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Posts Tagged ‘Creştinism’
„Fabrica de Dumnezeu”
În afară de stabilirea Principiilor Iluminării, ea analizează critic Teosofia, Madame Blavatsky, Antroposofia, Rudolf Steiner, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Noosphere, Omega Point, Spinoza, Scophenhauer, Kant, Neoplatonism, Henri Bergson și Elan Vital. Ea discută ideile unor astfel de mari Iluminiști precum Pitagora, Leibniz, Hegel, Nicholas de Cusa, Giordano Bruno, Jakob Boehme și Paracelsus.”
“The AC/GS spent a lot of time criticizing Islam, Judaism, Christianity, etc. How should the reader square your distaste for religions with accusations of Islamophobia and antisemitism?”
Well, first off, neither are we ‘Islamophobic’ nor are we antisemitic. The extent of our criticisms of both Islam and Judaism has been on a social-historical and largely theological level, and our criticism of these religions is not unique to these religions, but has also been directed at Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. The point of our attacking Abrahamic religions so strongly was to show just how much of a sham they really are, and to get it out of the reader’s head that they should have any sympathy for Abrahamism.
We criticized the Abrahamic religions so that people can get a sense of just how fucked up they really are. It’s not all that often that you have the opportunity to call a spade a spade. When a religion is founded on lies for the self-gratification of a small set of elite families, and when a religion is used as ideological cover for endless crimes against humanity, then it’s insane to sit idly by and let these viewpoints slide so freely. How would you like it if you had seen a crowd just shrug off the promotion of slavery, genocide, wanton destruction, and bigotry as if it’s just another ‘alright’ sort of belief? Therein lies the rub.
Of course we’re not Islamophobic or antisemitic. As a people, the Jews have been nothing short of world-historic, and have delivered countless geniuses—of course, few, if any, of these brilliant people ever took the Jewish religion any more seriously than the Daily Mail. As for people hailing from Muslim countries, they often perform as good or better as anyone else when they’re freed from the theocratic constraints they have had to witness at home. Meritocracy’s goal is to offer freedom from religion to everybody, and to offer people the freedom to partake in massive state-directed projects, such as the Apollo program or ITER.
HYPATIA – Mare Măiastră Illuminati
Hypatia s-a născut într-o familie greacă educată, care a trăit în Alexandria, Egipt, sub domnia Imperiului Roman, și a devenit un învățător distins și foarte respectat. Numele ei inseamnă “cel mai inalt, suprem” şi a fost un nume potrivit pentru una dintre cele mai remarcabile femei din istorie. Ea este deseori descrisă ca prima femeie care trebuie recunoscută ca matematician și ea a predat, de asemenea, filozofia avansată și astronomia. S-a spus că uciderea ei a coborât cortina asupra perioadei cunoscută ca Antichitatea Clasică, deși alții au identificat un punct final mai corect, închiderea Academiei lui Platon la Atena, prin ordinul împăratului bizantin Iustinian din 529 CE. (Oricum, trebuie remarcat rolul IUDEO – CRE(Ş)TINISMULUI în această „realizare”!!! -N.T.). Aceasta a însemnat cu siguranță moartea marilor tradiții filosofice și religioase păgâne din Grecia antică și a condus la dominația dezastruoasă a Creștinismului pentru următoarea mie de ani: LOST MILLENNIUM. DARK AGES. (MILENIUL ÎNTUNECAT). Chiar și acum, Întunericul nu a fost eliminat. Dar există azi cei care caută Lumea Luminii, care caută o Nouă Ordine Mondială. Femeile, care au fost tratate abominabil de către Creștinism, Iudaism și Islam, au nevoie de modele diferite la care să se poată întoarce. Nu există nici unul mai bun decât Hypatia, Geniul „Păgân”.

Ded Kowboi
4 hrs ·
Hypatia was born into an educated Greek family that lived in Alexandria, Egypt under the rule of the Roman Empire, and she became a distinguished and greatly respected scholar. Her name means “highest, supremest”, and it was a fitting name for one of history’s most remarkable women. She is often described as the first woman to be recognized as a mathematician and she also taught advanced philosophy and astronomy. It has been said that her murder brought the curtain down on the period known as Classical antiquity, although others have identified a better end-point as the closing of Plato’s Academy in Athens by order of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 529 CE. That certainly symbolized the death of the great pagan philosophical and religious traditions of ancient Greece and led to the disastrous domination of Christianity for the next thousand years: THE LOST MILLENNIUM. THE DARK AGES. Even now, the darkness has not been dispelled. But there are those who seek the world of Light, who seek the New World Order. Women, who were treated abominably by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, need different role models to turn to. There is none better than Hypatia, the pagan genius.
Tags: Alexandria, Astronomie, Creştinism, Egipt, Evul Întunecat, Gnosticism, Grecia, Hypatia, Islamism, Matematică, NWO, pagânism, Platon
Din nou despre RELIGIILE MAJORE:
Lucas Ice
December 21, 2016 at 2:56 PM ·
The question becomes not whether Christianity (or any of the other main religions for that matter) is true but why so many people continue to believe in a religion that is illogical, incoherent, contradictory, incredible, ludicrous and whose myriad failings have been highlighted in endless books. The answer is simple. People will believe anything if it gives them a “system” with which they feel comfortable. Christianity provides people with a moral framework, a history, a community, a worldwide family, a hope of eternal life, a hope of paradise. Above all, it gives them an identity. The fact that the religion is unbelievable and manifestly false is neither here nor there as far as they are concerned. To abandon Christianity is a step so terrifying to Christians that the vast majority will never take it. Those who do lapse from Christianity are those who never fully engaged with it in the first place, hence their identity was not defined by it.