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Posts Tagged ‘Consumerism’
The Truth about Christmas
Our world is ruled by primitive magic. Does that seem a bizarre thing to say? Well, we shall prove it to you.
In The Golden Bough, the famous study of magic and religion, J.G. Frazer wrote:
“The Principles of Magic – If we analyse the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion…Charms based on the Law of Similarity may be called Homeopathic, Imitative or Mimetic Magic. Charms based on the Law of Contact or Contagion may be called Contagious Magic…But in practice the two branches are often combined; or, to be more exact, while homoeopathic or imitative magic may be practised by itself, contagious magic will generally be found to involve an application of the homoeopathic or imitative principle…they are familiar in the concrete, though certainly not in the abstract, to the crude intelligence not only of the savage, but of ignorant and dull-witted people everywhere…Both branches of magic, the homoeopathic and the contagious, may conveniently be comprehended under the general name of Sympathetic Magic, since both assume that things act on each other at a distance through a secret sympathy, the impulse being transmitted from one to the other by means of what we might conceive as a kind of invisible ether, not unlike that which is postulated by modern science for a precisely similar purpose, namely, to explain how things can physically affect each other through a space which appears to be empty.”
Consider the advertising industry, one of the primary forces that shape our world. It is based almost entirely on homoeopathic magic. One of its most fundamental techniques is to take a “god” – i.e. a celebrity who is rich, good-looking, successful, popular, and skilled at what they do – then show them endorsing a particular product. So, for example, Tiger Woods at his commercial peak was seen to endorse an endless array of products, none of which had any connection whatsoever to golf, his area of special expertise. We saw him smiling into the camera as he eulogized razors, automobiles, hats, T-shirts, soft drinks etc.
What is the idea being communicated by such adverts? Simply that if these products are good enough for gods then they’re certainly good enough for you, the “commoners”. And more than that: if you want to be like a god you must imitate them and buy the products they buy. If you’re not wearing Nike you’ll never be like Tiger Woods. So everyone who admires Woods thinks – “got to get myself lots of Nike gear pronto.” And that’s exactly what they go out and do.
So, we are in the realm of imitative magic. If you want to imagine yourself successful, you must imitate success. Now, Tiger Woods is an athletic, muscular, gym-honed guy who has spent his whole life devoted to golf (at great expense to the healthy, balanced development of his psyche). That’s why he’s a golfing legend. It has nothing to do with any of the products he lucratively endorses. A fat slob who puts on a Nike cap as worn by Tiger is not going to become one iota better at golf, or indeed anything else. Yet he falls for the “magic”. He gets out his wallet and pays top dollar to Nike Corporation, just as millions of others do. As the cash registers ding, a big bell rings in an office of Nike HQ and a mechanical voice says, “SUCKER!”, but no one ever hears it because it’s in a sound-proofed room. The Board of Directors go in there from time to time to laugh at the cretins who buy their goods and to thank God for the power of Mimetic magic. They pay a fortune to Woods for his endorsement (and not a cent of that money contributes to the quality of the product), all of which then gets added to the price of the goods. But, of course, the goods were manufactured by slaves in sweatshops in South-East Asia, so Nike can keep the prices down and still reap vast profits. It’s not as if we care a fuck about the gooks – we just want to be like Tiger, and screw everyone else.
Have you ever noticed that all adverts for the beauty industry feature naturally beautiful people? Isn’t there something wrong with that? Surely the only point of the beauty industry is to make average people look a bit better, or, best of all, to make the ugly look gorgeous. A beauty will still be beautiful without any make-up at all. A beauty product that transforms an ugly duckling into a swan may be worth the money, but a product that makes a beautiful swan a tiny bit more beautiful isn’t up to much, and a beauty product that makes no discernible difference to the attractiveness of an ordinary person is a complete waste of money.
Yet, once more we are in the dream arena of imitative magic. If you buy the beauty products endorsed by the beautiful people (who probably don’t even use them), you too will be beautiful. Yeah? Dream on. Yet women all over the world fall for it in droves. Kerching! Suckers! Are these people “dull-witted” or what? If ugly people were used in beauty adverts the whole industry would collapse overnight. A British company once launched a campaign featuring normal-sized women. It was the shortest-lived campaign in history. Even average-sized women didn’t want to see themselves reflected on screen. They wanted the dream, not the reality. And magic always comes alive in the dreamscape.
The whole of advertising is based on the ludicrous idea that if you buy certain goods your life will be better, that if you imitate celebrities you stand a better chance of being a celebrity, that if you fail to imitate the stars like everyone else then you will be shunned and regarded as a freak.
In other words, if you don’t imitate what THEY want you to imitate (by paying a premium for it) then you are a failure and a loser.
And billions of people across the globe fall for this garbage, the simplest form of ancient magic imaginable. Wake up! If imitative magic didn’t work – i.e. getting ordinary people to imitate their heroes, there would be no advertising industry, no capitalism, and no celebrity culture. So, imitative magic is the basis of the modern world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Capitalism is an economic system based on Mimetic Magic. Whereas Buddhism defines desire as the source of suffering, capitalism is dedicated to the creation of fake desire i.e. to manipulate you into buying things you don’t need. In this sense, capitalism produces nothing but suffering. It tantalises you with images of perfection i.e. it puts you in a hell of desire, and then it offers you the possibility of instant salvation. All you have to do is buy the product advertised and your desire will be satisfied there and then. Hell, they’ll even give you credit so that there are no obstacles whatsoever in your path. Who wouldn’t want to plunge themselves into debt providing they can wear the same things as their gods?
Has there ever been a more cynical and abusive system? Capitalism is nothing but psychological warfare waged day in and day out against the people. Its purpose is to make you hunger for what they want to sell you. Your appetite can only be assuaged by buying it. Hell is not having the object; heaven is when you do. And the objects are promoted via the endorsement of human gods – celebrities – whom we must all worship and imitate.
Such a simple, and even crude, system. Yet so stunningly effective. Like magic, in fact.
Fuck that!!!!
– Hyperhumanity
Ralph Bakker:
– Consumerism is used to control the populace by building a society in which political obedience is rewarded with shinny objects.
– Consumerism tampers with human emotions by making people feel empty so they can fill the void with crap.
– Consumerism is based on false dreams; this is why avid consumers tend to be extremely delusional.
– Consumerism is based on false dreams that get the masses to believe that the hell of consuming one’s life away is a utopia.
– Consumerist culture is very conformist in nature because creativity is the antithesis of consumption.
– Consumerism strips away an individual’s identity by shifting their gaze away from political consciousness towards stuff.
– Consumer culture turns people into status-seeking fiends; this is why some people cannot be seen in public without brand name accessories.
– Consumption is used by the ruling class to turn the children of the people into future corporate wage-slaves, aided by credit.
– Consumerism has taken over human lives like an infectious, psychological, disease spreading manically from mind to mind.
– The consumerist-society is an oxymoronic term because consumerism is based on isolation and mental conditioning.
– Consumer culture is anti-creative because it laughs at anyone who questions the corporate ideology of the whole rotting system.
– Many people are addicted to buying stuff because the upper class profits immensely from this addiction.
– Credit is used to accelerate mindless consumption; this is the ultimate method of turning workers into wage-slaves.
– Consumerism is designed to create an anxious populace; this is why children are increasing hyper and lacking in focus.
– Consumerist society is based on mindless mimicry; this is why the capitalist system is losing all sense of creativity and originality.
– Consumerism is dependent on the ideology of instant gratification which turns people into addicts to immediate satisfaction.
– Consumerism turns children into obese symbols of an obese capitalist culture.
– Capitalist profit from consumerism by using it to drive a system based on massive debts.
– Consumer culture turns people into status-seeking fiends; this is why many people will prostitute themselves for brand name items.
– Consumer culture turns people into status-seeking fiends who chase brands like wild maniacs for the sake of peer approval.
– Consumer culture turns people into status-seeking fiends who establish deep relationships with brands instead of human beings.
– Consumerism turns children into apolitical junkies who stare at television ads, ironically enough, in search of meaning.
– Consumerism is not a byproduct of human nature; it is a disease which turns loving human beings into insane consumptive zombies.
– Many people are addicted to buying stuff and their addiction is the only reason why the obese capitalist system continues to survive.
– Mass consumption is mass destruction because it destroys the ecosystem and its ability to sustain itself.
– The consumer-society will destroy itself because it destroys the intellectual capacity of those who believe in it.
– The ideology of consumerism is part and parcel of the imperialist agenda; this is why consumer societies lack revolutionary instincts.
– The consumerist-society is an oxymoronic term because consumerism is designed to crush social solidarity.
– Hollywood promotes consumerism by creating visual flows that are designed to turn citizens into mimicking consumer-fools.
– Consumerism deforms human relationships by putting the focus on transactions rather than personal interactions and ideas of each other.
– Consumerism is designed to create an anxious populace; this is why many people run around chasing gadgets instead of political freedom.
– Consumerism strips away an individual’s identity by turning them into a needy, infantile, consumer.
– The act of consumption is political because in buying products and brands citizens are submitting to the materialist formulation of life.
– The act of consumption is political because when citizens consume products they are subscribing to the ideology of the corporate elite.
– Consumerism tampers with human emotions by exploiting the natural need to belong and turning it towards consumption habits.
– Consumerism is based on false dreams that turn human beings into delusional fanatics of trinkets and gadgets.
– Consumer culture turns people into status-seeking fiends who will do anything, absolutely anything, for luxury brands.
– Consumer society is self destructive because it creates monstrous human beings with violent, insatiable, appetites.
– Consumer culture turns people into status-seeking fiends, destroying their soul by becoming entirely superficial.
– Credit is used to accelerate mindless consumption; this is how the sick capitalist society perpetuates its dying self.
– Consumerism is based on false dreams that penetrate the psychology of the individual and holds them hostage to materialism.
– Mass consumption is mass destruction because it destroys people’s abilities to communicate about anything more than stuff.
– Advertising is used to brainwash people into consumption by making people feel constantly lacking in something or another.
– Consumerism is used by the ruling class to keep the human dialogue focused on stuff instead of political change.
– The consumer society brings out avarice out of human beings, making them constantly want more regardless of the wastefulness.
– Capitalist profit from consumerism by turning human existence into a pathetic sequence of consumptive decisions.
– Consumerism fosters narcissism by promoting celebrity personalities that are highly egotistical and narcissistic.
– Consumerism is dependent on the ideology of instant gratification which turns human beings into drugged up ‘happiness’ addicts.
– The consumer society brings out a general sickness, social apathy, a malaise, a miasma, a perpetual nausea.
– Consumer society is self destructive because it sells a vision of a utopia while laying human creativity to waste.
– Consumerism leads to widening the gap between rich and poor because it puts all power in the hands of those making the crap.
– Consumerism turns children into mental slaves to the ideology of corporate commercialism.
– Consumerism has become its own religion; this is why some people spend $700 on True Religion jeans.
– Responsible citizens must reject consumerism by demanding a society that serves its citizens, not merely conditions them.
– Consumerism captures people’s psychology by turning the human dialogue into an intricate advertisement for goods and services.
– Consumerism has taken over human lives; it has destroyed the psychology of millions of citizens, turning them into shopaholic slaves.
– Consumption is a drug because many people are willing to prostitute their minds in order to attain disgusting luxuries.
– Consumerist culture is very conformist in nature; this is why people who consume avidly are indifferent to political repression.
– The act of consumption is political because when a citizen buys corporate brands they are legitimizing the rule of the corporate elite and bankers.
– Consumerism strips away an individual’s identity by filling their heart with materialistic, vain, ambitions.
– Consumption is a very psychological act because buying the products of corporations makes the populace complicit in its own oppression.
– Responsible citizens must reject consumerism by spreading the seeds of dissent against a decadent social system.
– Consumerism is not a byproduct of human nature; it is anti-human, misanthropic, it reduces people to consuming cattle.
– Consumerism fosters narcissism by killing people’s abilities to relate to each other outside of the ‘who’s better than who’ paradigm.
– Consumerist society is based on mindless mimicry, making it a society which is very bland and fascistically uniform.
– Credit is used to accelerate mindless consumption; this is why many people refinance their homes so they can buy utter crap.
– Consumerism is capitalism’s way of infiltrating human life and turning it into a machine that consumes itself.
– The Consumerist-Society is spiritually dead because it leaves no room for creativity, everything must serve The Economy Boogieman.
– Consumerism tampers with human emotions by using nostalgia to ramp up Christmas consumption.
– Consumerism is used by the ruling class to control the conversation between friends, family members and strangers.
– Consumerism leads to widening the gap between rich and poor because the poor are brainwashed into desiring the products of the rich.
– Consumerism has become its own religion; this is why the masses go to pray at the mall during Holidays.
– Consumerism is used by the ruling class to ensure that the dominant narrative is that of consuming, of stuff, of material desires.
– Consumerism is designed to create an anxious populace because an anxious populace is a politically impotent one.
– Consumerism is dependent on the ideology of instant gratification; this is why ad campaigns make grotesque promises of immediate happiness.
– Consumerism obliterates human spirituality because its goal is to transform human beings into consuming machines.
– Consumerist culture is very conformist in nature because capitalists long to reduce human beings to easily categorized consumers.
– Consumerism is designed to imprison people in debt; this debt then works to coerce them into a lifetime of wage-slavery.
– Consumption is a very psychological act; this is why the majority of consumers are psychologically and thus politically passive.
– Consumerism leads to widening the gap between rich and poor because it destroys the collective identity of the populace.
– Citizens can resist the consumerist impulse by refusing to participate in holidays which are mere commercial charades.
– Consumerism captures people’s psychology by turning the flow of information towards consumer products and services.
– Brands are used to brand people into consumer-slaves to the corporate agenda.
– Consumerist society is based on mindless mimicry; this is why teenagers who choose to deviate are ostracized and bullied.
– Consumer society is self destructive because it is highly dependent on the violent intensity of hedonistic gratification.
– The act of consumption is political because at some point consumers are willing to forfeit all political rights for their dose of stuff.
– Consumerism is capitalism’s way of infiltrating human life and rendering it creatively, spiritually and intellectually obsolete.
– Responsible citizens must reject consumerism or risk having their lives consumed by its ravenous forces.
– Consumerism is self-destructive because it eats away at a human being’s mind and visions.
– Consumer culture is anti-creative because it values stuff over ideas.
– Consumer culture is anti-creative because it does not allow anyone the chance to exist outside of its money-based prisons.
– Consumerism fosters narcissism by planting the seed of self-differentiation based on consumption habits.
– Consumerism is used to control the populace by offering gadgets and trinkets in return for political submission.
– The Consumerist-Society is spiritually dead because it warps human interactions into financial transactions.
– Consumerism tampers with human emotions by making people who don’t have certain products feel like failures.
– Consumerism does not bring leisure to the human race; it brings wantonness, neediness and a disgusting sense of apathy.
– Consumerism is capitalism’s way of infiltrating human life and turning it into a bestial system of consuming the world around it.
– Brands are used to brand people into infantile consumers who feel stupidly empowered by expensive logos and designer objects.
– The consumer society brings out fear out of human beings, the fear of being left behind on some imagined race towards prosperity.
– Consumerism has taken over human lives and only revolution can surgically remove it from the mass psychology of the people.
– Consumerism deforms human relationships by getting people to focus on product releases instead of each other’s thoughts and ideas.
– Many people are addicted to buying stuff because the mass media is a machine designed to intensify consumption.
– Consumption is a very psychological act because it is an expression of people’s mental need to belong to a broken society.
– Consumerism obliterates human spirituality because it destroys a person’s ability to see the world outside of the prism of consumption.
– Many people are addicted to buying stuff because we live in a society that encourages this addiction.
– Consumerism is designed to imprison people in debt; at some point someone has to pay for all the things that are being overconsumed.
– Consumerism is based on false dreams; this is why the capitalist state sponsors lotteries that encourage people to dream away.
– Capitalist profit from consumerism by using it to take back what little allowance the populace is given.
– Consumerism is not a byproduct of human nature; it strips the human mind of all that makes it brilliant and bold.
– Responsible citizens must reject consumerism and adopt a political ideology that revolutionizes citizens instead of numbing them down.
– The consumer society brings out self-hatred out of human beings, so that they are constantly buying a new self-image.
– Consumerism is used to control the populace by promising them ‘happiness’ if they submit to a lifetime of spineless wage-slavery.
– Consumer culture is anti-creative because it values productivity over creation.
– Consumerism has become its own religion; this is why Apple fanatics called Steve Jobs their iGod.
– Consumer culture is anti-creative because it is about selling, buying, consuming; never about knowing and understanding.
– Consumption is used by the ruling class to turn rebellious, bold, children into slaves to material objects and desires.
– Consumption is used by the ruling elite to keep the children of the exploited people amused and distracted by nonsense.
– Consumption is used by the ruling class to ensure that children’s minds remain within the sick worldview of capitalism.
– Citizens can resist the consumerist impulse by defying the advertising industry and deconstructing the shit out of it.
– The Consumerist-Society is spiritually dead because it turns human energy into a mere lubricant for more mindless consumption.
– Consumerist society is based on mindless mimicry; this is why many people fail to create anything authentic in their entire lives.
– Hollywood promotes consumerism by creating the impression that the US is a paradise of consumption,even as 10 million in the US are homeless.
– Hollywood promotes consumerism by selling a vision of life in which everything is available for consumption, all the time.
– Consumerism turns children into obedient automatons that follow orders because following orders is rewarded with stuff.
– The citizen becomes the wage-slave when he sacrifices his intellectual freedom for the sake of brand name rubbish.
– Consumerism obliterates human spirituality because it destroys a person’s ability to see the world outside of the prism of consumption.
– Consumerism has become its own religion; this is why the masses go to pray at the mall during Holidays.
– Consumerist culture is very conformist in nature; this is why advertisements are full of social stereotypes.
– Citizens can destroy their inner consumer by destroying their attachments to the poisons of consumerist-society.
– Consumerism does not bring leisure to the populace; it brings suffering, humiliation, and an absolute destruction of the human community.
– Brands are used to brand people into machines of mass consumption.
RB / JdM”
Tags: Consumerism
Mielul lui Dumnezeu (Lamb of God)
„Omenirea este un experiment eșuat
mergând pe calea spre Extincție
Învârtind continuu roțile
lubrifiați-le cu ulei și uraniu
Pământul se va scutura și apele vor crește
elementele reclamă ceea ce le-a fost luat
Consumând Orbeşte ca o credință de masă
Omenirea este un parazit purulent emanând gaze-i ucigătoare
Agăţată de Credința într-o Cruce a Genocidelor
Elementele reclamă ceea ce le-a fost luat
Numai după tăierea ultimului copac
și ultimul râu va fi otrăvit,
numai după ce ultimul pește va fi prins,
veți afla că banii nu pot fi mâncați….
Stau și văd orașul arzând
Astă seară
Orașul arde în seara asta”
– Lamb of God
Tags: Bani, Consumerism, Credinţa, Cruce, Extincţie, Genocide, Lamb of God, Metal, Omenirea., Otravă
“Illuminati în ziua de azi au o influență mult mai mică decât în vechime din cauza mai multor tendințe: creșterea Consumerismului, deriva generală de la Spiritualitate spre Materialism a unei mari părţi a umanității, avansarea neobosită a Divertismentului “Junk “, amăgirea generalizată că oamenii au Libertate și Şansă, succesul “Democrației” în a convinge oamenii obișnuiți că au un anumit grad de Putere Politică și își pot schimba conducătorii, ușurința și confortul oferit de Tehnologie, omniprezența Sportului, Muzicii, Filmelor și Televiziunii care păstrează oamenii permanent distraţ, mașina de Spălare A Creierului În Masă, eficacitatea mașinii cinice de Publicitate și dominația completă a Cultului Celebrităților și a celor Super-Bogați. Este dificil în epoca Secularismului și a Ştiinței ca oamenii să accepte că o Forţă Spirituală Malignă, „lucrează” în lume. Mulți oameni cred că lumea este un loc rău, dar aceștia atribuie asta eșecurilor umane și nu percep nicio Conspiraţie Răuvoitoare dincolo de esenţa umană. Multe din marile mișcări ale trecutului pur și simplu nu ar putea exista în zilele noastre. Mentalitatea aceea nu mai există. Veche Ordine Mondială (OWO) a trivializat umanitatea și i-a înlăturat capacitatea de a i se opune. Puterea OWO nu a fost niciodată mai mare ca în prezent. Va trebui făcut un efort gigantic pentru a o răsturna. ”
“The Illuminati in the present day have much less influence than of old because of several trends: the rise of consumerism, the general turning away from spirituality and towards materialism by much of humanity, the relentless advance of “junk” entertainment, the widespread delusion that people have genuine freedom and choice, the success of “democracy” in persuading ordinary people that they have a degree of political power and can change their leaders, the ease and comfort provided by technology, the omnipresence of sport, music, movies and TV that keep people endlessly distracted, the media brainwashing machine, the effectiveness of the cynical advertising machine, and the complete dominance of celebrity culture and the super-rich. It is hard in the age of secularism and science for people to accept that a malignant, spiritual force is at work in the world. Many people think the world is a vile place but they attribute that to human failings and perceive no malevolent conspiracy beyond the purely human. Many of the great movements of the past simply could not exist in the present day. The mentality no longer exists. The Old World Order have trivialised humanity and stripped away its ability to resist. The OWO’s power has never been greater than at the present time. It will take a gargantuan effort to overthrow them.”