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Posts Tagged ‘Consciousness’
Mathematical Consciousness
Mathematical Consciousness:
We are conscious because we can refer to ourselves as “I”, and we can move this “I” around in our mental space, and reflect on it.If we couldn’t do that,we wouldn’t be conscious.No animals can do this, so no animals are conscious.Humans who have a severely restricted mind space and poor language fluency – through conditions such as learning disabilities and autism – are not conscious in the way that normal people are.Highly intelligent people are much more conscious than average people since they are able to use language with enormously more acuity.They are able to get the most from language rather than the least.This is one of the great unacceptable knowledged truths.When you interact with others, you no doubt assume you are dealing with people who are as conscious as you.You are radically wrong.Stupid people in stupid jobs have limited consciousness.Many convicts in prisons are barely conscious.It was their lack of consciousness that led them there.Terrorism is a product of shrunken consciousness, consciousness that revolves around a single idea, and total ignorance of all other ideas.Humanity suffers from a wide spread disease of consciousness.Humanity must become much more conscious via much better education, focused onreason rather than faith and emotions. What is the mathematical equivalent of “I”? Consider the following matrix (see picture below)
The “other-reference” terms are those where i ≠ j (e.g.a1,2) while the “self-reference” terms are those where i = j (e.g.a1,1).There are two types of determinism corresponding to these respective situations: other-deterministic and self-determinism.Science, to the extent that it accepts determinism (it is in fact increasingly in deterministic and probabilistic) acknowledges only other-determinism.It does not acknowledge self-reference, self-determinism,subjectivity, which means that free will is deemed impossible in science.This is an inevitable outcome of materialism, which has no place for autonomousagents.The central problem of science lies in its inability to comprehend mental self-reference.Mental self-reference means that you can take a decisions purely with reference to yourself – with no reference to anything else – and that is exactly what is meant by “free will”.You, and you alone, took the decision, and you were not compelled by anything outside you.However, science does not accept the existence of autonomous minds.It posits a universe of atoms – objects – all interacting with each other in a vast web of “other-reference”. There are no self-reference agents in the mix that candetermine their own actions.If we replace atoms (strict objects) with monads (mathematical subject-objects) then we can automatically have an objective world of monadic other-reference (producing the collective Fourier spacetime world) interacting with a subjective world of monadic self-reference (the individual Fourier frequency domain of each monadic mind).If science were true, no one would suffer from any delusion that they were free.You cannot have even the illusion of freedom in a system that has no freedom ( a system of exclusive other-reference).You wouldn’t even beable to formulate the concept of freedom since nothing at all could possible correspond to the concept, hence no one would understand the word “free”.The fact that we know we are free, and can take decisions on our own account, irrefutably means that science is false.A monadic system easily explains what is going on, and easily replaces science.Monads can act as both subjects and objects, depending on the context.They can be both syntactic and semantic, and they can use mathematics to communicate with everything else, hence there is no problem of Cartesian dualism.It is sheer ideological prejudice that prevents science from basing itself on monads, which are infinitely more powerful and useful than mere atoms.A monad has arrived at the mathematical equivalent of “I” when it can identify itself as one of the self reference terms in the above matrix, e.g.a2,2,and can grasp that all monads are interacting with each other via the other-reference terms.It’s all in the math.The monad can then imagine itself in a mathematical space, moving around in that space, and interacting with other mathematical objects and subjects.It does not require any man made language.It has constructed a mathematical “Analog “I” in a mathematical domain which is exactly like the real mathematical domain, and using the same Fourier mathematics. Our dream worlds could be construed as our mathematical simulations of the“physical” world.A monadic mind mathematically modeling actual mathematical reality is much more powerful than a human mind operating in a man made mental space that does not reflect mathematical reality but instead reflects human language and human figures of speech.Mathematical consciousness is much more powerful than man made consciousness, and leads us to DIVINITY.
The Birth Of Evil
Iată de ce nu poate exista DUMNEZEUL AVRAAMIC: nu putea să-și dezvolte CONȘTIENȚA DE SINE în lipsa ALTCUIVA!!!
The Birth Of Evil
In a previous section, we mentioned Hegel’s crucial concept of the development of self- consciousness and his argument that self- consciousness requires encounters with “otherness”. A self-consciousness has to recognise what it is not. It must interact with entities external to itself. Above all, it requires other self-consciousnesses. In other words, self-consciousness cannot appear by itself. It manifests itself gradually in a community of others like itself. These self-consciousnesses start off in a primitive state of animal-like consciousness and, over time, become increasingly sophisticated and able to reflect on their own existence. The first humans, shaking off their ape ancestry, were not fully realised self-consciousnesses; rather they were potential self-consciousnesses.
The development of human self- consciousness ran parallel to the development of language skills. Language is the key driver of self-consciousness. Humans are the only creatures on earth with highly developed language skills, and we are also the only self-consciousnesses on the planet. Language is the tool we use for advanced communication. That communication allows us to gain incredible insights into the modus operandi of other self-consciousnesses. When someone else is talking to us and telling us of his plans and dreams, we know for certain that we are in the presence of another self- consciousness.
Only humans have a sophisticated “theory of mind” – awareness that others are in possessions of minds distinct from our own, having their own thoughts and beliefs. It is because of the theory of mind that humans are able to deceive others. We are the only creatures that deliberately lie. We take advantage of the differences between minds, the different levels of knowledge. Severe autistics can’t lie because they have no theory of mind and they think that everything they know is equally well known by everyone else. You could never lie to another person if you thought they were already party to everything you know.
If you sat down at a table with a curtain across the middle so that you couldn’t see who was on the other side and then you and the person opposite started exchanging emails or text messages, you might quickly gain a lot of information about the other person. Imagine that the curtain was removed and you discovered that you were actually sitting opposite a sophisticated robot. Would you conclude that you were in the presence of a programmed machine or another self- consciousness? This is a variation of the “Turing Test”, devised by computing genius Alan Turing. The Turing Test is used by experts in artificial intelligence, their aim being to reach a stage where a human cannot tell if he is communicating with another human or with a machine. Apparently, they have succeeded, albeit by keeping the communication to a restricted level. In some cases, a human on one side of the screen has believed that he was sitting opposite a machine only to discover that it was another person. Many humans, especially those with autistic spectrum disorder, fail the test.
If a machine could talk to you for hours about its hopes and dreams, its existential worries, its thoughts about an afterlife, would it not be impossible to fail to conclude that it was another self-consciousness?
The supporters of the God of Being claim that he always existed and was always self-aware, that he always possessed language and intelligence. All of this is false and impossible. God did not always exist. If a creature had existed on its own, it would have had no need of language since there was nothing else with which to communicate. It would have had no self-consciousness because that requires the presence of at least one other self- consciousness. Without self-consciousness, language and others with whom to interact, God would not have developed intelligence and hence would not have become powerful.
It is laughable when anyone talks about “God” creating the universe. It is impossible. It is laughable when anyone says that God existed on his own before creation as an omniscient, omnipotent, perfect being without a single deficiency. It is impossible.
God does not stand outside existence. He is the maximum expression of existence. He evolves, like everything else. His personal qualities evolve: his intelligence, his power, his self-awareness. He is the supreme outcome of evolution. We can understand God by understanding our own evolution, not by consulting a “holy text” by some false prophet. Where in the Torah, the Bible or the Koran does it talk about God’s intelligence evolving? What is the likelihood that a creature with infinite intelligence has existed eternally? Zero. What is the likelihood that the universe, after many eons and a vast amount of natural selection, gave rise to a being that, slowly and surely, painfully and arduously, acquired astonishing intelligence, sufficient to alter the course of evolution away from apparently blind natural selection and towards his own personal will?One hundred percent.
It cannot be emphasised enough: to understand God we need only understand ourselves. As below, so above, to quote the alchemists. We will never do that if we look away from firm knowledge and instead embrace faith based on ludicrous holy books that contain nothing but lies, fabrications and fantasies. Knowledge not faith is the key. Gnosis and science.
It has been catastrophic for humanity that its most successful religions have been based on faith. It was faith that drove a wedge between religion and science, that allowed any number of preposterous ideas to take root and flourish, providing fertile soil for Satan’s endless lies. In the world of faith, any fantasy can be taken seriously. Humanity needs knowledge, not delusion. Religion should be rational and scientific.
Excerpted, page 214
© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion
Artwork by Cambion Art
As Above, So Below
Tags: As Above, Brain, Consciousness, Descartes, Dream, Illuminati, Mater, Mind, So Below, Sound, UnConsciousness, Vibration, Wavw