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Posts Tagged ‘Right Wingers’
Both are wrong
One of the defining issues of our time is the attitude towards the Other. For the last few decades, the globalist agenda of predatory capitalism – seeking to have maximum markets and thus maximum profits for all capitalist products and services – has demanded maximum migration and acceptance of the Other. This has dialectically generated a nationalist response, with the complete demonization of the Other, summed up in the mantra “Build the Wall” (to keep them out).
Right wingers hate the Other, while liberals roll out the red carpet for the Other. Both are wrong.
We are meritocrats. We don’t care about anyone’s race, sex, sexuality, or background. We do care about their merit. We want the most talented people, regardless of where they come from. What we certainly don’t want – for any country in the world – is an influx of those who subscribe to vile and unacceptable religious beliefs and cultural practices, and have no discernible talents.
Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” It’s therefore essential for any sane society to wage war on absurd beliefs, not to give them a free pass in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness.
The Liberals – because of their extreme hostility towards judgment – have refused to make any distinction between migrants. They are all accepted equally, regardless of their merits.
We are meritocrats and that means we are all about judgement. If we applied no judgment, how else would we establish who is meritorious? There are no free passes in our system. You have to work hard and achieve. That’s what meritorious people do. We don’t want freeloaders and deadheads. Such people are repulsive, a burden on society. We don’t want people that believe in toxic ancient superstitions.
The Other must be subjected to judgment, just like everyone else. The Other might be the best thing since sliced bread, or something sinister and grotesque. Let’s have the former, and not the latter.
In Europe, every nation has a problem with Islam, an historical enemy of Europe, against which Europe fought many savage wars. The most prominent Muslims – those wearing burqas, hijabs, niqabs, big beards, religious garb – are plainly showing their allegiance and promotion of a religion and culture incompatible with the West, which has sought to conquer the West.
Islam is not compossible with the values of the Western Enlightenment. There has been no Islamic Enlightenment. The two systems cannot coexist. The tragedy is that the politically correct, multicultural, postmodern Liberals believe that they can, and they have inflicted a nightmare on Europe that has resulted in a resurgence of extreme nationalism. They have refused to admit their error and have even doubled down on it. Now we are where we are.
Liberal globalism – based on uncritical acceptance of all religions and cultures in order to advance predatory capitalist interests by keeping costs down (by employing the cheapest workers in the cheapest nations) – must be definitively refuted. Only then can we undermine insane nationalism.
In the Star Trek vision of the future, all of the backward religions and cultures have gone. No one on a starship wears a burqa. Silly beliefs and superstitions WILL die out if humanity promotes reason and logic. In the long run, it’s inevitable. The only alternative is war and extinction.
Star Trek is a dazzling vision of a meritocracy. Let’s make it happen for real. It will never happen if we do not pass judgment on bad ideas, bad opinions, bad beliefs, bad cultures. The Liberals, with their “all truths” system of relativism and subjectivism, refuse to pass judgment. That’s why they must be decisively defeated.
No matter what part of the world you live in, you can apply a standard formula to the Other (i.e. to whoever seeks to come into your country). You should never unconditionally hate the Other as the right-wingers do, or unconditionally love them as the liberals do. You should apply fair and just criteria. Are these migrants good for your country and culture? Do they have merit? If so, why wouldn’t you want to welcome them in? Or are they importing religious beliefs and cultural practices that will create antagonism in your society? If so, why wouldn’t you block them?
Will migrants fit in and improve your society, or will they live in ghettos and undermine the social cohesion of your country? That’s what has to be determined.
We live in a world of compossibilities, not possibilities. You can’t get to do something just because it’s possible. It must be compossible. People must be cognizant of reality, and not keep pushing their own agenda down the throats of others who are never going to accept it. That’s why we are now in such a polarized world. Various groups pushed various agendas that were never going to succeed. People need to restrain themselves, to not expect to get their own way all the time. The general will must prevail, not the particular wills of individuals and groups.
We live in a world of “self-expression” where every identity group believes it has the absolute right for its particular will to prevail. No such right exists.
What do you want – a permanently polarized world where we are all at each other’s throats (as we are now), or a world where we try to achieve a synthesis? That means that we all have to make sacrifices. Unfortunately, in our consumer society where people can buy whatever they want, have whatever they want and say whatever they want, they are no longer capable of denying themselves anything. They will have to learn. As Kafka said, “In man’s struggle against the world, bet on the world.”
We live in a culture devoted to the particular will, but only the general will allows us to live in harmony with each other. The general will demands compromise. How many people are willing to compromise these days?
„Motivul pentru care trăim într-o astfel de lume de căcat, este că fiecare familie se ocupă de ea însăşi, deasupra tuturor celorlalte lucruri. În mod natural, aceasta generează practic o mentalitate de Om Al Cavernelor în cadrul societății, unde cei din afara (adică membrii non-familiali) sunt tratați cu suspiciune în cel mai bun caz și cu dispreț și nemulțumire în cel mai rău caz. Cel mai bizar lucru, desigur, este că acest lucru este considerat Drept și Bun de aproape toți. Nu contează cât de tare este familia lor, oamenii vor muri pentru a şi-o apăra. Chiar și cei care recunosc faptul că familia lor nu este cea mai bună și că le-ar fi fost mai utilă formarea într-o o școală-internat publică de către genii care le-ar fi recunoscut și cultivat Talentele lor, nu le pasă. Ei ar fi mai degrabă determinaţi să rămână la modelul eșuat al Familiei, decât să ia în considerare și să încerce Viața Comunitară. Acest lucru nu se datorează doar „legăturilor” pe care oamenii le simt cu familiile lor, ci și datorită spălării creierului de către Elita Bogată și de păpușarii din mass-media. În multe cărți și filme, motivația eroului de a săvârşi o faptă eroică, este pentru că vrea să-și salveze Familia. Oamenii consideră asta și cred că este ceea ce este necesar să fie făcut de un Erou (adică cei care PRIVILEGIAZĂ familiile lor sunt eroici!?). Nu puteai să-ţi imaginezi o mentalitate mai falsă şi mai toxică de insuflat în Mintea Societății pe care o conduci – cu excepția cazului în care, bineînțeles, scopul este acela de a o menține pe vecie în jug (ceea ce vrea să facă Elita Bogată). Dacă puneți întâi familia, declarați ipso facto că puneți societatea și comunitatea în plan secundar. Ori una, ori alta. Nu puteți servi doi maeștri. Conservatorii în special, se îngrijesc mult mai mult de familiile lor, motiv pentru care mulți dintre ei sunt psihopați libertarieni. Ei vor doar să se închidă în cartierele lor numai de familii „bune”, iar restul societății poate să se ducă dracului. În cazul în care încrucișarea între rude apropiate nu a fost ilegală în multe locuri, cei de dreapta (Right Wingers) ar fi înclinați a se căsători cu surorile și verișorii (de fapt, mulți dintre ei probabil o fac, ceea ce ar explica IQ-ul lor scăzut și natura psihopatică). Suntem Radicali de Stânga (Left Wingers). Aceasta înseamnă că punem Comunitatea mai presus de toate și că aspirăm să aducem la cele mai bune rezultate fiecare persoană. Vrem chiar să-i salvăm pe psihopați, ceea ce este într-adevăr o sarcină dificilă. Atâta timp cât oamenii păstrează această mentalitate nereușită de „familie”, această lume va suferi. Dacă cineva vă întreabă de ce lumea este într-o stare atît de dezgustătoare, explicaţi-le asta și vedeți răspunsul lor. Mai mult decât probabil, ei o vor respinge și ar contempla ALTE lucruri ca pe Probleme mai importante. O societate construită pe temeliile nesigure ale Nucleului Familiar, nu va construi niciodată Turnul Babel și nu va ajunge niciodată la Ceruri. Ei vor continua să trăiască în colibele primitive, negând în același timp că este vorba despre mentalitatea lor de „familia în primul rând” care-i reține acolo.
Aşa funcţionează Sistemul!”
The reason we live in such a shitty world is because each family looks out for itself above all other things. Naturally, this breeds a practically caveman mentality within society, where outsiders (ie, non-family members) are treated with suspicion at best, and outright contempt and loathing at worst.
The most bizarre thing, of course, is that this is deemed “right and good” by virtually everybody. No matter how fucked their family is, people will die to defend it. Even those who admit that their family is not the best and that they would rather have been raised at a public boarding school by geniuses who would recognise and nurture their talents don’t care. They would STILL rather stick to the failed model of the nuclear family than even consider giving communal living a try.
This isn’t just because of the “bonds” people feel with their families, it is also due to the brainwashing by the rich elite and their media puppets.
In many books and movies, the hero’s motivations for going out to do a heroic deed is because he wants to save his family. People look at that and think that’s what is required to be a hero (ie, those who look out for their families are heroic). You couldn’t envision a falser, more toxic mentality to instill into the minds of the society you govern – unless of course, the goal is to keep them subdued forever (which is exactly what the rich elite aim to do).
If you put family first, you are ipso facto declaring that you put society and community last. It’s one or the other. You cannot serve two masters.
Conservatives in particular care much more for their families, which is why so many of them are libertarian psychopaths. They just want to seclude themselves in their family-only neighbourhoods and the rest of society can go to hell. If inbreeding wasn’t illegal in many places, right-wingers would be lining up to marry their own sisters and cousins (in fact, many of them probably do, which would explain their low IQ’s and psychopathic nature).
We are radical left-wingers. This means we put community above all else, and we aspire to bring out the best in each individual. We even aim to save the psychopaths from themselves, which is a difficult task indeed.
As long as people keep with this failed “family first” mentality, this world will suffer. Anytime anyone asks you why the world is in such an abhorrent state, bring this up with them and see their response. They will more than likely reject it and look at ANYTHING else as a bigger problem.
A society built on the shaky foundations of the nuclear family will never build the Tower of Babel and reach the skies. They will continue to live in primitive huts while denying that it’s their “family first” mentality which keeps them there.
So it goes!