber.

The Jews resemble Latin – a fascinating language with a great and rich history, but utterly dead. Latin is a language for scholars, and is now nothing but a collection of dusty books in museums. That’s the best Judaism can hope for – a place in a museum. It’s a pointless religion, an historical footnote, and nothing else.

According to the Jews, Jehovah was forever intervening on their behalf. There he was sending ten plagues to Egypt to liberate them, parting the Red Sea for them, destroying Pharaoh’s army, sending Manna from heaven, releasing water from a rock, talking from a burning bush, promising a homeland to them, helping to destroy all of the people who lived there, talking directly to their leaders on a daily basis. On hundreds of life-or-death occasions, he was there for them. In fact, he actually allowed himself to be carried around in a box by the Jews. The Ark of the Covenant they called it, their portable container for God.

And then, suddenly, the Ark was gone and Jehovah simply wasn’t there for the Jews any more. The Babylonians destroyed Solomon’s Temple, the Romans razed the Second Temple to the ground, and the Jews were scattered across the world. There were pogroms against them in practically every country. They were forced to wear badges identifying themselves. No one liked them, everyone shunned and despised them. Why did Jehovah never help them through all of the many persecutions they suffered? Then came the attempt at a Final Solution of the “Jewish problem”. Where was Jehovah then? He intervened continuously in the days of Moses, so why not in the death camps? Why so silent all of a sudden? Why so still? Dead, perhaps? But gods can’t die, can they?

Surely the blindest, most stupid Jew can’t avoid the obvious conclusion – their own God has turned his back on them. They’re a forsaken race: the abandoned, the rejected, the Wandering Jews.

In the here and now, can there be a more perverse religion than Judaism? Even if they believe their God still exists, what possible point could there be in worshipping him? He stopped loving them long ago. He never raises a finger to help. He lets them suffer hell on earth. Only a sick people could go on worshipping a God who hates them. What more does he need to do to show he has rejected them? If he wiped out the entire Jewish Race bar one, you can be certain that lone survivor would stand up, brush himself down, go to the Wailing Wall and start up the nonsense all over again. There is nothing the Jews won’t accept from their Jehovah. If a religion has no end-point; no point at which its believers finally give up because their beliefs have brought them nothing but disaster, how can it be distinguished from insanity? The Jews would rather live in hell than turn their back on Jehovah, and their wish has surely come true.

A Jewish intellectual – and they are an astonishingly intelligent people when they’re thinking straight – rightly argued that the only thing keeping the Jewish faith alive was anti-Semitism. If Jehovah had abandoned the Jews, would it stop them from worshipping him? They couldn’t give up. Not ever. They’d stand in front of the Wailing Wall and keep wailing, louder than ever, with more feeling, more longing, more love. They could never admit they were wrong, never permit the anti-Semites the victory they’ve pursued so relentlessly for so long. For any Jew to deny Judaism is to murder the Holocaust victims all over again, to repeat all the persecutions of the past, to bow in front of their tormentors and admit they were right all along.

Were you one of Goebbels’ speech writers in an earlier life? The Jews are just ordinary people trying to worship their God. They don’t want to harm anyone and they don’t want anyone to harm them. Why should they be forbidden from living where their ancestors lived? Why should they be reviled for believing in their God? They didn’t march anyone into death camps – it was done to them. They are the victims.

The eternal victims, perhaps? Haven’t they become tired of it yet, sickened? Why do they insist on struggling on? They must detest all the rest of us to have so much conviction that they’re right and we’re all wrong. Do they think we’re stupid, crazy? The Nazis called themselves the herrenrasse, the master race, but they had nothing on the Jews. Who can compare with the Chosen People? When you call yourselves that, you’re immediately declaring that all the others are the unchosen people, the untermenschen, the subhumans rejected by Jehovah.

That’s not what Chosen People means. God chose the Jews for a special task. It wasn’t about being elevated above others.

‘No? Keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day you’ll believe it. Nietzsche said about the Chosen People: “The Jews are the most remarkable nation of world history because faced with the question of being or not being, they preferred, with a perfectly uncanny conviction, being at any price.” That’s right, isn’t it? Long after it became absurd to be Jewish, the Jews refused to abandon their Jewishness. Why is that? Why do they insist on being Jewish no matter the price? Sheer perversity?

They’re no different from anyone else. They won’t abandon their identity. Not for you, not for the Nazis, not for anyone. No matter how much you persecute them, they’ll never go away.

So, they exist only to spite others? Their religion isn’t an act of affirmation, it’s not a celebration of truth or joy. It’s just grim defiance, the final two-fingered salute to everyone else. Here we are, and we’re never going away, huh? No one likes us and we don’t care.

They won’t disappear just because you want them to.

Time will tell.

Now what about Islam? That’s even harder to swallow than Judaism. An illiterate tribesman goes into a mountain cave. The Angel Gabriel appears to him and recites the verses of the Koran, instructing the tribesman to memorise them. The tribesman returns home and gets his literate companions to write down what Gabriel told him. The resulting words are called the Koran. Not for one moment are we to imagine that these are the tribesman’s words, or Gabriel’s. No, they’re the undiluted, unambiguous, unarguable words of Allah.

But things don’t go smoothly. There’s much conflict and many people won’t accept the Koran. So, the tribesman goes back to the cave and again the Angel Gabriel appears and gives him some additional verses. The tribesman takes these back to his community and they are mostly well received, until someone points out that they completely contradict the original verses. So, these are then called the Satanic Verses, and the Angel Gabriel who appeared on the second occasion is now recognised as Satan, trying to deceive the poor tribesman.

Muslims find this tale entirely credible, but no one else does. If you raise the possibility that maybe the first appearance of Gabriel was the Satanic part of the equation, or suggest that Gabriel didn’t appear at all, and all that really happened was that a few men went into a cave and wrote down a few rules about how they thought people should live their lives, you might become detached from your head. There’s no room for doubt in Islam, no possibility of debate. They’re the touchiest people on earth. Draw a cartoon of their Prophet and they’ll kill you; write a novel featuring their prophet and they’ll kill you; make a film about the role of women in Islam and they’ll kill you. Of course, they never consider that the true cause of their suffering is their religion. Like the Jews, they refuse to face the obvious.

Muslims saw off the heads of anyone who disagrees with them. Their “moral police” hang sixteen-year-old-girls for having sex. They mutilate thieves, behead adulterers, stone homosexuals to death. Is this religion or pathology? Shouting Allahu Akbar as loudly as they can doesn’t make their religion any more credible. Because they’re desperate for their religion to be true, it becomes true for them, despite the lack of a shred of evidence. That’s what belief is: accepting something as true without any evidence. Some people think their faith is actually evidence. What would you prefer? – to think there are seventy virgins waiting for you in Paradise or that there are no virgins waiting for you anywhere, there’s no Paradise and if you blow yourself up in the name of your God, all you’re doing is turning yourself into atoms in the name of nothing. Fantasy or truth – make your choice.

They cling to their errors like drowning men reaching for lifebelts as they strap their martyrdom bomb-belts round their waists, as they cut off the heads of their enemies in the name of their god of peace. Islam means “submission” they tell you. If you don’t submit to Allah, they’ll kill you. That’s the true meaning of Jihad. It’s the struggle to kill all the infidels who don’t bow to Allah. The martyrs of Jihad have been so successful that Crusader armies now control two Islamic countries. If the Jihadists continue to meet with the same success in their glorious struggle, there soon won’t be a single free Islamic country left on earth. The foreign policy of the madhouse?

This religion is the worship of homicide. In paradise, apart from all the virgins hanging around waiting for the next batch of suicide bombers, all the heads of the infidels, dripping with fresh blood, are placed on great spikes around the walls so that Allah and all his followers can delight in the destruction of the infidel. Paradise, or an abattoir? “We love death more than you love life,” they gleefully chant. “We will build a ladder to Allah made of our enemies’ skulls.”

To all those Muslims getting enraged as they read these words, and reaching for their guns, bombs and swords, do they think it is a benign god of peace, love and compassion putting those thoughts in their heads, or a violent, evil god of pain, war and slaughter? Isn’t the latter Satan? Before they don their martyrs’ red headbands, they should bear in mind that no good god would ever accept the bloodstained hand of a murderer. But Satan would.

Christians are in no position to criticise, of course. They’re so steeped in blood that they often seem like some kind of vampire race. Their holiest image is of a tortured, bleeding man dying on a cross. Their holiest ceremonies commemorate and sanctify blood.

You hear Christians bleating on about what a crime the Holocaust was and yet, according to their Christian faith, every Jew automatically goes to hell because they rejected Jesus Christ.

It shouldn’t have been the Nazis who were on trial at Nuremberg, it should have been Christianity in the dock, facing the death penalty. All that Goering had to say to defend himself was that every good Christian believes that all Jews are destined for hell because they’ve denied Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. What could it possibly matter if the Nazis sent them there a little earlier? How could a prosecutor who believed that the Jews were damned in the next world raise a single word of protest against those who damned them in this? The degree of nauseating, self-serving moralising of those prosecutors takes the breath away. The Christian judges who pronounced sentence on the Nazi leaders were the true monsters.

The Nazi gas chambers were nothing compared with hell – a place of infinite and never-ending suffering – yet those who abhorred the death camps didn’t abhor the idea that all the Jews who died in the camps were certain to go to hell. How can anyone shed a tear about men, women and children being turned to smoke in the Nazi crematoria while simultaneously believing in a religion which says that those same victims go straight to the eternal crematoria of hell? From an earthly hell to actual hell.

Don’t you think the Christian prosecutors at Nuremberg should themselves have been put on trial for their belief that every Jew automatically goes to hell? How could they possibly condemn the Nazis for merely accelerating the process? The extermination camps were the logical product of Christianity, Christianity with the mask removed, the hypocrisy abandoned, the beast fully exposed. If Nazism was guilty, so was Christianity. In fact, why wasn’t God himself on trial at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity? No one is more responsible for violence than he is. How many billions have been slaughtered in his name? No one in their right mind could call him a friend of peace, harmony and love.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus means outside the church there’s no salvation. That’s the official position of the Catholic Church. There are only Catholics in heaven, in other words. Hell is where everywhere else goes, including unbaptised babies, including the aborted foetuses that Catholics spend so much time bleating about. What kind of morality pleads for the life of a foetus yet sends that foetus to hell if it isn’t baptised Catholic? Not that Protestants are any better. They say that anyone who hasn’t established a direct and personal relationship with their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is damned. Naturally, that includes babies. As for the more extreme Protestants, the Presbyterians, they believe in predestination – the bizarre concept that from the moment we’re conceived the vast majority of us are either elected to be saved by God’s divine will or damned to hell by that same will, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it. Hardly much point in getting up in the morning, huh?

And what about the Christian judgement on Islam? Read Dante’s Inferno. The Prophet Mohammed is in the eighth circle of hell, cleaved in two from chin to fundament, with his guts spilling out. According to Christianity, as soon as any Muslim dies that person immediately joins their Prophet in hell.
Naturally, the Muslims believe that Mohammed isn’t in hell. Hell, in fact, is full of Christians, Jews and all the other infidels.

And what of the Jews? They believe that Christians are believers in a False Messiah, an Antichrist. The Christians aren’t the new Chosen People. They’re the hell-bound people. Can the Jews be in any way surprised that some Christians want to give them a taste of what the Jews think is in store for the Christians?

That’s not what the Jews believe about hell. They hardly mention hell at all in their holy books. We have the Book of Moses in our possession. This describes exactly what Jehovah said to Moses when the prophet disappeared on the summit of Mount Sinai for forty days. It’s the most savage book you could ever imagine. Jehovah is revealed in his true colours. The Anti-God, God through a glass darkly. An inversion, a perversion, a black hole from which light, hope and truth can never emerge. A better name for the Book of Moses would be the Gospel of Satan.

So, we pronounce our judgment, the verdict of the eternal court of history. We find the People of the Book guilty on all counts, guilty of murder in the first degree, guilty of holding hateful, Satanic beliefs that bring division and war to the world. Their gods are false. The god they truly worship is none other than the Devil. Everything about how they have behaved for millennia proves it. There can be only one sentence for capital crimes against humanity and against the True God – hell everlasting in the Satanic kingdom. It is not for others to send them there. They will send themselves.


Ask yourself a few simple questions. Of the many religions in the world, which is the correct one? How can you tell? Why should the truth be more popular and successful than seductive lies? Isn’t the road to the truth a narrow path from which many stray? And do all those who stray join the legions of the damned?

Excerpted, page 223

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

Artwork by Peter Paul Rubens

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