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The Key Obstacles

Luglio 6th, 2018 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

The Key Obstacles

Hyperianism asserts that mind is the root of all things, and that each mind can become fully optimized, eventually reaching Godhood (i.e., it can know everything). At such a point, the mind frees itself of the material prison it is trapped in and returns to the Source. This is explained in Morgue’s books and videos. It is also much more fully fleshed out in the God Series by the great Mike Hockney and the Truth Seriesby Dr. Thomas Stark. This article is not to argue about the details of ontological mathematics, however, but to outline what it means in a practical sense.

The most common problem among people–even those who have accepted the truth of ontological mathematics–is that they don’t really know what it fully means for the world at large. They cannot grasp the immensity of it. “Okay, mathematics is the root of all things and the truth of existence–so what? How does that help me? How does it help me to pay my rent and feed my children?

First, it guarantees that you are immortal. You can never die. You can check out at any time, but you can never leave the great game of existence, the God Game. Leading on from that point, it means that no one has a “right” to lord it over you, to boss you around, or to tell you how to live your life. We are all divine. Ontological mathematics guarantees it. This is why we are so fanatically against the Abrahamic religions, which teach that you are an eternal slave to cosmic master, and that your lot in life is merely to serve. If you serve well, you will be rewarded in Heaven (a place where you will worship “God” forever). If you do not, you will be punished in Hell (a place made by this same, supposedly all-loving “God”). This is the most pathetic view of both man and God that you can imagine. It reduces God to a clipboard manager, ticking the boxes of “commandments obeyed” and then tallying them up to see if you’ve earned enough points to pass through the gates of Heaven at the end of your life. It reduces man to a grovelling, fearful slave, eternally hoping that he doesn’t fuck up.

Yet, the Abrahamic God is really just a metaphysical concept of something we have right here on Earth. His physical manifestation comes in the form of individuals who are very real, and just as tyrannical. These vile sacks of shit are nothing other than the Old World Order–the rich elite.

The rich elite, like the Abrahamic tyrant, are individuals who are malevolent, selfish, cruel, and entirely egotistical. They are all that Hyperians are not! They dominate this world via predatory capitalism and reduce humanity to a squalid race of shopkeepers. You cannot envision a bleaker system than capitalism. It forces people to work long hours for a pittance (and they must be thankful that they even have a job!). It is a carrot-and-stick system. You’ll never get the carrot you spend your whole life chasing. There’s never an end in sight. Rats running in a wheel, and all that.

Capitalism makes people obsessed with customer service, with reaching targets, with making bonuses. It makes you concerned about some arbitrary report that is due by 16:30. Who gives a shit? You are a slave under capitalism in all but name. You jump through hoops set out by your masters, and you get to thank them for the pleasure of serving at the end of the day when they reward you with a paltry sum of what you are truly worth. Though your employers may have more responsibility than you do, are they entitled to earning vast sums more than you? Can they somehow conjure more than 24 hours in a day? No! So why are they entitled to earning tens–if not hundreds and thousands–of times more than you do? The reason is simple: They have convinced the world that that’s the way it is. If you question it, they will just get rid of you and replace you with some other desperate individual who won’t question a thing, someone who will mindlessly obey and do the task set before them. In other words, capitalism is a perfect system for robots. Robots are the ideal employees from a capitalist’s perspective; they don’t need breaks, they don’t need to eat, they don’t get sick, and they never question anything. Input/output functions only!

So, are you human, or are you a robot? Does your life have meaning, or are you a pawn to be used and discarded to fatten the wallets of your masters?

Capitalism has dragged our species down. It is an Id system, rooted in the primitive psychology of appealing to our base impulses. It certainly doesn’t view humanity as divine. It treats people as work mules.

Hyperianism’s system ensures that everyone is treated as infinitely precious, making sure that we are all reaching our divine potential, and that we will get there. By neutralizing inheritance, it guarantees an equal starting point for all. By encouraging healthy and fair competition, it ensures that the hardest working, most meritorious individuals are appropriately (not disproportionately) rewarded. By positing education as the most important part of society, it makes sure that all citizens of the state are educated to their best capacity–and they can they use that education to vote intelligently.

Ontological mathematics guarantees that we are immortal, divine, and eternal. Hyperianism goes hand in hand with ontological mathematics because it seeks to actually fulfill that divine potential. As above, so below. Capitalism certainly doesn’t! If you are concerned with making ends meet and have no time to be studying the nature of your mind—of what you really are—then  you will never become divine. You will be trapped in a permanent loop of life and death and rebirth. Capitalism is not only vile; it is utterly evil. It is the perfect system of the Demiurge and his earthly representatives, the rich elite. These cunts have never had it so good. They sit on the apex of the pyramid and sip the finest drinks, eat the finest foods, while we on the bottom are being stolen from each and every day. Yet we are the ones driving the trains and buses. We are the ones waiting tables, producing goods, and toiling in the fields. They enjoy the fruits of our labours, treating themselves as divine and the rest of us as cattle.


The rich elite must be overthrownThey are the final dialectical obstacle this fallen world needs to overcome before humanity can ascend and become Hyperian.

Do you see how twisted this system is? It keeps you oppressed and suppresses your divine potential. In fact, it doesn’t even acknowledge that you have any such potential! Abrahamism teaches that you are a slave to a cosmic master, scientific materialism teaches that you are a purposeless bunch of atoms (so ultimately, nothing matters anyway), and capitalism teaches that you are slave to earthly masters. All of these systems work hand in hand to suppress you and your divinity. None of them allows you to rise and ascend beyond. We do, and we can mathematically prove it for those intelligent enough to understand our system.

The rich elite could be overthrown in the next hour if we wanted to do so, but we’ve all been conditioned to believe that we are powerless and that all is right and good with the world. Of course, the struggle is made all the more difficult because the rich elite are supported by their lapdogs—right-wing scum. The right wingers are slaves who are happy to remain slaves and actually do all they can to prop their hideous masters up. These Trump-supporting parasites are the foot soldiers of the Old World Order. They are an obstacle to be overcome on the road to freedom—as is anyone else who stands against Hyperianism. To stand against us is to stand against The People. You’ll never catch us espousing any ideology that is harmful to the collective. You’ll never catch us standing against humanity.

All of our efforts are geared to inspiring each and every individual to reach divine status, and we will stop at nothing to do so.

If you’re sick and tired of the way things are, if you’re fed up with this system that will never appreciate you for who and what you really are, then it’s time to make a choice. Join us and fight for a better world, or keep flipping burgers at minimum wage. You’ll regret the latter choice on your deathbed, though.

A life of servitude to a master is nothing to be proud of. A life of service to the collective, however, is something grand to aspire to.

Join the Revolution! Ad astra! Long live The People!

(Note: We do not advocate violence)

America’s Lost its Mind

Luglio 1st, 2018 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

We live in a media-saturated age with countless media outlets vying for our attention and support, peddling delusional ideologies all of which claim to give us that one objective perspective on the world. Everything is increasingly becoming viewed through subjective, biased lenses and, as a result, the truth has become obfuscated, buried, or all together lost. With the rise of social media and the internet, we have access to more and more opposing narratives, which calls the narrative of the status quo into question. The People are tired of being duped into buying propaganda that serves to disenfranchise them. No one seems to know who to trust anymore, and with good reason.

As a result, we’ve entered an age of severe paranoia and subjectivity. Which way is up and which way is down is no longer clear. The disenfranchised People, abandoning the whispers of the media’s grand narratives, have begun to search out and side with fringe groups, hoping to finally see the unadulterated truth, only to end up moving further and further away from it. People are taking it upon themselves to come to their own conclusions as to what is true, the issue is, they’re unequipped, lacking the critical thinking skills needed to come to proper conclusions and view the world from the objective perspective they so crave.

This is the world of fake news, flat earthers, conspiracy theorists, renewed right-wing religiosity, atheism, skepticism, nihilism, and New Agers. In 2018, anything goes. There is no longer any glue to bind us together. One person’s fact is another person’s opinion. Tension is rising, and everyone is increasingly at each other’s throats. Welcome to the Collapse of the Grand Narrative.

The term “Grand Narrative” was coined by French philosopher, sociologist, and literary theorist Jean François Lyotard. A Grand Narrative is an ideological super-structure that frames and serves as a point of reference for our ideas and experiences. In other words, they give meaning to our lives. An example of a Grand Narrative is Christianity. Christianity was the prevailing super-structure for over two thousand years. Everyone used it to put their entire lives in perspective. Any new idea, opinion or experience was conceived of in relation to this narrative.

So, how does a Grand Narrative function? Well, Grand Narratives act as limiters of variety. Simply put, they are ideological constants; they ground a people into a cohesive whole around one narrative, consciously or unconsciously blocking out anything opposed to it. Christianity, for all of its nausea-inducing tripe, “grounded” the Western world for over two thousand years. It trimmed back (more like massacred) any other ideological narrative that did not fit with it. This kept everything uniform and cohesive.

A good psychological analogy for a Grand Narrative are our personalities. Our personality, our phenomenal ego is a limiter of variety. Individuals who have gone through major psychological trauma can develop multiple personality disorder, or MPD. Sufferers of MPD can be said to have a damaged ego narrative and are therefore prone to their personality fracturing off into wildly different varieties. Treatment for MPD involves working with the patient to integrate their personalities, or at best getting them to cooperate.

By that same token, without a societal Grand Narrative in place, the collective psyche fractures into many different competing ideological factions all vying for power and control. If only Lyotard lived to see the rise of social media! Social media and the internet have acted as a megaphone for any and all ideologies to proclaim their narratives to the ends of the earth, encouraging all the crazies to come out of the woodwork.

Lyotard characterized modernity by a distrust of all Grand Narratives. Without a Grand Narrative, there will inevitably be a rise of smaller micro-narratives fighting to get adopted as we can see with flat earthers, or ancient alien conspiracy theorists, for example. The same principle is in effect during the collapse of a political regime. When a regime falls, there will always be other groups vying for power. The same is true with Grand Narratives and ideas in general. Right now, we have an excess of narrative varieties and no coherent reference point in which to frame them all.

How and why has this happened? The answer is simple. In a lecture, cyberneticist Stafford Beer, likened the stability of social systems to Le Chatilier’s Principle. Le Chatilier’s Principle states that if you induce a stress on a system in equilibrium (whether chemical, economic, or otherwise), the equilibrium will shift so as to relieve that stress. Now, typically these stresses are not very many and will upset the equilibrium only briefly, causing it to come to rest at a new state. However, if there are perturbations that come in at a rate faster than which the equilibrium is able to settle, the equilibrium is thrown off balance and unable to find a stable resting point.

What, you may ask, does this have to do with Grand Narratives? Well, after the rise of the internet and social media, we have had an explosive variety of ideas which have barraged our prevailing narratives causing them to oscillate this way and that way without coming to a state of equilibrium. So, like the sufferer of MPD, the Western psyche has fractured causing collective neurosis. What’s particularly pressing about this is that, since our collective narrative has been in a constant state of disequilibrium, we risk forgetting what equilibrium and stability are like. Our grounding reference point, our reality principle is fading from our collective mind. This is particularly clear in America.  A recent study by Pew Research center shows that only one quarter of U.S adults can fully tell the difference between fact and opinion in news stories.

What’s interesting is that oftentimes a Grand Narrative is so cunning, so ingrained into the minds of the People that we fail to recognize it. Amid all the chaos that surrounds us in 2018, could there be the true Grand Narrative operating in the background right under our noses? Something so common, so programmed into us to not even notice it? Like the air we breathe or the ground we walk on? Although religion is slowly losing its influence in the west, there is a narrative that ties us all together and that’s global predatory capitalism. You might be saying “capitalism is an economic system; how can it be a Grand Narrative?” Behind this economic system is a narrative based on a few ideas.

The narrative of capitalism goes like this: humans are inherently greedy and self-interested; therefore, greed and unbridled self-interest are virtues. This means idolize, worship, and strive to be like the rich and famous because the rich and famous are the pinnacle of human excellence, they are the gods walking among mere mortals. This means let the rich take and take until their pockets can’t get any fuller because, after all, they deserve it! Oh, and be satisfied with this because you’re a nothing, a nobody, and if you weren’t so lazy, or unmotivated, or whatever else, you’d be doing what they’re doing. But alas, you’re not, so get used to and even love your position in the pecking order. Piss or get off the pot, as they say.

When the Catholic church was at the pinnacle of its power, it told a similar narrative except the members of the church hierarchy were there because they had divine right to be there. Not so much anymore, yet the bare bones of this idea still stand. Likewise, capitalists in the 21stcentury say they deserve what they have and to top it off will spread the lie that you can have it all too if you try hard enough. But, how can you have a piece of the pie when the pie has already been divvied up and eaten? This narrative is all a giant trick, one big sleight of hand illusion grounded in nothing but blatant lies.

The real menacing thing about capitalism is it naturally cares about nothing but capital, so the more narratives that are out there for people tell themselves the better. Why? Well, there are more avenues to market and profit off of. The elite couldn’t give a fuck what ideas are popular, that’s how base these fuckers are. If a significant part of the population started believing in flat earth theory, you bet your ass they would start pandering to it. You’d see cheap little flat earth snow “globes” with an ice wall around it. For profit universities would start offering $2,000 classes on it teaching all their drivel. When all you care about is profit, nothing else matters.

The elite love that the People no longer know what’s up or down anymore. Our confusion is profitable to them; it creates niche markets. So, while many narratives have collapsed under the weight of the influx of new (and often crazy ideas) thanks to the internet and social media, it’s all fed right back into the true Grand Narrative of global capitalism. This toxic narrative must be dismantled. The lie must be subverted by the truth. We must come out of our hypnotic slumber and face objective reality.

Luckily, more and more people distrust the 1% rich elite. Their illusion is slowly slipping, and they know deep down their time is running out. Their latest and final tactic is to divide and conquer. Here we are squabbling over NASA flat earth cover ups, or secret Illuminati puppet masters while the true elites are never mentioned, rather they’re worshiped and admired! But, they’ve sowed the seeds of their own demise. Their last desperate attempt at controlled chaos will not end well.

What’s certain is that this can only end one of two ways: either a new narrative will eventually succeed establishing equilibrium, or we will remain in a state of instability, collapse and be superseded by a culture with a strong narrative. Either way, a new narrative will come to prominence, for better or for worse. The question is what narrative will succeed in swaying the hearts of the masses?

We’re not going to lie to you, Hyperianism seeks to implement a new Grand Narrative as part of our program for a New World Order. The NWO will be grounded in a healthy economic and sociopolitical narrative based on the highest reason: mathematics. This might scare many of you, and you have every right to be skeptical seeing how many times we’ve been fucked over or offered false promises. Keep in mind, though, that a new narrative will eventually take over, the question is what principles will this new narrative be based upon? Isn’t it time we based our society around objective reality rather than fabricated stories not based on reality? Objective reality is out there. Truth exists. The question is, do you know how to look for it and, most importantly, could you recognize it if you actually found it?

Hyperians are grounded in reality. We’ve found our way out of the sick and twisted labyrinth of the human mind with all of its delusions and backwards stories. The Hyperian mind has aligned with objective reality and seeks to use this knowledge to benefit society and the world at large. No more destructive lies and no more masters. Now, we don’t expect you to believe us. What we do want are open minds eager for the truth and we can guarantee that if you put in the time and effort to actually understand us, you will without a doubt come to the same conclusion. Per aspera, ad astra! 


Giugno 21st, 2018 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia


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Hyperianism part 3

Giugno 15th, 2018 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Hyperianism part 2

Giugno 15th, 2018 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia